Name ONE game released in the last ten years that Sup Forums didn't shit all over immediately upon release or your opinion of this game is objectively a meme.
Name ONE game released in the last ten years that Sup Forums didn't shit all over immediately upon release or your...
Other urls found in this thread:
Ratchet and Clank remake
Every weebshit RPG. Those always get a free pass.
There are literally hate threads for those at this very moment.
new vegas
Try again. Every single thread for that game so far has been a shitstorm.
Wrong again. There were literally dozens of hate threads for both of those games every day before and after release.
>new vegas
you're right because YOU COULDN'T PLAY IT AT RELEASE
Enter The Gungeon
Nope. There were plenty of shitposting threads for that game as well, sorry.
As much as I love that game, Sup Forums hated it.
Oh no, people have opinions that aren't all the same.
They are all the same.
They are unanimously hateful because being a hater is a meme.
>I loved it, but the Sup Forums didnt
I fail to see the problem.
Retards like to use that as an excuse to shitpost.
If you're having trouble discerning shitposts from actual discussion that's an entirely different problem mang
30fps cinematic experience
Memes are a problem, user. Everyone who isn't a retard understands this.
FTL was pretty highly praised
AA2 also had positive threads
ps, waifuwatch sux
enjoy 6v6 on blizz only servers lol
But there was far more hate than praise for both of those games.
My point is really straightfoward, hating is a meme on this board, and so if you are a hater, your opinion doesn't matter because it's just a meme.
LOL, Sup Forums fucking hated Revengence my god, confirmed newfag post of the year.
With Sup Forums, I really can't. People either bait, have actual retarded opinions, or they backhandedly shitpost.
>Every single thread for that game so far has been a shitstorm.
You wot m8?
Those are pretty much everytime like this
>game is cool
>but PS2 one were better
>everyone agree
>then there is a shitstorm to know which of GC or UYA is the best...
Everyone pretty much agree that it's a good game
Even the ones who've never played R&C before this one...
Lol, you are literally delusional. Here's a link to a thread full of shitposts right now:
Blown the fuck out. Goodbye.
You retard ?
He's talking about the movie
LOL, read the thread. Holy shit, make sure and take the blindfold off when you do it you autist.
It's almost like lots of people post in this board
It's almost like a lot of people are robots posting memes and not actually individual people with personalities.
Ben and Ed, and it was just released recently.
But you'll probably ignore this because it doesn't help your agenda.
>Sup Forums fucking hated Revengence
you're batshit insane son
we dubbed multiple songs on soundtrack for fucks sake we loved it so much
do you shill overwatch for free, or did blizz give you beta access at least?
>Sup Forums fucking hated Revengence
Please, you probably hadn't even left reddit by the time it came out you cum-slurping faggot. Sup Forums loves Revengeance, and it always has (besides a vocal minority of course).
Dark Souls
Okey, they are now speaking of Video games adapted to movies.
What's you're point? Where is the shitstorm about the game itself?
The only post about the game is
Nah, I won't ignore it. But everyone else will because there's literally no threads about it at all, since nobody knows about it.
So the only way a game doesn't get meme'd on by Sup Forums is if nobody posts a thread about it. Once again proving my point that all Sup Forums can do is post memes.
>a small minority of Sup Forums posters liked it and produced fan content for it, so that means the overwhelming majority of Sup Forums didn't fucking shit all over it constantly for weeks upon release
Holy shit, kill yourself. Calling me a shill when you shill this hard for Revengence? Oh the IRONY.
You're mad.
Here, have another shit meme thread about R&C:R
The entire fucking board was nothing but Revengence and Revengence memes, kill yourself
>shill this hard for Revengence
>implying that game needs it
Gave yourself away there.
Please, you first. You're ACTUALLY wrong and it's legitimately second-hand embarrassing that you're trying to push it so hard.
Gave what away? That your shitty attempt to provide an example of Sup Forums not just being a meme factory full of mindless shitfaced robots posting memes all day failed?
Not my fault.
>a small minority of Sup Forums posters liked it
Ah, so this really is your first day on Sup Forums. Welcome friend.
