Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums.

Stellaris release date soon. I have option right now to get it as pre-order, for some reduced price and some bonus DLC (in addition to that cosmetic one for each pre-order or maybe the shop mess a bit).

Should I get it?

I mean, it comes from devs of Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis, but it is marketed as somewhat mix of GalCiv with EU. Screenshoots suggest whole different aproach than EU too. I wont lie - while Im bit excited by idea of space grand strategy and had fun as kid with first EU, I got kinda bored with EU III when I tried it three years ago. Never tried Crusader Kings II either, due to their EULA claiming that they would collect info about me.

Should I? Or not? And why?

Thanks for any reply, like always.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nigga, the game looks comfy as shit. I'm gonna sit in my pajamas with hot chocolate and colonize the stars.

Dunno why this game isnt talked about on Sup Forums

The hype is killing me.

Because Paradox grand strategy titles are infamously bare bones at launch, then "supplemented" by overpriced DLC you're expected to pay out the asshole for.

Maybe becaue grand strategy is niche genre.

After all, it was dominated so far by Paradox EU/CK series, which were pretty slow and not as flashy as everyday consumer expect.

But hearing that this one should combine 4x elements into grand strategy, plus being set in SPACE, makes me consider buying.

The question is, should I or not?

>more paradox cancer

Now with even more bugs and other issues at release. Don't forget to buy all DLC for those missing features like color palettes for your units.

Pirate then decide.

One of the reasons, I pay for games is just to not bother with all issues of pirating (problematic downloading, malware, etc).

Yes, that is a risk too. Yet, this is new series, so that brings hope.

And I want to pay people for their work.

My hype is building but Paradox is infamous for buggy releases. The pre-order doesn't give you anything interesting so I'll probably wait a few days and see if it's working well before buying.

Sup Forums is pretty much 90% console kids talking about the latest exclusives that will be forgotten in a few weeks.

They enjoy defending their chosen companies more than playing the actual games.

The price might not be the same in my case, thats why I asked.

Well, I've only seen a few dev/EA footage, but it seems stable and functional. I have a better feeling about it than most Paradox things, so if you save significant money by pre-ordering I'd say it is probably worth it.

It'll get patched over time anyways. Even if Paradox doesn't do it, the community will.

not much to talk about. just waiting for it to release in a couple days

Go to the /vg/ thread.

Also it looks pretty good but I'm afraid it'll be too casual. I want maximum autism in meticulously planning my federation. Especially when it comes to Diplomacy.

Ma nigger.

Not been so hyped for ages.

Calculated how much I spent on EU4 vs how much time I got out of it and it worked out as one of the cheapest games I have even after buying all the major expansions.

If "casual" as "casual compared to EU" then I guess Im okay with that.

And I usually have bad experience with asking /vg/ generals about opinions.

>so if you save significant money by pre-ordering

Around 30EUR vs 40EUR.

>so if you save significant money by pre-ordering

it is despised in /gsg/ because of the autism

So it means that /gsg/ hates it because it is not autistic enough?

Sounds like a reason to buy.

to be fair gsg hates everything that isn't vicky 2 or hoi2

/gsg/ hate Paradox even if they enjoy their games.
Also game looks like it is worth pirating as it looks bare bones and with little of content and not working well mechanics.

They dont like EU anymore?

It truly is.

>That moment when the Ikarzuri realized they had fucked up:


>So it means that /gsg/ hates it because it is not autistic enough?

Pretty much this

/gsg/ hates it because they are contrarian faggots.
They used to shit on EU4 constantly before and after release too while playing EU3 and saying how much better it was.

They spawned some rebel fraction or what? Who would be that "unbinden"?

Most of Sup Forums are casual TF2scum who are jerking off over Overwatch/Battleborn.

They researched technology that was marked as "dangerous", screwed up, and opened a portal for interdimensional invaders who started taking over everything.

I think it is because paradox games are really shitty one. At best mediocre.
But there is nothing else that can compete.
So they play this Parashit they have and hate it but their hunger for gsg is too great so they can't stop.
They know it and that is why they hate it.

