favorite GCN game?
pic related.
favorite GCN game?
pic related.
See, the thing is that despite the gameplay improvements and better variety in moves and Pokemon, I like the atmosphere and story of Colosseum more. I don't know which one is the better game, bros.
fuck off
Probably pic related or Custom Robo
I've been getting into collecting them recently but I keep feeling incomplete every time I get another game
>IShitN gave this a 5.2
>we will never see Miror B. in a Pokemon game ever again
Do the global cycling network even have any games?
fuck man...
Such a fabulous theme song
>ever not being garbage
Kirby Air Ride is one of those games that's like a distant memory of a time long gone when you could just make a simple fun AA game
thats good, but you forgot this also: youtube.com
>Camerupt used Earthquake.
>It's super effective!
>Entei has fainted.
>tfw all the gamecube games you want are pricey as fuck
emulate them senpai
>not just saying GoD
It's just not the same man
true true desu
Yeah it's better XD REKT LUL
Thanks for the bump, autist.
Gotcha Force.
Does anyone know if GCN Chibi Robo is any good? I love the little guy's design, but fuck Zip Lash was so generic and bland.
Also favorite GCN game is Pikmin.
>being born '95
GCN is miles ahead of Zip Lash and it's a totally different game
A lot of nigs say the GC version of Chibirobo was way better than the new one. It's not even the same game really.
Viewtiful Joe
Not only my favorite GCN, probably a contender for favorite game period.
>that music
>that comfy fucking everything
>still looks great despite being 13 years old
Shame about the multiplayer though
Custom Robo, Digimon Rumble Arena, and Animal Crossing probably.
Fuck forgot image
Why did Custom Robo get such shitty reviews?
Deep into the darkness peering. Long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting.
F-Zero GX. The best racing game of all time. Bar None
The only game I can play for hours on end and not get bored
I never finished it, it was too damn hard
It definitely benefits from multiplayer. It's kind of a bitch to play if your character doesn't have a cure ring
buy a wii hack it and pirate all the GC games with nintendont then
>tfw Orre is ded
>tfw the guy who made all the ballin' music for these games is now trapped making music for the free2jew games
Game cube nintendo? Who the fuck calls it that?
Nintendo had to go to with that because some other literal-who's game system already took NGC.
You know how I know you're underage?