Any game where the MC vapes? I feel we are not represented enough in videogames and I would love to play as a vape user.
Any game where the MC vapes? I feel we are not represented enough in videogames and I would love to play as a vape user
Vaping sucks.
I prefer smoking
Metal Gear Solid 5 is all i can think of
My fucking god this has to be bait fucking kek
*tips vape*
Seriously? Are you retarded? Smoking is a shitty habit and it does not need to be represented as a cool thing. I even smoke myself, but I find that shit retarded as a video game character habit outside of some noir type settings.
literally fedora of smoking
Epic, I love h3h3 he's so mature and sophisticated like me.
If you try and goof on vapists you're probably just a dumbass smoker with lung cancer whose pissed off that he will die soon
Probably undertale idk
But I don't smoke and vaping is one of the gayest things I've ever seen.
Whats so bad about vaping? How is smoking better?
Why do you need to do either dumbass.
Venom Snake.
Any game where MC uses xylometazoline?
I feel we are not represented enough in videogames and I would love to play as "My nose is fucking dead" user
You get a load of 5 minute breaks from work.
We have an independent vape store close to my house and it's run by these "bro gamer" types of dudes.
One of them is this tall Mexican kid with the most obnoxious gut I have seen in ages. He looks like a pregnant woman.
Anyway, I went there with my friend one day because he's trying to quit smoking and was looking into a vape. Basically, the store was FILLED with fucking vapor and that Mexican kid was working the counter. He tried to sell us the vape that would blow the most vapor.
"Don't get the weak ones, they ain't shit. Get that strong vape right there. You'll be blowing fucking clouds, bro." That was his sales pitch.
Needless to say, we didn't buy from him.
>Vaping has become serious enough to warrant 'cloud chasing' aka competitive vaping
I wish the earth had a self-detonate mechanism somewhere, I'd press it right now
I understand when people use it to get away from smoking cigarettes but holy hell do a lot of vaper faggots take it one step to far
If you don't believe me just google competitive vaping
>caring about MC character traits aligning with yours
You're justifying the SJWs bitching about muh representation
What mod are you running? I have a Sigelei 150W with a Smok Taste Furious V4 tank and Triple T3 coil. Good, controlled burn, but still an amateur setup.
Russia has it in the mountains of Ural, or so I've heard
welcome to brick and mortar stores
Buy an Innokin Endura, the model doesn't really matter because it's different battery shapes
I think it's dumb myself but if people drop one hobby (cigarettes) for another they're probably gonna enjoy the one with conventions and competitions and hobby builds better, if it helps them stick with it over cigs it's fine in my book
You tell them! Sophisticated and mature youtubers are so fucking great!
t. vapemanchild420
I just hate it when vaping faggots blow clouds in other people's faces and act like they're doing nothing wrong. I work at a baseball stadium as security (not saying where, had enough of 'please get me in free, user!') and we always have the vapers doing that crap. Sure its outside the property when you're on the gate lines, but nobody likes cigarette smoke blown in their face, go do that crap far away from everyone else.
All you goddamn e-cig and vape faggots need to follow the same rules as cigarette smokers.
>helps them quit smoking
Unfortunately, the vapor doesn't quit hit the spot the same way a cigarette does. i used to be a pretty active smoker, then I bought a vape, used that a lot, and then got sick of it.
Now I don't smoke either, but when I go out, I usually end up smoking cigarettes.
This is probably because I don't carry my vape pen around with me, though...
I actually believed this when I first started watching his videos. He's definitely more self-aware than other Youtubers, but he does come off as a self-centered prick a lot.
I still watch his new videos though.
Can you get me a signed hat?
>Tfw local grocery store closed down in 2013 and sat vacant for about two years
>It's now a pawn shop with vape shop behind it
My neighborhood is majority old polish and german families, now you have an influx of young and dumb teens and adults coming in, acting like they own the place.
This to be honest, I tried to break smoking by vaping but it didn't give me the same feeling that a nice cig did. It also made me look like a huge tool, but it's better than dying.
My supervisor always watches us and he's a strict asshole, I would if I could since they place me near the away team lockers before and on field after.
Have a Bartolo Colon instead
How is it an amateur setup? Can you get pro at vaping? skilled at vaping?
People customize their builds and make their own coils, use different batteries capable of using more power (more vapor and more "satisfying" like a cigarette)
Am i the only one who smokes cigarettes because of the cancer?
I smoke because I hate myself, does that count?
I can't help but agree with you, as a person who vapes I find completely asinine that vapers do not think they need to follow smokers etiquette.
Especially when a lot of them don't brush their fucking teeth and blow a fucking cloud in your face that smells like shit.
Do people still play baseball?
Fucking kill yourself
The worst part about vaping is having to tell your parents you're gay.
Vaping is fucking stupid and still bad for you
If you're going to quit smoking quit cold turkey
>Make money from mouth fedoras
>Make liquid and sell it
>Rebuild coils for locals
>Rewrap batteries with whatever they want
I make to much money from it to stop altogether
Bullshit, you vape and you just want to fit in with all the people making fun of it
Please use one of the coils to burn your house down with you inside
false flag
> but nobody likes cigarette smoke blown in their face, go do that crap far away from everyone else
That's why you rebuke them when this happens.
And if they still act like asshole after that, you take that shit out of their mouth and throw it away as hard as possible.