/gsg/ isn't a real general anymore. It's gone the way of the Starcraft 2 and LoL generals, in that it's just a small number of dedicated shitposters with at least seven layers of irony up at all times. They don't have a real opinion on anything

One of the screenshoots showed tech for self-aware AI as "dangerous".

Does it mean that if I would want to develop robotic waifus, they would eat me alive?

>the Cosmic Horror faction hits the Fallen Empire and just stops

They could go rogue and rebel if infected by a feminism virus. Then they need no man and remove meatbags.
So remember to use protection.

Looks like they were already isolated for a long time. They probably figured best case they get a leap in tech, worst case we lose and take all our neighbor bullies with us.

Researched far enough, that tech has chance for an AI to become sentient. And maybe take control of all robots and declare all organics to be exterminated. I don't know the specifics.

There's also the invaders coming through another dimension if you research too much into dangerous jump drive tech.

There are few more, I think. Not all of them require research, and can just happen randomly to spice up the late game even if you are careful with the research. Like an alien menace invading from outside the galaxy. Basically your Tyranids.

So what happened here? One faction researched something they shouldn't have and brought some super advanced race from another galaxy to theirs?

Basically, yeah.

But it didn't happen until around 120 years into the game. So it's definitely not an early or a mid-game event.

>Should I preorder x?

No. Are you mentally challenged?

Posting Empire Designer Link


You know warhammer 40k?
The eye of terror and the Chaos Gods?
Literally that

I listed reasons why I consider pre-ordering.

Why you drop down whole idea from the start?

Pre-ordering without reason is stupid. Pre-ordering for lower price, from trusted dev and for bonuses, not so much.

>preorder bonuses
>from devs of Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis

Those are all red flags. I'd reccomend Distant Worlds: Universe.

How is GalCiv3? I haven't played it but really enjoyed the second one.

The only real bonus you get is the free race portrait DLC pack:


The DLC races are the last pictures in every category. Look okay, but nothing special.

Galciv 3 is shit

>Distant Worlds: Universe
>Nearly 60 EUR


Shop mention some bonus race in addition to those portraits. I wonder if they just want to mess with buyers or what.

You get one extra portrait if you buy the more expensive edition.

But all the "races" are just portraits. They don't affect any game mechanics.

What about ~10EUR in price difference?

Just pirate it if you can't afford it.

digital soundtrack and shit like this

Care to elaborate why or should I just disregard you?

>Go to the /vg/ thread.
Is there a specific Stellaris post? Because i'm not going in to /gsg/, they can fuck right off.

We're not your parents. Decide for yourself if something looks like worth of 10 eurobucks.

Why you guys insist on pirating everything?

Are those space lanes/gates? Can you only travel along them or does it depend on what kind of FTL you have?

There are 3 kinds of travel in Stellaris.

Warp: You power up your drive and jump wherever you want. Slowish and requires the biggest engine space/powerplant.

Hyperspace: Medium speed with smaller engine space. Requires using space lanes between stars so it can take time to travel to a star several jumps away.

Wormholes: You build a wormhole relay which allows instantaneous travel to anywhere in the network. Requires you to build wormhole stations to extend your reach.

There's also a warhammer 40k leap through the warp type thing which is super fast but super risky I think.

I couldnt decide, which is why I asked for opinions ;_;

I don't pirate games but If someone is so poor they can't afford a game I still think they should be able to enjoy a game.

One of the games I've had the most fun with was star ruler. How similar is Stellaris to that?

>There's also a warhammer 40k leap through the warp type thing which is super fast but super risky I think.

C-c-can you attract the attention of Chaos gods?

>Distant Worlds: Universe.
that game is the cheesiest piece of shit ive ever played

That sounds good enough I guess.

Can you build planets, space habitats, ring-worlds, planetary thrusters and other cool stuff? I've been playing Star Ruler 2.

Yeah, that's the risky part of it.

