Serious Sam Complete Pack 90% off sale

no joke

that is some serious shit



Lol who doesn't already own it.

who doesn't even own it yet


woah...this like only the 20th time I seen this.

Joke on you I got it for the same price around 9 months ago

Holy crap.

Very superficial opinion.

I only want 3 which is not discounted. For whatever reason.

If only the old and good Painkiller games were co-op and widescreen.

The first Painkiller is widescreen. Only the HUD is stretched. And you can fix it if you're autistic enough.

pretty good deal

It does that like every second month.

Didn't know the HUD can be unstretched

I need to get Serious Sam Second Encounter for me and my buddies

Someone can gift me the serious sam 3 is for play with a friend?

Serious Sam, bro.

will anyone gift this to me, i never played a serious sam game before except no nonsense nathan hd: second encounter

it was good but i couldnt keep playing it because demo version
