94 on metacritic

>94 on metacritic
>8.5 user rating (high for a AAA title)
>sold 4 million copies on steam ALONE, millions more on other systems
>gigantic marketing campaign, unbelievable hype
>3 years later no one ever mentions it or even remembers that it existed

What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:


It wasn't the game they revealed. They spent at least half of development taking shit out. Shit that could have made it the game it should have been. What was released was the result of butchering mechanics and story.

Still, people seemed to praise it as the second coming. It's weird to see something so celebrated go to something so forgotten.

People still love this game.

I haven't played it, but the general consensus seem to be that it didn't live up to the series; Videos show gmaeplay that looks nothing like then other 2 or system shock. the best thing people have to say is that "the graphics are really pretty."

People still smoke, doesn´t mean that they should or that it is not indeed bad.

> It's weird to see something so celebrated go to something so forgotten.
Because most of the people praising it may have come to the realization that their praise might have been misplaced and decided to shut up about something they have been so wrong about.

The circlejerk died and people realized it's a mediocre shooter with shit writing.

Literally the definition of paid reviews.

People still love Elizabeth you mean.

>to something so forgotten.

He quit. He's retired he's not making games anymore,

No more system shock. No more bioshock. No more anything.

But nobody denies his impact on gaming. He's still influential, and half the shit out today owes influence to him.

People got past the pretty visuals and complex themes and realized it was actually a shit game with a bad story.

It's p boring family

This game was worth it for the Elizabeth porn alone.


It was boring.

It's lovely.
Isn't it lovely?

I dont know man, I really think it was more a lack of taste than corruption. Like Fez or something, where they just kind of knew it was the type of game readers expected to get 9s, so they gave it to it.

it was the only BioShock I liked

It wasn't a BioShock game

The porn that came out of this game was fantastic.

>No more system shock

Pligga knees

Bioshock Infinite is the weirdest gaming phenomenon I have ever seen (well, until Undertale came out)
It was such a big game when it came out, people praised it left and right..and then nothing.
Nobody ever cared suddenly, all those positive comments turned into negative or "whatever"
This game went on sale like bazillion times on Steam, dropped to $40 very fast and then had those 75% sales every damn month, it was ridiculous
It was so stupid, that at one point it cost more to buy Burial at Sea part 1 than to buy the actual game (and I think the whole trilogy)
I honestly have no idea what happened

It was shit, that's what happened.

>Bioshit infinite thread
>no one posted it yet


I'm disappointed

I know that "what is the x of video games?" is shitposting but

This game is LITERALLY the Avatar of video games

that's how little people talk about it. too tired to meme

True. I have the one where she goes all the way with a Doberman.

It's called artificial hype.

When people get hyped for a game because of the name alone and the huge marketing campaign behind it but then, realise that the game is not that good (pretty mediocre, actually) but nobody wants to admit it so people just stop talking about it.

This shit happens all the time, more recently we had Halo 5 that bombed hard despite good reviews all around and nobody is talking about it.

How many highly advertised big budgeted AAA games get talked about a year later after all the hype has died down and people actually played it for what it was instead of what the advertisements said it was?

People don't even talk about Fallout 4 now, and the latter era Elder Scrolls games only get talked about when it comes to mods.

The honeymoon period ended. The same thing will happen with Uncharted 4 like it did with TLoU

I remember being so disappointed with Infinite I never touched an FPS again.

This game bugged me so much. I loved the aesthetic and the story had its moments, but the gameplay was fucking dreadful.

Ending fucking sucked also.

I still can't believe how much Sup Forums sucks that game's dick.

I'm a sonygger and I don't get it.

I wish the levels were more open. Linear story shooters aren't my thing.

Why should anyone mention it?

It was just a story driven summer blockbuster, it never claimed to be a hobby. Experience it and move on.

Well, it was a single player game with no replay value so when the hype train came to town everyone played it who wanted to, (it was even free on xbox live gold so loads of people got to try it) we all went "it's not bad, might even be good" but then we beat the game and there was no point looking at it ever again


I'm still mad. I was pretty excited from this footage and then I got a load of mediocre shit

Smart people were able to see all of its many flaws.

Dumb people thought it was the best thing ever

He's probably talking about Ken Levine. To my knowledge he's doing jack shit right now which is funny considering how hyped he was while people were still sucking this game's dick.

I think this game killed his studio somehow, but don't really know the details

>It was just a story driven summer blockbuster
You wouldn't have fuckin known that at the time. Everyone was telling me it was finally proof that video games were art.

I don't see what the appeal of story driven shooters is period. I've dropped both half lives and bioshock several times each. I've tried to like them but the gameplay is just horrendous.

For three whole years?

It was awful and only cool to like because muh 2deep4u ending.

I see it mentioned on Sup Forums all the time, don't know what you're talking about

I never played it so discredit my opinions away, but this game doesn't allow for much replay value once you went through the story enough times to understand it
Games that still garner a lot of discussion or those who got a lot replay value like Fallout NV or games which have nostalgic value

It's the weakest of the franchise

Booker, are you afraid of dogs?

She's certainly not :^)

These "story" games have less to offer than traditional video games.

They have one shot to immerse you, but then you're just gone because it offers nothing else in terms of story and gameplay. What you see is what you get, and what you experienced is all there is.

I have seen this.

I preordered this shit and i wasnt able to finish it, it was that bad. Graphics and artstyle are good but why did they have to remove everything that makes a shooter good. Vigors were shit, upgrade system was shit because of the 2 wep limit, enemies were bullet sponges and the levels left too little to the player.
Infinite is one of my biggest gaming regrets.

Oh yes user,the SFM from this game is STILL godly to this day

It was really fun to once-through and the combat mechanics with Elizabeth were interesting and unique but once you git gud you are forced to face the utter shit that is the storyline.

Nobody makes it back.

>Sup Forums suddenly hates bioshock infinite
what happened

This is not a new phenomenon. This same exact shit happened with Portal 2. It was 10/10 GOTY GOAT when it came out, but quickly dropped off the face of the earth after about 3 months. It usually happens with hyped up sequels from big developers who try to re-envision games or give big expanding changes to them. Same shit happened with L4D2.

Just try not to get caught up in the hype train and don't believe reviewers. If y'all are still thinking game journalists are real journalists you need to go soak your head.

There was a second Portal?


Portal 2 was good though.
Maybe not as tight as the first game, VALVe's style of doing cutscenes was starting to drag a bit and the writing was getting a bit loaded with Reddit humour (though thankfully little to no cake memes) but the scale and variety of puzzles went well beyond what the first game provided.

It was good but nowhere close to the god-tier game it was billed as when it was first released. People in real life went apeshit over it, not just Sup Forums, and it turned out to be good, just not 10/10 GOTY GOAT

I'm still really fond of it, I remember being thoroughly impressed by what they were able to do with all the new mechanics..
Maybe I should go back and replay it.

not really, she's fucking ugly. I never understood the obsession, it's like fucking world of warcraft goblins

>''she's fucking ugly''

You keep telling yourself that user,maybe it will become true one day.

I can't hate the last of us because it's given us so much amazing 3d loli

Spawned the very best SFM porn.

>Someone took the time to make that video

I don't even like the game that much, but that's just sad

It has indeed?

>i haven't played it

then shut the fuck up.

Portal Mel- Story was pretty good. And its Free.