Quick question

Quick question
Which jRPG is you favourite and why
Pic releted , it was my first rpg and it just blow my mind

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Pokemon because I really enjoyed when I was young, other than that Dragon Quest V and VIII, FF6.

i liked ff7 as well OP, until i outgrew JRPGs at least.

prepare to be flooded with weebs FF9 fags telling you that your opinion is wrong though

it's ff7 because it has so many materias, so much happens in it, and varies constantly with minigames, fighting, story, and cool events. It's also the silliest FF and I think that's what made it so popular.

i like ff7 the most too OP because it had big swords for cloud and tifa was cute and big those too ; )

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story.

Ridiculously fun and over the top, and playing as both the Bros and Bowser working together was nice.

Is it the same guy starting all these threads with ff7 screenshots?

You need to play more jrpgs than Final Fantasy games. It's pretty mediocre and entry-level

I've played a shitload of JRPGs and FFV is still my favorite.

Must be nostalgia because the game is more style than substance.
ATB is trash, even Atlus has made better combat systems like Press-turn

It's not nostalgia.

Chrono trigger

So you enjoy combat systems that are 50% waiting?
ATB was only done right in a grand total of 1 FF game

Chrono Trigger for 2D, Xenoblade Chronicles for 3D.

>"why are people discussing videogames"

Demons Souls/ Bloodborne is my favorite JRPG.

If you don't count those than FFXII/ Tactics in terms of turn based ones, and FFVI in terms of old school ones.
i know im pretty casual in terms of jrpg

>So you enjoy combat systems that are 50% waiting?
Are you implying that most JRPGs don't have this problem?


Amazing Story
Huge amount of sprite assets
Fluid animation
Lots of customizability for your party/castle
Fun magic system
Hidden EVERYTHING (spells, areas, armor etc.)


Music can be a little weak sometimes
Like all JRPG's, once you know what you're doing it becomes very easy

Valkyrie Profile

Do japanese roguelikes count?


Just travelling to each town doing random quests can be fun for a whole day.

never played the series

I better fire up my old psx and burn me some Suikoden

Lunar 1-2

Start with I before you play II

It's like 10 hours long but it's pretty fun

Overrated garbage

obviously, release order

any tips?

Chrono Trigger

Its one of those few games that really made me feel like I was on an adventure. I think the defining moment for me was when i partied with a bunch of cavemen, got drunk and watched a dom cave woman fuck her husband.

I'm and I say unless you're a hardcore fan of JRPG's, you should play 1 with a character recruitment guide so you can get all the chars and, unlock the best ending, and get cool stuff in Suikoden II.

You should play II like 8 times to get everything. It's fun and pretty enough to warrant it.

Pic related. Faggot.


I dont like using guides on my first playthrough

I'll just have to trust my honed vidya instincts

fucking idiot

Chrono Trigger Cross or Radiant Historia I think.

Trigger was the first jrpg I beat, I rented it and had to keep restarting when someone would rent it and delete my file, probably took me a hundred hours over a year or two.

Cross was different but also fantastic and I loved almost everything about it. Radiant Historia had similar themes to the other and felt like a modern callback.

Okay well. I'll give you some tips..

There's a character in the later parts of the game named Kreutz. He's in an office in the Dragon's Den. As soon as you see him and it's possible, talk to him and have Humphrey in your party to recruit him.

If you don't do this, you will miss him, and Humphrey won't be able to join you to recruit him for the last 10% of the game.

You need all 108 characters to get the best ending.

Mosqitoes drop holy runes which let you walk fast, make sure you farm a couple early game.

Level up Pahn and give him good gear. It is necessary for later events in the game to get the best ending.

Make sure to revisit lots of places after big events. Usually new characters appear in towns you've already visited.

Uh... that's the most I can think of off the top of my head.

>gets called out
>"you i-idiot!"
Come on, at least call me a nigger.

