ITT: post games you thought only you played and user tell you that everyone played it...

ITT: post games you thought only you played and user tell you that everyone played it, even though you never seen anyone else play it

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user knows whatsup

Oh shit son. I honestly never saw anyone else with a cartridge of it

Sold my copy for like 4 bucks. It was first person perpesctive if i recall. No thanks

I had alot of fun with it, I preferred it over Mario games.

Is it anything like the mobile games?

I've never played them but it's a pixelated dungeon crawler with wand/sword/crossbow that is one turn at a time game play, solving puzzles and such to open doors

I liked this game quite a bit, I played it late last year. I didn't even mind that it was only a few hours long.


That's a straight up lightsaber

It's weird to think that John Carmack made that game.

Huh, didn't even notice that when I just randomly picked out an image. Now I'm wondering if I missed finding it or it's from one of the many expansions for that thing. (The Quest, btw)

Doesn't look half bad either.

I still have it. It's great.

"Originally developed as a cell phone game, Orcs & Elves on the Nintendo DS now offers full touch screen support as the player travels deep into an ancient mountain to defeat an evil that has plagued the land."
Rad. I played the second one on my shitey mobile phone like 10 years ago or something.

Can someone tell me if they played this?
I remember the online was fun as fuck and had a good, active community until faggot hackers ruined it.

My brother and I played this game a ton. The track editor was our favorite part. Nobody else seemed to have played it.

My Columbian friend in school had this. Seemed pretty rad at the time. I used to go to his house to play Vice City. Too bad his left analogue thumb pad was missing. Felt like you were thumbing a toothpick.

I never played it, but made realize how much I miss miniature games. They really don't make them anymore.

I love you, had this on my iPad touch as a young man, had no idea how in depth this was going to be, awesome single character turn based open world rpg

I used to play this and that other dungeon crawler Runescape devs put out on my ipod back when I was in highschool. Shit was great. Never finished it though. Might check out the HD version on Steam.