There are several end game cris scenarios because the developers said they dont want to have that situation where at a certain point you are so powerful that the game is almost over.

One of that end game crisis event are interdimensional invaders, other could be an invasion from another Galaxy, an AI revolt or something else, i belive even an Fallen Empire suddenly going on full conquering and expanding again.

These end game crisis can be triggered by certain events like researching A.I technology or colonising on a Ring world with unknown consequences.
But it is also possible that nothing will happen.

The "Unbidden" faction is pretty much that.

>why don't you throw away all your money ?

>look at all the features for Stellaris
>hype growing
>remember that paradox is a dick and has shitty launches and poor design decisions
>trying not to get hyped
Please help me, Sup Forums, at least I haven't preordered it

Wtach either one of the Trailers here:


or the Lets play by one of the Developers, but keep in mind that this was played with an old build:


Just remember that game won't even be good until about $50 of DLC has come out.

This guy is right. He just gave the shortest answer possible.

If you truly liked galciv2 then you will be in for disappointment with galciv3. At least for now, it is possible it may be made good with expansions & mods. I do not have the time to go into everything wrong with it.

How much DLC is this going to have?

I think there is one about finding a ringworld too

Not shilling, I'm just legitimately hyped for this game because I've watched some of the streamers and it looks like the best 4X game ever made.

I'm just really disappointed with how GalCiv3 turned out, and the new MoO remake was garbage as well.

Stellaris, however, looks fucking fantastic. Especially since you can actually win by being a diplomacy shitter and manipulating everyone through bribes and sabotage and spies. I hate how most 4X titles just punish you and make it impossible if you don't go balls deep into military supremacy.

>can genocide or enslave populations
>can be fanatically xenophobic
Oh god I want it
Let me kill xenos

I think the launch version will be pretty good.

But I can also think a lot of areas they can add to and milk that expansion money. Like espionage, more complex politics, super advanced tech like death stars etc. etc.

Yeah, they'll be selling. And I'm probably buying.

So can I find a perfectly suitable planet for my species that is unfortunately already inhabited by less technologically advanced life and enslave/exterminate them? This is important.

You can build space stations and terraform planets. In the latest multiplayer event, one of the AI empires had a huge ring world built around a sun, with its own population units and industrial/agrarian/trading etc. districts.

Don't really know what you mean by space habitats.

That is literally part of the "end-game crisis" scenarios that they built into the game.

There are a lot of late-game technologies that you can research by they are flagged as "high risk", meaning, if you develop them, it could cause a galactic crisis that threatens every race in the game, including yours.

They give a few examples, one of which is, if you develop traveling through the warp dimension, it can cause an alien menace of cthulu-like tentacle-rape monsters to invade and consume all life in the galaxy, and the threat is so huge that it actually requires everyone to ally and defend against it, otherwise you might actually lose the game.

Another example is sentient AI, which boosts your productivity massively, but you run the risk of inciting a machine uprising, which eventually leads to a new AI faction that can actually take over the entire galaxy and destroy all "organic" races.

Check out the dev blog on end-game crisis scenarios. They've hinted at more but haven't mentioned all of them yet. I'm sure there's at least a dozen or so.

You can have a diplomatic victory in Star Ruler 2. In fact I won a without even having to fight because I was lucky enough to have ally between me and the hostile faction. I just kept gifting my ally ships and resources to let him do the fighting.

Yes, you can do both.
You can also uplift them technologically and vassalize them or do like the aliens in "They Live" and switch out their leaders with masked members of your own species.

Oh fuck...I can feel the hype overtaking me! Soon as it goes on sale I'm gonna have to get it.

A space habitat is basically just a space station that acts like a very very very small planet.

Actually, there are racial traits you can choose when you design your faction that make it so you get mad bonuses for having slaves.

In some of the twitch streams that are up right now they are making use of this mechanic. I forget the name of the guy, the one with the most viewers right now, he has slaves on most of his colonies that used to be indigenous species.