>shitty attempt to provide an example of Sup Forums not just being a meme factory full of mindless shitfaced robots posting memes all day
Holy fuck, are you reaching desperately.
>I'm new because I'm right
Oh wow, you'll fit right in here if you decide to stay. Did you learn how to meme like that on reddit? It sure seems like it, kiddo.
>calling out Sup Forums is bait
How can you even defend this, LOL.
>Sup Forums not just being a meme factory full of mindless shitfaced robots posting memes all day
jesus user, get a therapist
you can still enjoy your waifu shooter even if internet people called it shit
>if I keep using the buzzwords I saw on /r/Sup Forums, people will really think I'm cool!
You need to go back.
>shitty glittered tf2 clone pandering to waifu NEETs
It's the best bait since Undertale
Wonderful 101
Red Dead
This is not hard.
I don't even play overwatch. I'm just using it as meme bait because it's the current shitshow of the day and it illustrates my point perfectly.
>you're new
>you're not new, just from another board
LOL, this damage control. Now you're just contradicting yourself.
Undertale was really well received and had a ton of great threads until we realised people outside of Sup Forums liked it.
>using the term damage control.
And you've jumped the shark. Here's your >(you)
>I can just list games I enjoyed and pretend Sup Forums didn't have dozens of shitpost threads every day for every single one of them.
Why even bother posting at all.
Hotline Miami
Wasn't even him.
Dragons dogma, shovel knight, shantae
You know. Good games
>(you) meme
Thanks kiddo, here's yours.
Memes are fun aren't they?
Here, I'll play your game. Source me. Find me at least 5 shitposting threads about W101 within 2 months of it coming out from the archive, and I will cede the point. Otherwise you're just a meme yourself, spouting "IT WAS HATED" at everything mentioned.
I'll wait.
>/r/Sup Forums
>another board
Really champ, it's time to stop posting. You've already made a complete fool of yourself, so please stop digging yourself deeper.
>go waste your day looking through archives for me because I don't have to support my point with evidence
I posted my OP asking anyone to do exactly what you're asking me to do. It doesn't work that way bub, you first.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution gets some shit lately, but on launch it was universally loved.
Human Revolution. IIRC Sup Forums stopped shitting on it after the demo, so even before it was released.
>I am saying that every game has been shit on on Sup Forums.
>I refuse to back up my argument with citation
>I will just simply state "YOU'RE WRONG" as my argument to anything you say to the contrary without notation or proof.
Hope your mom gives you an extra big hug before bed tonight champ, you seem pretty stressed.
>literally doesn't know what boards there are on Sup Forums
please tell me you're trolling
Let me lay this out for you clearly.
I posted my OP asking for ANYONE to find ONE game in the last TEN YEARS that wasn't hated on by Sup Forums upon release.
That's asking YOU to do something.
Then you come in here and list a bunch of games, providing no evidence of your claim to have satisfied my request, and then you ask me to do it for you.
Try harder next time.
I'm proud of (you), my punchingbag's son.
>literally saying nonsense at this point
>somehow implying that a subreddit is a board
user, do you have alzheimers?
No no, you illiterate fuckshit. You said to NAME one. NAME
I gave you MULTIPLE names.
Go get your glasses man, you need to learn to fuckin read brah.
You said, and I'll quote it since you can't be bothered to scroll up to see what you typed, you mongloid - "Name ONE game released in the last ten years that Sup Forums didn't shit all over immediately upon release or your opinion of this game is objectively a meme."
I named multiple. Show me that I'm wrong, otherwise I've met your requirement for this rampant intellectual discourse, and you've floundered by being unable to repudiate my point.
Literal suicide watch for OP.
Did you made a bait post just to prove me wrong?
Come on, it's an anonymous imageboard. No one will know that you were wrong, the same way no one will know that I was right...
You haven't named a single one because you haven't proven that you named games that satisfy my request.
What should we take it on, your WORD? I guess I should just have faith in you, right?
You need to prove that you named games that meet the requirements I gave, which you have not done, otherwise, you might have named games that DON'T.
Fucking moron. Learn how to logic.
>name a bird
This is your argument now.
