Thoughts on Solaire now that we know he's not the firstborn?

Thoughts on Solaire now that we know he's not the firstborn?

hes solaire

Why don't you ask in 15 of the other Souls threads?

He was another undead that found a purpose through seeking something that only leads to his end.

He's still my bud.

he's the chosen undead in his own timeline

I never ever thought he was the first born. Vaati did, but he didn't write the lore for dark souls, he just gave his interpretation of it and retards thought it was cannon.

>chosen undead

no such thing

lol salty nintendobaby haha what u dont like dark souls threads have another one!!

Why not?

>Solaire will never find his own son

Shit man, guy just wants to find his lost kid but can't. Must suck, I feel for him

The weird thought is that Solaire and other Warriors of Sunlight are devout followers of Nameless King.

What was the logic behind people saying he was gwyns firstborn anyway? Did they have any reason to believe so?

we're all the chosen undead :^)

As far as i'm concerned, he is the firstborn in DaS1.

We know for a fact that Andre was supposed to be him, i mean just look at him and his similarity to Gwyn, but everything other than his looks was changed/removed.

Solaire has a lot of implications that i find hard to believe are coincidence. The most notable in my opinion is in Anor Londo. In the bonfire room on the left he is chilling, in the room to the right there's a chest with a Sunlight Medal.

Sunlight medal description:
>The symbol represents Lord Gwyn's firstborn,
who lost his deity status and was expunged
from the annals. But the old God of War
still watches closely over his warriors.

>But the old God of War
still watches closely over his warriors
>Literally across the hallway

Ofc when you take DaS3 into consideration there's no question he isn't the firstborn, but in DaS1 alone he sure as fuck is.

do did he die its canon ?

Just like when he said that the cleric beast was Ludwig and everyone started parroting that.

Don't talk to me or my sun ever again

>warriors of sunlight are canonically lead by the firstborn
>solaire is a warrior of sunlight
>firstborn used lightning spear
>solaire uses lightning spear
>firstborn rebelled against gwyn
>solaire is the only NPC yiu can summon for gwyn
There was evidence, but now that we know the truth it was obviously just wishful thinking.

that is the biggest fucking leap I have ever seen

>>But the old God of War
>still watches closely over his warriors
Literally describes a smith

Before I finished it I thought the reason Anor Londo and other elements from DAS 1 was in Irithyll was because Dark Souls III took place in a sort of "reboot" of the original Lordran, with minor differences.

You must be REALLY new to DaS lore threads then

There was also the whole thing with the statue and Solaire's sword.

Go to bed, Vaati.


I get lore is vague and hard to find but holy shit if that's the most notable thing to prove he's the first born then he isn't the firstborn

He's a blank slate nobody without an interesting or compelling storyline, worshipped only by reddit, and rightfully hated by anyone with a brain for squeezing out the cancerous "praise le sun! XD" meme.

second best written character after patches (fight me)

you're a faggot if you weren't upset at his death. Stop hating shit because of leddit

I still think that's the case, honestly. Lordran is LITERALLY the land where the Lords of Cinder converge, becaude that's where the original kiln housing the First Flame is

The whole "lol time is convoluted so the kingdoms literally fused together" is a bit silly when so many areas parallel those from Dark Souls 1.

>Firelink = Firelink
>Farron Keep = Darkroot after the abyss fully breaks out
>Irithyll = Anor Londo after Gwyndolin takes over and the sun disappears
>Profaned Capital = New Londo
>Smouldering Lake = Izalith leaking into the foundations of Ash Lake

But is Solaire the Nameless King?

>He's a blank slate nobody without an interesting or compelling storyline

you got me with this bait

He was a cool dude to hang out with. Same as ever.

The first born thing sounded like some MatPat shit, anyways.

He's super powerful and casts lightning spear miracles, yet his armor and equipment is completely mundane iron with no special properties

This drew comparison to Gwyn and his equipment, i.e the great lord greatsword deals no fire damage when you wield it because the power came from gwyn not the sword

Especially at ng+ and up solaire starts wrecking shit it's easy to see how this chummy lightning throwing fuck could be seen as a god in disguise. Given that the only other gods we'd seen were pushover crossdressing fucks like Gwyndolin or shadows of theit former selves, him being one didn't seem like a big deal

Nameless king being the firstborn and doing literally nothing, then getting jobbed out of nowhere and no resolution to the warriors of Sunlight covenant seems kinda lame

To me it feels kinda like an asspull, they were gonna make it andre in 1, then cut that so it was fan theories, now in 3 they go "jk it was this random nobody who never did anything and dies immediately"

>Hating something purely because fans of that thing is cancer
Literally a hipster, holy shit. And you're talking about leddit

Nice try. I didn't care about any of the NPCs in Dark Souls, and I love Souls games. For the gameplay, though.

>praise le sun do u even sunbro? xP

they made him a climactic hidden boss fight at the end of one of the most beautiful areas in the game

believing it was solaire was reasonable but had an equal chance of being false, what we got was fine

>I-I didn't even care, baka!