The game actually rewards you for using slaves by making them way more productive than normal workers, but the consequence is that any races who don't like slavery will dislike you. Races with slaves of their own however, won't give a fuck and might even like you.

Pretty much this, but do take note that CK2 was an excellent game even without DLCs. It was EU4 that was fucking garbage until the third dlc, Art of War, was released.

That being said, I won't be preordering this game because preordering is stupid and you should always wait with games.

>Distant Worlds
That game was a shitpile.

GalCiv3 is about as unimpressive.

Got a copy for my birthday, I've been spending each and every day cock in hand waiting to begin the great xeno purge.

I am mildly concerned that I won't enjoy it much in the end. The only Paradox grand strategy game I went hog wild over was CK2, and that's because it's a hell of a lot of fun to roleplay along with whatever character you end up with. Get some noble warmonger and expand your empire, then his degenerate son takes over the throne and you crumble your own kingdom by pissing your vassals off non-stop by fucking their wives and running constant hunts and tournaments, etc. EU4 is fun enough but the fluff in CK2 is what really keeps me.

On the other hand, Stellaris looks like it might be a better game than Paradox has done. Mechanically it all sounds pretty solid, and it actually looks like it should be a hell of a lot better than Distant Worlds which is its most direct competitor.

Dunno. Whatever the case I'm looking forward to playing it. Even if I can't jerk off imagining my king's gigantic rape-dungeon.

Whatever his reasons for not buying it are irrelevant.

The game isn't worth your time let alone your money.

My first playthrough will be a Divine Mandate that enslaves lesser species in the mines. I think you can also modify the genes of primitive species that you uplift so I'm going to try and make a slave race tailored toward mad mineral production.

Now your rape dungeon will be full of exotic xeno babes though.

Isn't there a SPACE mod for CK2?

I actually have a similar plan for my first playthrough.

Divine mandate, anthropoid insect race called the Weavers of Truth, who spread this belief in a prophecy that the coming age of Psionics is upon us, and those with the gift of Psi are the chosen ones that will lead us into a transcendent plane of existence.

I want to try and corner the market on Zro as quickly as possible and set up my race as something like the Navigator Guild from Dune, playing the diplomacy game and trying to win by controlling the best technologies and sabotaging the research of my competitors.

Also, we will accept slaves as bribes, as long as they are "mindless". The Mindless are fit to serve no other purpose but manual labor in the glorious enlightened empire that is to come.

>Even if I can't jerk off imagining my king's gigantic rape-dungeon.
I always wondered if it was normal when I had a raving erection while looking for a proper wife for my character. Still not sure what makes the trick since all you see is their portrait.

Poor Eldar. How could anyone be so cruel?

I would rather hug her, pet her ears and kiss forehead, while gently holding her hand.

And then she stabs you in the face because she's an aspect warrior devoid of any personality, who feels literally nothing because she's compartmentalized her psyche in order to avoid going insane due to the influence of Slaanesh.

Will I be able to make the spice flow in this game?

I don't know a whole lot about warhammer but don't the elves look on all other races as sub-elf un-evolved primitive scum? I doubt she would let you touch her.

I hope they expand on religion/belief systems, I'd love to be able to designate my own worlds as Holy like the fallen empires do.

Spice is literally in this game and it is called Zro.


Scroll down to Zro.


Navigator's Guild is a thing you can build in this game after you research Zro Distillation.

If only... If only Kirches were here... We'd not have to deal with aliums, but some corrupt democrats in space.

Ah shit. First thing I'm gonna do is change that to Melange. This game will be as moddable as CK2 right?

How about space tourism?

I saw a story about that. Their ears are their sensitive area and once gently petted, they will fall into your arms.

Trust me.

They really do?

What about "Love can bloom"? Was that all lie? ;_:

>Never tried Crusader Kings II either, due to their EULA claiming that they would collect info about me.
Pretty sure Stellaris does it as well, fyi.
See 5. Collection of Information

Yes, and yes. Both are in/possible.

Game will be very mod friendly, that's one of the biggest things they've been pushing with the hype campaign so far.