>Valkyrie Profile

>Vagrant Story

>Chrono Cross

>Suikoden II

Megaman starforce 3

I think Persona 4, I'd fallen into a rut where I just had no interest in playing games for more than an hour or two then not caring to come back to it. And when that game came out I liked it enough to play it for hours and hours on end, so while it's not a perfect game it broke me out of a rut, so it gets fondness points for that

thanks man I appreciate it

>108 characters

oh god this is gonna be good

Pretty great list other than Cross.

never thought about it, but resonance of fate and pandora tower are pretty close to something like that.

Cross is the best from the traditional jRPG(like FF). Not mention plenty of characters, combos, level system and plenty of QT chicks. Also great music.

Only the action games like Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls, I can't stand turn based combat for some reason.


No problem. OH.

There's another character named Pesmerga whose shtick is showing up in the most isolated of places. After a certain point in the game, return to a deserted castle (where you fought a vampire) to find him.

Good luck man. I respect you not using a guide.

It's just that 1 is very basic compared to 2 and there's are very good reasons to get a perfect ending in 1. The main one being you can upload your data to Suikoden II at the beginning and unlock some really cool shit. Won't spoil it beyond that.

Dragon Quest VIII and FFX, 3D RPGs without shit graphics blew my mind back then.

There's nothing wrong with Cross.

Can't agree. It had good music and graphics. That's about it.

The battle system and plot were shit and it was a buggy, unfinished game. And the cast was unnecessarily bloated and full of mostly uninteresting, unimpotant, useless characters.

But at least you didn't say Legend of Dragoon aka Mediocrity: The Game.

jRPG = junior RPG / babby RPG

thus, Oblivion

Phantasy Star 2 was my first JRPG. I was forged and tempered in labyrinthine maps and insane grinding requirements. Penninsula of Power my ass


Tales of Vesperia

>Great characters
>Good music
>Comfy cel shaded graphics
>Easily squeeze 100+ hours in the PS3 version
>Combat is fun and satisfying to exploit once you figure out how the game works

You're full of shit. Playing that game was like reading a bad fanfic.

No, I've read bad CT fanfics. Cross was way better.

Toss up between Suikoden II and Phantasy Star IV

There are a lot of great JRPGS so it's tough to decide some other favorites include: FFIV-VI, Treasure of the Rudras, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears and Vagrant Story.

Skies of Arcadia

it gave me a sense of adventure and it was nice to have a main character that wasn't emo or some chosen one, Vyse was just a kid who never gave up even when everything seemed hopeless.

This man gets it

not to mention is the last tales game that had actual content in it to make it good
>bonuses bosses
>can fight previous bosses
>arena coliseum
>lots of unique costumes and attachments

I can see disliking the cast, but what did you dislike about the battle system or the plot? I thought both were interesting.

Both the risk reward with the stamina system and the element system were interesting. I've never encountered a bug in any of my playthroughs so I'd appreciate if you could elaborate on that as well.

ff ix
best jrpg
best game
love, life etc

i only played Hearts R and it was pretty fun, but fucking dammit i can't seem to like the character designs. The MC from xillia 2 looks cool thou.

FFV is a great game with a fantastic job system, tons of party customization, and quality soundtrack essentially FF1-3 on crack

Amazing taste user. Don't listen to that man.

FFV is a great FF.

It's even better with multi-player.

Lost Odyssey now go away.

Yes, really. And it's not even close. You don't understand what this game is to me. Last time I played it I cried. It reminded me of a time when I was actually happy. An ex once told me she'd do anything for my birthday and I asked her to blow me while I played this game. I don't even remember if she did, I was probably too absorbed in the game.

For the record, the fanfic guy is a different person.

I find it hard to believe you've never encountered or even heard of CC bugs before, unless you only played it once and have never talked about it, especially since one of them is, you know, Pip not even working correctly. Rather than me trying to recall and list a shitton of them, just Google "Chrono Cross bugs" and you'll get a ton.

Every element the game added to the battle system didn't make it any more strategic, challenging, or interesting than usual. Just tedious and unfun. I'd rather have a system like Grandia II.

The plot never failed to feel lead paced and convoluted, and just generally wasn't very well-written or executed or interesting.

