Get in here sonybros, we won

Get in here sonybros, we won.



Starfox is like a 69 now.




>cheering for corporations like they were sports teams
the cancer that killed video games.

And no, steam fanboys or nintendo famboys are just as bad. These are corporations, they are after your money.

delete this

>PC gamer
>Never had a PS3
>Got a PS4 for my birthday
>Tried the Uncharted collection and thought they were the most boring fucking things on the planet

Is this just the same shit? I liked TLOU but Uncharted has all the bad parts with absolutely nothing that made TLOU memorable.

will nintendo be bankrupt before 2016 is over?

Uncharted is a 9/10 series, you should probably go back to Pleddit, familia

Nah, most likely on in March 2017.



pretty much.

read some reviews and you'll notice that the only things people praise are the visuals and story.

That would be a sicker meme if you weren't a fucking mongoloid that couldn't spell it as Plebbit.


Back to R eddit

Falseflaggin' all day


I own a ps4, it's ass don't be delusional. Controller is goat though.

Sony better step it up

killzone and knack isnt gonna cut it

Yeah, i'm sure you own a PS4 and not just the ds4 to play on your petition machine.


Can't be a false flag if it's objectively true

I honestly dont know why you like TLOU if you didnt liked uncharted. They are incredibly similar except TLOU added stealth elements.

Both are incredibly boring and barely run at a stable framerate, console gaming is really atrocious.

>mfw someone's doubting Sony

Why did Iwata have to die

this wouldnt have happened if he was still alive

>a paint-by-numbers spiritual sequel
>a sequel nobody asked for that looks and plays exactly like previous entries
>a sequel everybody asked for that looks and plays exactly like previous entries. But really isn't a game.

>An undercooked retread of 19 years old game
>A rather limited experiment not even granted its own personality
>A dud of an idea with very mediocre execution

Console wars are in a sordid state if these are the guns brought to the field.

Isn't bloodborne from last year?


>A picky nigger who hasn't played any of these games

Neg I used 360 for PC it's easier and better battery life. Nice try though sonygger. Stay poor and mad.

all of the day bro

>only time Sup Forums talks about Playstation games is when it's shitposting
Why does this board have more children than gamefaqs?

Golly. Souls Re-hash #9000, a children's platformer, and an SJW "cinematic game". What did you win again.

>all this SONY vs Nintendo
can we agree that Xbox is irrelevant this gen?

you have shit taste friend

this is unacceptable

Fuck all of you you give PS owners a bad name.

They fucked themselves early Gen.

Please explain how Uncharted is SJW because I'm genuinely curious how the definitive white cis man in gaming is sjw

And I'm not going to.

Well, maybe Uncharted 4, because a friend said we should make a night out of it some time.

For a second there, I thought it said Jews Third.

>Fatal Frame

>actually caring about Sup Forums shitposting

Uncharted is the only series that I appreciated blockbuster for. I will never waste my money buying one of those games. They have zero replay value.

i have my ps4 and love it but please stop this consolewar shit its retarded

>Nioh demo was amazing
>Persona 5 looks amazing
>Nier Automata looks amazing
This is it bros.

Greatness has finally arrived.

although it has outsold wii u by far, yes

It's pretty comfy to be an Xbot this gen.

>>mfw someone's doubting Sony
You look like you're gonna be deported?

They've brought NOTHING to the table.

I'm thinking they really should have demanded the Kinect be plugged into every system. That way they could at least have garanteed devs people would use it.

Now their games are just the same as or uglier/worse than on PS4 or PC.

And Michael Bay is a great director :^)

>Genuinely great game
>5 hours
>Cinematic experience garbage

Greatness still awaits I see

i am proud to take one for the team to post this image

Enjoy playing nothing but shitty multiplats and remasturds

>The PS4 have better kid games than the Wii U
>better shooters than the XBONE
>better walking simulators than PC
It's ogre, we won.



P5 is on Ps3 too though :/

check this 3


I don't really need them to bring nothing new to the table. Killer Instinct, Forza, Halo 5 have been pretty good and more than enough to quell my initial anger. Backwards compatibility and 4 games a month make the deal sweeter. Too bad no RDR yet.

>Less than 3 people are actually going to play the games they mention in this thread

>Halo 5
Biggest disappointment of 2015, hands-down.

Passable gameplay, shit campaign and half the reason to play a console shooter in the first place was cut for no good reason. Everything good about Halo was locked behind the Gold paywall.

probably not outside of japan
and if the new star ocean game is anything to go by
PS3: 720p 30fps
PS4: 1080p 60fps, better draw distance, better details, better physics

I've been enjoying a lot of games, including from my 360 collection. My ancestors are smelling at me, can you say the same?


