This picture sums the rise and acceptance of the nu-male in our modern society perfectly...

This picture sums the rise and acceptance of the nu-male in our modern society perfectly. They all look like fags who would get killed instantly in a real war.

This depicts not only the state of modern video games but also western society in general.
Total pussification.

Other urls found in this thread:

Let's be honest.

You're just butthurt that everyone is shitting on unfarted 4 for having shit cover mechanics and tranny protagonists

Kek this is not meant as a fucking dumb console war thread

Imagine if goobergate was about video games

Sup gamergate

Last thread was deleted, no need to start this shit again

Even better: Imagine if it was actually about video game journalism. Accepting conservative ideology in their movement was the worst mistake they could have ever made.

Nothing to do with Gamergate paranoid fags. The old games had women and blacks in them. They just didn't look like limp wristed fags

Bump my thread.

I'm with you, but you gotta thread so we can flood Sup Forums with our cause

>All the protagonists don't look like grizzled mutant italians

Yeah but I'd love to suck off the guy on the bottom left.

Is this some buzzword for the white trash of Sup Forums?

>nu-male argument

For fuck sake, OP.

let me help you out

>tranny protagonists

I don't get it. Is Sup Forums mad that most people have at least somewhat better fashion sense than them? Should we all wear jorts and Confederate flag cutoffs?

but none of those look like the gears of war dudes

What does Sup Forums have to do with this?

The whole point of this thread is that the new protagonists aren't believable fighters and look like pussies compared to the old characters

Would he be a good GoW character?

The top isn't anymore realistic for actual combat than the bottom. Fuck off anti-SJW, your garbage has really been a detriment to the quality of discussion on this board

But then why use the term nu-male when it doesn't have anything to do with that?

the new characters just have slightly gay hair

thats literally it

Baird has a fucking soul patch thats faggy as fuck


fuck off with this crap


The was the same exact argument used when the first gears came out

>that middle bottom woman
>surviving 1 minute in actual combat

you're retarded son

If he doesn't like your constant bitching about the stupidest shit like digital black people he's an Sjw?

You're more of a retarded fuck that the guy who posted the original image.

>Sup Forumscucks still trying to use this


I always find it funny that people on here make fun of nu-males like you guys are the height of masculinity


>soldiers all look like roided out beefcakes
t. FNG

>everyone not liberal is Sup Forums

I'm not even the average height.

The fact that you took the time to do this goes to show just how mad you are.

No but we're not lying to ourselves thinking we look good with a beard and glasses

>posted within the same minute as the post it responds to
Sure user

>everyone not Sup Forums is SJW

>nu male
What does this buzzword even mean? If you can't get your point across with real words then you have no point.

>better fashion sense

Dude no. Visit /fa/ or some other fashion forum like KTT.

>war ended 20 years ago
>military isnt pumping soldiers full of roids
>gets butthurt because in a post war/apocalyptic setting the characters have a new look and dont look beefed up

Well to be clear these guys aren't actual soldiers like the previous GoW characters. They're a shitty militia that formed from a 'sanctuary/asylum/safespace' kind place. There was no need for soldiers anymore so that's why they look like that.
Honestly you dumb fucks really don't put much thought into your discussions.

Not him but we have regular "subtle vidya clothing" threads here, those guys do dress better than Sup Forumsirgins, by far

Okay, so you know, people who look like the first row of pictures would probably do themselves in during the first week of bootcamp and never be able to walk again.

That's not what real soldiers look like m8.

Letting Milo and Breitbart in was a mistake. Top kek and anybody who actually thought conservatives gave a shit about vidya.

>I ever implied that

>its a conservatives use video games as a means to discuss their cuckolding fetish thread

I said better than your average Sup Forumscuck, but yeah, stay triggered.

It is if the military pumps you with steroids

every time someone posts anything moderately anti liberal then people go and spout that it's all Sup Forums and shit

so to answer your question basically nothing

>I ever implied what you implied I implied

This. Why does Sup Forums try to force their fetish on everyone?