I named a thing, you cannot prove me wrong, you are a literal dipshit with a sub par grasp of the English vernacular.
Risk of rain, although that might be because somebody from /agdg/ made it and Sup Forums was just so amazed that somebody on this mongolian shitposting board for toddlers has any modicum of talent. It's still an awesome game though.
I have unironically fapped to acrid lewds
There are a lot of shitpost about Sm4sh saying that it sucks even more than brawl
Dunno about the other...
Bluejays are commonly known to be birds.
The games you listed are not commonly known to have been loved by Sup Forums and not hated on.
You need to prove that. You haven't.
I don't need to DISPROVE it you fucking autist, I'm LITERALLY ASKING YOU to prove that VERY THING in my OP, and fucking anyone on the planet with a brain would interpret my OP the way I'm explaining it, but you're twisting it into some bullshit that it clearly doesn't imply just to defend yourself because you fucked up.
Jesus christ.
Not gonna (You) your other posts but you're a straight up downie. You refer to Sup Forums as if it were its own entity.
Sup Forums is a group, I'm referring to the group.
That's like saying if I refer to "America" I'm referring to an entity.
I guess in a manner of speaking I am, but you get what I mean.
Are you dense? You asked us to name you games, they were named, you are now saying "Well they might have been shit on." which you're then implying means they were shit on.
So your argument is now "Due to lack of further research nobody knows which games were shit on or not, but I'm making a jump in conclusion to say that all games were shit on."
Also you would need to show some threads that proves the games were shit on, people here would have to show you every thread ever to prove that it was not shit on. You cannot set a burden of proof that is "If it happens once that proves the point." but then not be bothered to prove it ever happened.
W101 is commonly known to be loved. Just because you say it's not, doesn't mean that it wasn't.
You need to prove it was shit upon. You are a literal dullard. I can't even with you. Your argument is "I said every game is shit and has had shit threads posted about it." I would need to link you every thread about the game ever in existence, and you would need to read each one to acknowledge that it wasn't shit on in each thread.
Are you literally a retard? Do you understand how stupid of a concept that is? You want me to post you every thread so you can see them that they weren't shit posted in, Where as you can find a handful of threads where it was shit on to say "Look and see, it was shit on."
Holy fucking god damn you're making the rest of us dumber by the minute.
>he is literally this mad
Hotline Miami
>typing an argument is mad
You should probably learn to type faster, if you've ever taken a course, you would have a WPM in excess of 120, enabling you to type up statements of length like I am at this moment, in a timely fashion.
Oh >(you)
Because I didn't ask you to "name games"
I SPECIFIED what games. You need to demonstrate that those games fit into the CATEGORY of games I specified. YOU HAVEN'T. You just listed games that may or may fucking not.
PROVE IT. Prove that they meet the CATEGORY OF GAMES.
This is like arguing that ghosts or God exist and are real, in response to me asking for evidence of their existence.
Let's try it, shall we?
Name a ghost or a deity that exists.
Go on, name one.
>names several
>No, those don't exist user. Try again.
Fuck off, seriously. You've lost.
>you can find a handful of threads and show that it was shit on
Sorry, why can't you do this as well? Why can't you simply find a handful of threads demonstrating your side of the argument and make the same inference I have made, only the opposite?
At best, you'd prove you are right and I'd have to concede. I PROMISE YOU I will concede if you can do that. Find five threads. Five. No, find three.
THREE THREADS and I will concede.
TEN YEARS of archives. ANY GAME. Go.
>Because I didn't ask you to "name games"
From OP: "Name ONE game"
>I SPECIFIED what games.
In the last ten years, yes we saw, and I named games from that time period.
That was never a criteria. Also the 'proof' is to show you every thread about the game ever, that's a literal impossibility.
>This is like arguing that ghosts or God exist and are real, in response to me asking for evidence of their existence.
Sure, if the argument wasn't equally unattainable for both sides, however your side of the argument "Prove it was ever shit on" requires one simple citation. The other requires all material on the subject ever in creation, which again, is impossible. Your argument is "do an impossible thing".
>Name a ghost or a deity that exists.
You are now asking another rhetorical question, one that has definite positive proof capable of record. Your new argument is simply as daft as the prior.