If we only mean turn-based, then FFIX.

I found some poison bugs but nothing really major. I played it several times and discussed it with friends, but I don't discuss it online often. I don't often discuss anything online, discussions can't really happen with no accountability, too easy to shitpost or false flag or what have you.

I don't think many jrpgs generally end up being challenging strategic or particularly interesting. Exceptions would maybe be stuff like valkyrie profile that steps pretty far from the standard. Standard jrpgs can almost uniformly be beaten with nothing but the attack command and healing.

Agree to disagree on the plot I guess, I always felt engaged with what was happening.

Vesperia was so wonderfully polished. It did nothing groundbreaking, but goddamn if it didn't succeed at everything it wanted to do.
Undoubtedly my favorite 3D Tales game.

Triggers me every single time.

Suikoden II and Final Fantasy IX tie for me.

Both of them are great examples of an experience that gives as much as the player puts into it.

Like the deeper you go looking, the more rewarded you feel. FFIX especially is ridiculous with the amount of depth. Everything you do has some kind of ripple that affects something else.

But Suiko I+II are a set in my eyes, so i count them as two halves of a whole experience.

>spam attack the genre

why do people love these games again?

Are you me?

>Standard jrpgs can almost uniformly be beaten with nothing but the attack command and healing.


But when you point it out online you usually get piled on by angry weeb "jrpgs aren't easy" memers.

>ATB isn't turn-based just because instead of using the speed stat to predetermine turn order, it's used for timers that determine when a character takes their menu-based TURN

You're literally retarded if you think ATB isn't a turn-based battle system sub-variant.

ATB FF games are the absolute most basic, bog standard form of turn-based jrpg combat possible with that one little pseudo-real-time element added. Characters are still standing around waiting to act. Not to mention menus pausing the ATB. It is not real time or action. It is turn-based.

> It is not real time
It is literally ACTIVE time battle, in other words real time. Enemies can act whether you decide to act or not.

If it were turn-based it would just hold the basic speed calculated turns where the enemy wouldn't be able to attack until its their turn. And no, timed turns is not the same deal.

ATB isn't utilized at all in FF games, but you're only lying to yourself if you think Press Turn isn't pure garbage.

i can just go on and on about those 2 games. they're so much fun and so well crafted.

I feel like there is an intangible quality some games have, that you can sense when it's absent. like playing through IX you get the overwhelming sensation of love for the project and reverence the devs had for FF as a whole.

Suiko2 is the same. Things like having your own PI to learn extra info about characters, a save carryover bonus between games, a suggestion box to create a sense of a living community in the castle, gathering a band and singer who then put on a vocal performance for you, menu customization options aaaa so many little things that collect into a perfect experience

There's also the Elza and Clive events. Those are the cherry on top for me.

Enemies can keep acting if you choose to stand around doing nothing like an idiot, yes. That's your own decision. If you act right away (especially with your handy dandy super "real-time" menu freeze), ATB plays out no differently than playing FF1, except you or an enemy may gain or lose a turn every once in a while in prolonged battles. Wowie.

A game is only real time if it applies to both the player and enemies. Not just the enemies. Except it doesn't even apply to them, since they also have unseen ATB timers making them wait for their TURNS. Because in ATB, yes, enemies do still have to wait for their turns.

It's just a different application of the speed stat that ends up playing out virtually the same anyway.

Just because they put "active time" in the name of their system, doesn't mean it's real-time.

that's actually something both IX and s2 have in common, speedrunning incentives

Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals. The gameplay is standard turn based stuff and the story is as bland as they come, but the god tier puzzles and dungeon system drug the flaws it did have kicking and screaming to greatness.

>Enemies can keep acting if you choose to stand around doing nothing like an idiot, yes. That's your own decision. If you act right away (especially with your handy dandy super "real-time" menu freeze), ATB plays out no differently than playing FF1, except you or an enemy may gain or lose a turn every once in a while in prolonged battles. Wowie.
That's quite the goalpost moving.

