ITT : Games you'd buy if remastered
ITT : Games you'd buy if remastered
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Well im sorry to hear that
its fine as is, the graphics hold up remarkably well
Without shit like locked 17fps this would be actually pretty neat.
I'd buy 2 copies
The fact that this IP has not received any love will always bother me.
I got so pissed at this game. Played it, right up until the first guy turns into the thing. Then I loaded an old save and killed the guy before he transformed and he just fucking died. Apparently he's not the Thing until the game says he is.
fuck you game
There are some points where they all turn. Before the first boss fight, for example.
It wouldn't hold up in today's world. I did love it though, it was terrifying sometimes.
Does anyone else prefer buying the original versions to remasters? HD remasters tend to have cut content, like the MGS HD collection missing some minigames, or glitches, like the Ratchet and Clank HD collection making Ratchet's helmet too big for his head, and not playing the final boss music in R&C1.
Yeah but the problem is that they marketed the game to be about the psychological element of not knowing who could be the Thing. You have to watch your teammates closely etc.
But it wasn't like that, because it was all completely scripted. You were either going to fight them or not, there was nothing you could do to stop it and working out someone was The Thing had no influence on gameplay because you still had to wait for the event to trigger for them to actually transform.
They tried to pretend it was something more than just an action game, which it wasn't.
You mean sequel, right?
I wouldn't buy the game if it was remastered.
But if it was remade? Fuck yeah, I'd be interested.
The fact we don't have a proper The Thing yet is dumb as fuck.
It depends on the remake in question. Obviously those examples aren't great, but the Resident Evil remakes have all been fucking superb, and absolutely preferable to the originals in every sense excepting nostalgia.
there you go. remastered.
>Resident Evil remakes
Do you mean the recent HD ports, or the GameCube Resident Evil remake?
Either case is the same point.
The Remake of RE is of course far better than the original game. The remaster of that remake is better than the original Gamecube version.
The GC remasters of 2 & 3 were superior versions of the games, and the recent remaster of Zero is the best version of that game.
All of them are preferable to their originals.
Gran Turismo 3
gt2 was way better
Unlikely, but still.
Definitely 4, but I'd pay more money if I got the holy trinity in one disc.
That looks so legit
Holy shit I forgot this game existed. Was it any good?
I'll find a copy of Rule of Rose someday.
>40 second intro
also a more detailed dark souls would be cool, BB and 3's interiors were fantastic
replayed this the other day, no problem.
hells yeah
Came here to post this
Fuck remasters, I want a goddamn 1:1 remake with these graphics.
Already remastered though
especially if it stays in 60fps as well
>There will never be a remake of this
>If there is a remake, it'll have to take the retarded twist of MGSV into account.
I would pay 60 US dollars for a remastered re-release of this series on PC.
>expecting this kind gameplay complexity
this was my jam when i was a kid. those freeroam levels, flying around java shooting bugs.
man this was a fucking classic.
Do you think Spyro's model in that pic has butthole?
They still make PS2s?
Pic related
Haven't played this, but it would seem great.
>Apparently he's not the Thing until the game says he is.
FUCK That's very disappointing
Remaster the graphics, the controls, make it no more than $40 and include guard on the disc (there's literally no reason they couldn't have done this).