>You've lost.
When you learn to converse with adults and hold a debate without jumping to illogical fallacies, come back and see us. So long buddy.
For the last fucking time.
I didn't ask you to name ANY GAMES.
I asked you to name "games that Sup Forums didn't shit on immediately upon release".
You named a bunch of games that MAY OR MAY NOT meet that requirement. YOU NEED TO SHOW THAT THEY DO.
How the fuck can you be this bad at logic and actually believe you're not.
Ace Attorney 3.
Now where is my money
I am fairly certain you are a dullard.
Your argument is "Every game was shit on."
So you posit, "Prove a game was never shit on."
This is impossible to prove without you reading every thread ever made about said games.
Still following me?
Now, this is highly time consuming. I would have to source every thread about the game ever made.
Does that make sense? Let me know where I'm losing you.
If you were show us at least one thread where the game is shit on, then your argument could stand on merit as well as your own word.
However you are saying "Show me every bit of data on each game, ever, or my argument is correct simply on lack of proof that it was bad."
You could infer that at least one molecule of salt water in the ocean is sentient by this argument, when the necessary contradiction would be to prove that every molecule of salt water was in fact, not sentient.
This is your rational, everything is one thing, because you have not shown me every bit of data.
You are wrong in your argument, I am sorry to break it to you.
Well for lack of posting, I'll just assume OP is trying to figure out how to tell me I need to prove it again, and will not contain new information relevant to the conversation.
So long.
My argument was not "every game was shit on".
My CLAIM was "nobody here can show a game wasn't shit on"
Thus, my argument goes more like this:
"If a game exists that Sup Forums didn't shit on, nobody can show it."
I'm fairly sure you're also pulling at straws here, because I posted a challenge to make this even easier.
Find three threads. Ten years. Go.
Notice, even if I were making the bullshit argument you're trying to strawman into my mouth, it would be based on an INFERENCE yes? Because clearly I haven't read every fucking thread in existence either. Instead, I've read a finite number, and then I generalize from that sample.
You can do the same thing. IN fact I know that's what you're doing, only, those samples are drawn from your memory, since, I don't see any links being posted to threads. Therefore, how does any observer, completely neutral, with no bias and no relationship to Sup Forums or anything else going on here, have any reason to believe you?
Because you keep calling me names and demand you're good at logic?
Fucking LOL.
>Sup Forums hated revengance
It's obvious that you havent been on Sup Forums very long, either that or this is some crappy b8 thread.
I shouId really stop browsing here
>implying neo/v/ has been here for even at least half a decade
It is a bait thread, I've already admitted that much earlier.
But it was bait with a purpose. I'm trying to prove a point. Nobody can link three threads from ten years of archives for a single game (upon release) where the majority of posts were either positive or neutral and not filled with shitposts.
And so far nobody has.
Jesus christ guys, let's make this into a straightforward challenge, step-by-step, this is what I am asking for:
1. Three threads.
2. All for the same game (not three different games)
3. Posted during the first week of that game's release
4. Posted on Sup Forums
5. Had at least ten replies.
6. At least 50% of those replies were positive or neutral.
7. Game was released in the last ten years.
To reiterate my OP as fucking retard proof as can be:
"I bet you can't do this."
>I'll give him three minutes to come up with a response and then bail because I know he can't possibly be right
Pathetic, I was hoping for a real debate partner to soothe my boredom but I guess not.
I don't believe the current Sup Forums archive goes back 10 years.
Sup Forums seemed to enjoy Dark Souls upon release
How far back does it go?
I'll concede to any game as far back as it does, but if it's less than a year, then I'll be fair and just let it remain a mystery, as evidence would then no longer exist.
I dare you to sift through the archives and find a single shitpost about this game
Clearly this is the best game of all time
ghost trick
>in the last ten years
You cheating cunt.
Not kidding, Undertale.
It's going to take a long while for a game to surpass the shitstorm it created when it was released.
Terraria and for the most part stardew valley
I didn't dig very deep, but this is the longest-reaching archive I could find.
That's the oldest page.
This is the oldest thread, dated October 7th, 2015. So not even a year.