>It's your fault!
>Well if you use this (optional feature) it's -almost- but not really the same!
>It's turn-based, I swear!!!

good fucking luck spamming attack and beating ffvii. if by some miracle you got through the first disc doing that, demon wall would fucking destroy you.

FFVII is one of those games where you practically beat the game by spamming attack m8.

Sure you might have to throw a cure here and there but that's about it. Regen, Wall, Reflect and haste just make it even easier.

Not to mention you have 3 attacks that basically beat the game for you available very easily: Trine, Beta and Aqualung.

FFVII is piss easy.

You're a cool dude with great opinions user. I'm sure we'd hang if we grew up knowing each other.

>It's even better with multi-player.
Why the fuck would you play FFV with multiplayer. I'm not even going to bother asking HOW you do it.

I think maybe you don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you should go back and play the game again.

>That random dinosaur enemy with a billion HP that gives next to no EXP

what was the point?

tfw you couldnt swap dekar back in later

I've beaten it more than enough of times, dude.

Why do you insist that it's not that simple? Because it is. Especially when you use Trine, Beta and Aqualung.

And even without those attack is still your go-to most of the time solely because healing and buffing is way too strong.

>baaaaaahhhhh goalpost moving

Nice copout meme.

You added a new element in your previous post (how ATB works in regards to enemy action), so I replied to it. That is how conversations work. Beyond that, I simply reiterated my previous statements.

>It's your fault
It is your fault if you decide to just stand there letting yourself get attacked instead of taking your turn for ansolutely no reason.

>optional feature
ATB freezing when you're using the menu to select your action is not optional. Have you played these games?

And yes, it is turn-based. Also, good job ignoring the rest of my post.

Feel free to either resume discussion or just continue thrashing around. Either is fine by me.

Because it's like experiencing a fun little story with your best friend. You can choose roles too. When my buddy and I beat it last time he had all the heavy hitting magic and attacks and I was healing and support.


Suikoden 2's very animated sprites are very under acknowledged these days.

Also music can be weak sometimes, whaaat? It's like every area was expertly given life solely by the music. I can't think of a single bad song.

It really shines when you go from regular town's song to its occupied state. Or just the lazy lifestyle of Her Sigh. Or the subtle very minor tune of the Elk Inn representing their simple and quiet life.

I dunno man.. the second half of the castle song gets on my nerves so much.

A lot of the slower emotional music is memorable though.

I guess I just think of it as weak compared to all the music I know and love from FF6/9, and Breath of Fire 3/4. To me, it just doesn't have as much character to it.

But I mean, I don't think it's like crippling or anything. It's just one of the areas in the game that I don't personally list as a plus.

Indeed. Dekar is the world's greatest man, after all
. The side characters were more interesting than blank slate Maxim and waifu Selan, but i suppose that was the curse of it being a prequel.

I think I've played around 80 JRPGs. I really can't pick a favorite anymore.

Ephemeral fantasia, probably the best rpg period.

>Nice copout meme.
It isn't though. This is about ATB being real-time, which it is. But you insist that because you don't act (blaming the player instead of focusing on what ATB is) and saying how menu-pause (which, again, is optional) makes the system "pretty much the same" despite the fact it still fucking isn't (which you even admitted with saying how boss might get more turns).

>It is your fault if you decide to just stand there letting yourself get attacked instead of taking your turn for ansolutely no reason.

>ATB freezing when you're using the menu to select your action is not optional. Have you played these games?
Yes it is (at least in VII I remember it having an option of being on or off)

>And yes, it is turn-based. Also, good job ignoring the rest of my post.
It's fucking real time and you still insist that it's literally turn-based? Come on dude.

Play, for example, VII and X side-by-side. I'll give a hint on which is turn-based.

Hint: It's not VII.

don't forget big guard. once you learn that in disc one, it's ogre

Valkyrie Profile
Loved everything about it.
The music, character design, cheesy plot, voice acting, gameplay, etc.


Absolutely godlike. Added so much weight to every scene it was in.

The vocal version is so good too.


And also, have a look at in which game the boss can attack while you're still on your """"turn""" - another hint, that doesn't happen in X.