In this thread we discuss gsme s that were ruined by shoehorning in SJWS

Preachy " we wuz kangs" nigger from GTA v

>Prototype 2
Yeah, no.

Nigger detected

How's living off my tax dollars Tyrone ?

I hated him so much. Not because he was SJW bait, but because he was such a street rat piece of shit.

What did you guys think of GTA: San Andreas?

>tfw can't find the first Prototype at a decent price in any key selling website


when does Franklin act preachy about race?

biggest problem this had was terrible optimization

>No argument
How about you stop being a massive faggot and give a reasoning.

>Make protag black

Here your reply

>protag is black
>must be pandering

Being black didn't make him a shitty character. Everything else did.

>games are ruined due to tertiary cultural shit rather than outright bad design


I dont think it was because we wuz viruses n shiet but because the game itself was shit.


Fucking Huniecam.

The second Prototype was actually playable and had some actual mission design. The first Prototype was just high concept garbage that was unfinished left and right, buggy and had no game design to speak of.

I think his argument is the black protag

Honestly I enjoyed Heller more than Mercer, the game itself left much to desire though.

>no white faggot main character
>sjw sjw sjw sjw

this is why whites need to be exterminated you ducking loser beta cuck white faggot.

hows being a white faggot beta cuck feel whiteboy?
how does it feel to never have fucked a girl?ho does it feel to be bullied by blacks that you think you are superior too?

fucking loser ass cracker.

death to all white people

>we wuz viruses
I wish 2 had more powers and thought back the armor.

Resident Evil 5.

How's the first Prototype? It's on sale for 12 bucks on PSN right now. Is it fun?


Yeah it's fun. It's piss easy but still fun.

SJW isn't a codeword for "black person."


Wanting the black crowd is not the same as wanting the SJW crowd, if for no other reason than blacks tend not to be SJW

>ooga booga


Not worth $12, in my opinion

Triggered. Hard.

I never played Halo 5 but just seeing her new design saddens me.

kill yourself racist cracker faggot

Do you even know what the fuck an SJW is?

It's certainly not the boogeyman your afraid of
A SJW is somebody like MLK, The fucking Buddha or Ghandi,

I don't think you know what SJW means either.

low quality b8 m8, don't insult those great historical fgures.

You're both retarded

I don't think you know what an SJW is

I haven't played 4 or 5 I dropped it after the series after reach

>A SJW is somebody like MLK, The fucking Buddha or Ghandi,


>he's black
>SJWs are cancer. Amirite my fellow meninists xdxd
What a false flagging faggot

for about 10 minutes

Why the fuck can no one on the internet spell Gandhi?


>death to all white people
>he says as he jerks off to pictures of white women


Holy fuck, that picture

>cuck whitey mad

You'll never fuck a white girl. Deal with it.

Prototype 2 is borderline racist.

>You'll never fuck a white girl

prototype 2 was way better than 1

only thing it lacked was the web of intrigue

try not to wear your sour grapes on your sleeve, tar baby.

Wow someone got triggered hard, stay mad

>Wanting to Fuck a white woman

End your life

This and donkeybkong country

what is even going on in this image
where does she end and the horse begin

>Normal is easy.
>Try Hard for trophy
>Can't beat the mission where you defend the gas despensor.

Has anyone beaten hard mode?

I don't get it

People like this actually exist.

Cuck whitey detected

Are you triggered?


Are you literally retarded or something? You wanna try rereading his post or is that too hard for you?

srebrenica is a hoax m8

There is no horse. Just retarded armor

My least favorite parts of GTA V all had him in them. I just didn't find his character to be as interesting as Micheal and Trevor.

I did it recently. Upgrade your tank skill as much as you can be consuming soldiers in military bases, steal a tank right at the beginning of the mission and try to make it last against the hunters. Also upgrade your throwing skills to the max as well before the final boss.

why are the new duelyst commanders so fucking awful

the one nigger who didn't glorify nigga gangsta culture and you people hate him


Lamar was awesome by accepting it honestly the whole game could be without franklin but a few moments.

>if a game has anything but a white protagonist its sjw pandering

I can't remember a single time where Prototype 2 made a point of the protag being black or that it added anything to the plot. He was just a nigger and not better or worse for it.

>Kids on Sup Forums are retarded more news at 11