>I'm a faggot

When will you memers accept that Solaire is just a regular dude and there's absolutely nothing special about him?

Don't lie cocksucker we all know you felt bad when sif started limping at low health or when greirat died

It's okay to have emotions you fucking manchild nobody's saying you gotta cry about it or anything but re-enacting old yeller shouldn't be in your list of top 10 favorite things to do right behind being a colossal faggot

I never thought it was solaire. I honestly thought it was Andre based on his looks, then I found out we he was supposed to be it got cut.

You're a faggot hipster though, because you dislike something because people you don't like likes that thing.

>inb4 i didn't like him to begin with
You literally said
>rightfully hated by anyone with a brain for squeezing out the cancerous "praise le sun! XD" meme

>for squeezing out the cancerous "praise le sun! XD" meme

I bet that faggot sinned like hell and got Velka mad.
That's how the crow ended up with his gear.

he's a shitty NPC with shit dialogue who is meme'd to death because the Dark Souls series is devoid of any good characters, personalities, lore, narrative. So autistfaggots like Vaatividya and Sup Forums latch onto anything resembling the aformentioned qualities.

Dark Souls is not a good game. Stop posting.

It makes him better, just as his armor describes him, he got as strong as he is through his own willpower, not just because he is gwyn's son, it his own accomplishment.

Good work, you've gotten into my head and figured out my thoughts.

I've bought every Souls game on release day since Demon's US in 2009, and finished each in about 3 weeks' time. So before you start jumping on the "ur opinion isn't ur own!!!1" bullshit, stop and think that maybe, just maybe, I don't feel the overwhelming need to bust out the Kleenex whenever a Dark Souls NPC speaks to my character. Jesus Christ. There are plenty of games that have gotten me emotional.

You fight the real first born.

>literally hating a character because others like him

>I'm not a hipster guis

Solaire basically took Oscar's role of scraped scenario.
If CU didn't link fire, Solaire will.
If CU choose to link, he will offer help in final battle.

Miyazaki said something similar in interview didn't he.


Solaire being a mortal makes him even greater.

Basically he achived similar things CU did in his world as a mere human.

He was a memorable character that got blown way out of proportion and lost his appeal because he became a meme.

Kind of like dubstep.

The covenent is about the first born.
the status you pray to has statues and a swordspear

but he is the first born's first knight

Most of NPC is dying in the end but From prepared another ending for him, it's already generous enough.

Ornstein is

I have no drive to finish Dark Souls 3.

pls help

I'm kind of glad they didn't declare solaire as the firstborn I am also glad they didn't bring him back. Dark souls 2 solaire pandering was god awful. Yeah he was a nice guy and one of the 3 genuinely nice people in the game, but that doesn't mean he should be in everything. Im glad he just remains that kind good Samaritan that helps other undead out.

>Don't lie cocksucker we all know you felt bad when sif started limping
Why would I feel bad about that? Bitch shouldn't have fucking attacked me and tried to kill me with a 30-foot fucking sword. Reap what you sow, stupid shit-dog.

I felt bad when I had to kill yuria. He set wouldn't drop because of a bug and I wanted it so I murdered her and the whole time I was murdering he she was begging me to stop and asking me why. :(

The fact that he was the only nice character that could live to the end was impressive. Only people you can choose to have alive besides him is patches and mr evil cleric man. This is assuming you actually did the sidequest for every character and didn't exploit it to keep certain ones alive.

Isn't he undead?

How the fuck did DS2 do more Solaire pandering than DS3 did? Did you even play the fucking game at all?

It still sucks that so many questlines were scrapped from DS1. I really liked the sound of the Forest Covenant plot with the traitor character.

Hopefully whatever From plans next will be allowed to go all out with that stuff.

Amazing story. Someone get this guy a Pulitzer.

>Yuria begging you to stop

You read the description for lightning spear right? And the shield with his head on it?

I'm replaying it right now and he's still awesome.

Knowing that he's a knight of the King of Storms instead of Gwyn makes him way cooler to me, honestly.

I could never really understand what exactly made people so positive he was the firstborn. He doesn't seem like the type to betray anyone and he was never particularly powerful. All of Gwyn's children were incredibly strong in a way that was befitting of their godlike status. But Solaire is pretty much just a regular dude who can cast the lightning miracle.

Yeah he is. That's why he feels a kinship towards you, because you're both undead.

He would probably still like you even if you were alive though.

>>solaire is a warrior of sunlight
So are you, if you are in the covenant.
>>firstborn used lightning spear
>>solaire uses lightning spear
So do you, if you have the miracle.
>>firstborn rebelled against gwyn
So do you when you link the fire.
>>solaire is the only NPC yiu can summon for gwyn
He's in it for the jolly co-op.
I really don't understand why you all are overthinking this. He's just a normal dude who is very zealous about his covenant.

That is worse than in 3

Wow, you are a retarded.

He's a much better character as a random guy who just wants to help.

Hey faglords, pic related.