I couldn't give two fucks about the campaign when the multiplayer has been god tier.

>old game surpassed by the newer game
>rehash of a ps2 game
>"cinematic experience" that will be forgotten in after a single play through

>sony is still a nigger

>muh 360
>My ancestors are smelling at me
They sure are. You reek of faggotry.

>He didn't buy a PS4

Honestly the biggest fuckup of your life. You will regret not experiencing the fun in playing these games for years and years until you die in your mariokart themed shitstain bed

I love Sony 2bh

>people unironically like the Uncharted series.
Pathetic. I've played every one of these games because 'ohh shit this time it's REALLY going to be great' and every time it's a fucking chore

Even CoD has more depth than these turds

>Xbros not even represented

Gotta be harsh if noone even feels like making fun of you.

>Halo 5
>multiplayer has been god tier.
It's like you're underage or something, the last time Halo had god-tier MP was in Halo 3, now is worst than CoD.

>Tried the Uncharted collection and thought they were the most boring fucking things on the planet

It's pretty much a cinematic movie the first and third are shit but the second is pretty good for SP and Online.

>Uncharted 4
Literally Quantum Break tier AAA action garbage

Ratchet and Clank is pretty gud

If you want to make Pcucks cry you should talk about some actually good exclusives, like Persona 5 or Nier:Automata

you raise a fine point, not that any is really going to pay attention to your line of reason

both PS4 and Xbone should have been fully BC from the start, then they might actually be worth owning. MS went into full-panic mode and decided to patch it in later but Sony decided selling us $60 remasters of PS3 games the way to go for good.

>B-b-but anyone who didn't have a PS3 gets to play them now! They're not for PS3 owners!
Yup, and they'd get to play them for a lot less with actual BC and would have access to over a thousand games. Sony ditched BC because they knew they had to pad out PS4's library with re-releases to recoup the massive losses on PS3. If Nintendo had pulled this and Wii U wasn't BC with Wii games and instead we got dozens of Wii re-releases, they'd be getting crucified far worse than they are now. Nintendo is the only one out there that faces real, hard criticism, everyone else gets a free pass for shitting down your throat and charging $60 + DLC + online fees.

Sorry, what? You didn't like Uncharted 2 but you liked The Ladders of Us? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Don't forget goyim, pre-order the PS4k!

We already know you love consoles more than the actual games, so look forward to the PS5 in 2017, and the PS5.2 in 2018!

just like how everyone forgot about the last of us, right?

> I've played every one of these games because 'ohh shit this time it's REALLY going to be great'
you must be dumb as a brick then

>He thinks Xbox is the irrelevant one because no one talks about them on fucking Sup Forums

Don't kid yourself, it's easily Nintendo

but quantum break is actually garbage and uncharted is the pinnacle of action games

I-I need to close their coffin.

At least I can play my huge 360 collection while doing it so.

I can't even decipher this level of funposting anymore.

Yes, the multiplayer that's literally missing MORE THAN HALF it's functionality. Biggest slap in the face and why I didn't buy the console or game. If I can't do fucking co-op or MP with friends why the fuck am I buying it?

Halo 5 MP will be 100% unplayable in a few years when servers go down, I'll be able to boot up any of the other games and enjoy all the MP functionality at any point int he future. I could forgive the mediocre gameplay and fucking warzone and REQ packs, but removing any and all forms of local co-op and multiplayer was just too fucking much.

Fuck MS and fuck 343 for running one of my favorite console franchises through the mud for more shekels.

ok but it's still on ps3, and I don't know why you say it's Japan only since there hasn't been any information saying so.

Might not be forgotten but no one's playing it anymore, which was the point. They're good for one play and that's about it. They prioritize narrative above all else, they're poor video games.

We still have The Last Guardian and Zero Dawn to come, too.

My WiiU's got a pretty thick layer of dust at this point.

Xbone isn't even worth making fun of. It's pitiful.

But I still use my PC the most because who wouldn't honestly

Oh, that company where everyone keeps clamoring for them to put their games on mobiles, and everyone keeps making up rumors about their new system bound to come out less than a year from now?

How many people outside of sonyshitposting threads talk about TLOU?

uncharted is overrates though, always has been

I have played uncharted and got bored with all 3 of them, thank God for rentals

>the last guardian
>ever coming out

Its a fucking techdemo wheeled out for each new console to show off the tech then shoved in a closet.

name one good pc exclusive that came out this year that is not a shit indie game

>He bought a PS4