>that you didn't imply it by implying and are now trying to imply that I'm implying that you implied it

>first pic makes fun of guy for spouting "leftist slogans and buzzwords"
>In an article defining rightist slogans and buzzwords
How can the writer be so self-unaware? The Evola quote at the top makes it even more hilarious.

And spouting SJW at everything is different, somehow?

when did I say that?

Every time someone post anything moderately anti conservative retards shout SJW/reddit

Maybe discuss politics somewhere outside the video game board

This is why people make fun of christians.

I thought Sup Forums were supppsed to be the ones that project characteristics of one person onto an entire group not you fags

Sup, Sup Forums?

>Looks like they would die instantly

>Do die instantly

There's a difference.

Ex: OP looks like he sucks dick.
Oh wait, he does.

>They all look like fags who would get killed instantly in a real war.
barafags everybody
apparently you can't go to war if you don't have a huge nose and if your body doesn't exceed the military limit of body mass

Hi, Sup Forums!

Other way around, friendo.

What's with Sup Forums and the Sup Forums obsession? Every time someone critiques how modern video game looks Sup Forums gets triggered and throws a tantrum.

Sup, reddit/tumblr

I know right, does this skinny Manlet even lift?

Why do the bottom 3 look better than the gorilla people?

>goes back and forth between discussion of Christianity and spewing memes and meme insults
Jesus Christ it's like the right wing version of reddit.

opinion discarded. Try talking with out buzzwords next time.


Reddit is the right-wing version of Reddit.

>man this character design sure is ugly
>yeah sure, whatever
>can you believe there are minorities and nu-males in this video game series?
>fuck off Sup Forums

Looks more like the bottom than the top.

>They just didn't look like limp wristed fags
It's a picture of the neck up. There's basically nothing to criticize.

False flagging.

They look like people with modern haircuts to me.

Does that manlet wear a massive chainsaw gun and kill literal monsters? Try again

>guy with no photo of himself insults the appearance of people who disagree with him

It's like Sup Forums

dude that guy was a sniper
all the strength he needs has to be enough to take the recoil from shooting

>caring about shit games

You can criticize a game's aesthetic or design choices without resorting to Sup Forums-tier insults, you know. Imagine if Roger Ebert disliked a movie so he called the director a faggy nu-male cuck.

>nu male
>all look like fags
>depicts the state of... western society ingeneral
>total pussification
Your right, this is obviously not the kind of post that I'd expect to see in Sup Forums this is obviously 100% vidya related and in no way fishing for (You)'s

thanks for showing me the truth.

Weren't they actually at peace for awhile? It easily explains why they don't look like the top anymore.

>no worse than the girl from gears 3

>nu-male cuck faggot
>not Sup Forums

To be fair, a lot of Sup Forums are indeed into that bizarre shit (which has always been an insult, it felt strange discovering some people treat it as a fetish)

Case in point, when nickelodeon made some show called "Miley and the Bulldogs" or something, they've made a shitload of infographs detailing why it was full of that fetish references
References only an expert on that fetish would know

I stopped going there once i realized it turned into niggerlovercentral, and i've been browsing that board since the old /n/

Maybe I shouldn't have used the word nu-male. I give you that

Either way that girl is a qt and I look forward to the r34

its a qt tranny?

idk about the bottom half but original gears characters always looked like mutant gorillas covered in car parts to me.

Or the fact that the majority of Sup Forums is constantly looking for ways in which the opposition has been "cucked," such as a political candidates having once had a nonwhite or specifically black boyfriend. Sup Forums seems so lacking in self awareness, they've literally become interracial cuckold fetishist

That added to the charm and general feel of the game. Beating shit up and feeling masculine. But that doesn't seem to be allowed these days

Oh yah, cause having a bunch of lizard men weighing in at about 270 lbs each coming from underground is that realistic

So if you admit realism isn't important then why does it matter to you that those guys, in your faulty opinion, wouldn't survive a real war?

To be fair that guy was shooting at mostly unarmed starving Soviet soldiers

Have you ever been in a fight? Being strong and having good technique and cardio helps.