>Soul of Cinder(Incarnation of CU)
>Suddenly start praying.
>Summoning Mysterious Worrior of Sunlight to aid him.


Ornstein is a fucking jew

Fighter of the nightman
Champion of the sun

cut content, son. there's also some bat's soul and ciaran's blades

>Profaned Capital = New Londo

Ya blew it. Londor is New Londo. Profaned Capital is Eleum Loyce.

We knew that for years nigger. He was never the firstborn. It was originally Andre, but then that got dropped and Mitsurugi confirmed that the firstborn wasn't in the first game.

The theory that Solare was the firstborn came first, Vaati's videos came later.

Don't know how shit went with Blood Bornes as I've not played the game, so don't care 'bout the lore, but for Dark Souls Vaati didn't come up with the lore, he just took existing popular theories and did narrated videos out of them.

>Cosplay Solaire.
>Fight with NK, God of worrior of sunlight.


I don't give a fuck, he's still a meme.

I literally said in my post that while it was evidence, it wasn't particularly compelling and had plenty of chance to be wrong. It was just a theory, not people demanding that it be fact.

I'm a retard faggot who's playing Dark Souls for the first time and the lore has really started to grip me.

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne are all connected, correct? How does that work if the gods from Dark Souls can't be mentioned in the PS games?

Forgot to remove my name from some epic maymay thread earlier

>Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne are all connected, correct?


The other games have the occasional nod to Demon's Souls—such as the crestfallen npcs, Patches, etc—but only the three Dark Souls games are linked. DeS and BB are separate.

>that guy who goes to every Souls thread, every day, and bitches about Soul threads

Why don't you just stick to threads you like then you petty twat?

>anything original

>Miyazaki Explicitly states he isn't in the first game


Demon's Souls = Demon's Souls
Dark Souls = Dragon Souls
Dark Souls II = Giant's Souls
Bloodborne = Beast Souls
Dark Souls III = Dark Souls

No. Demon Souls is a standalone, Dark Souls is all interconnected, and Bloodborne is a standalone as well. The only thing "linking"them together are certain items, weapons, and characters used in every From game.

>post-2011er crying about multiple threads from a new big release

the profaned flame wasn't old chaos, we have no idea what it really was

profaned capital is in a big cavern under anor londo with a crack filtering in sunlight, complete with flooded caves and monsters of sin

Demon Souls, Dark Souls and BloodBorne, and all other series are different universes.

From loves to reference their all games and ideas on every game they make.
Dark Souls can be called the spiritual succesor to Demons Souls, just as DeS is the spiritual succesor to Kings Field, etc.

You will see maybe some names, items, references but its different universes.

You should play them all in release order anyway soo you dont get spoiled on mechanics and stuff like that, going back its always painful.

In my opinion DaS and DaS3 are the best games in the group.

Games lack a lot of history but the Lore is rich and abundant, just read items, talk to Npcs, etc and enjoy it, some things get explained on due time and some others are never explained soo its up to you to fill the void or not (with whatever headcannon you want).

Welcome and i hope you enjoy your stay on the Souls Series.

You're Big [Undead], and so am I

I'm gonna dump a stack of item description on your face. You're going to come to the same conclusion as everybody else. Here's a hint for you: Alsanna's title is "Silent Oracle"

>"The Profaned Capital was consumed by fire after Yhorm the Giant became a Lord of Cinder. The fire, born of the sky, is said to have incinerated naught but human flesh. "- Profaned Flame Pyromancy
>"Lonely Yhorm became a Lord of Cinder to put the Profaned Flame to rest, knowing full well that those who spoke of him as lord were quite insincere." - Cinders of a Lord
>"Yhorm is the descendant of an ancient conqueror, but was asked by the very people once subjugated to lead them" - Souls of Yhorm the Giant
>"Yhorm the Giant once held two of these, but gave one to the humans that doubted him, and left the other to a dear friend before facing his fate as a Lord of Cinder." - Storm Ruler
>"The Profaned Flame was triggered by the curse of these women, relatives of a certain oracle, but despite their culpability, they went on living, without any cares." - Eleonora
>"The formal gold stitching suggests they may have also been oracles." Court Sorceror Robe
>"Remnants of the fire that burned down the Profaned Capital, preserved in an icy skull." - Profaned Coal
>"The jailers were among the few survivors inhabiting the Profaned Capital, later serving under Pontiff Sulyvahn. Perhaps the screams emanating from the cells help them forget their old home." - Jailer Set
>"Long ago, when Sulyvahn was yet a young sorcerer, he discovered the Profaned Capital and an unfading flame below a distant tundra of Irithyll, and a burning ambition took root within him." - Profaned Greatsword

So Yhorm is a descendant of Giant Lord. Alsanna's Sorcerers cursed the Chaos and created the Profaned Flame. PC is the DaS2 related zone. You even encounter Gilligan and Alva.

Ah, ok. I guess I misunderstood. I'm a little disappointed because I wanted to see more of this world, but I'm still excited to get into the lore for Demon's Souls when it arrives in the mail.