Redesigns done right
le /vee/ will disagree but I think that looks better, hair color is shit though
also bigger tits
The hell is up with her finger?
Fuck off back to tumblr
Face piercings always are disgusting.
for you
Oh look this thread again!
Nipple rings are the only acceptable piercings.
it's a fake finger because she lost the real one
wat? wen?
make way for the superior redesign.
I feel like this image gets progressively worse the more it's posted
Post some yourself first.
Shed have the best peripheral view with a curved monitor.
good one
have a (You)
"my taste is the only acceptable thing"
is wrong, it's so wrong
piercings in general are shit
>disgusting nosering
I got legit mad.
>berates user for asserting that their taste is correct
>asserts their own taste is correct
anyway, nose rings are cute
Holy shit, this badass.
But you don't get (You) if you're OP. You get (OP)s.
No son I believe OP gets cocks.
Oh look its this asshole with shit taste posting dyke Elizabeth again.
yeah, instead of something that looks decent, with a matching color scheme, we get something that some senile hack lazily shits out and calls it good.
Just dont
It's the creator's idea of a "flaw" when creating obvious fap bait in a corset
>Short hair goth girls
I'm ending this shitty thread
you you aint
Elizabeth is now a demiqueer-gothkin-nonbinary. Return to your safe space faggboi.
Where you looking for this 5?
Just try
Failures the both of you
>All these failed gets
>help me
Sorry user but long hair goth girls are the best.
This is true and you clearly have excellent taste user.
what... is that?
Every time it's posted it somehow gets worse
Its a child that has a disease where most of her brain isn't developed.
The parents had one child like this, the doctors told them any other children they tried to have would most likely end up the same and then went and bred ANOTHER one.
Now they youtube their seizures and put them in costumes and bullshit like that.
Its pretty sad really
They also seem to have at least one normal kid
It's not really cruel or anything though because they have no sentience, it's pretty much a doll that shits itself.
I didn't say it was cruel
I said it was sad
Like honestly how long until they just get tired of it? What happens to their kids? They get stuck in the system eating away at taxes dollars? Deaths due to negligence?
Why bring anything into this world like that.
Stop it, I can only get SO hard
Into the trash it goes
>Girls with hair shorter than most men's hair.
I used to really like short hair girls but it went from "Generally shy nice girl/social reject" to "tumblrenia feminist faggot fairy" and I want to die.
>has a short hair shy social reject non-emo cutie gf
Feels good senpai.
>Short hair
>Black lipstick
>lip piercings
This hits me just right on so many levels it's not even funny.
Looks like the chick from Deadpool. She was pretty cute
Same here. Except for liz part, i really dont like her.
Gotta do something about those Nikes.
These thing has low life expectancy anyway.
That's why I favor ponytails instead.
>St Peter Cross
I want Satanbabbies to go and stay go
Summoning Barneyfag...
this is better
It's still shit but it is an improvement.
One of them is 20 years old.
>Pixie cut is shit
u wot m8
That pixie cut is shit, and it's on a shit character.
its fine except for the piercing
if youre into body mutilaton in the form of piercings and tattoos, then you have pleb taste
I'm so sorry for your shit taste.
Christian family is a life long cucking
go back to the ghetto, tyrone