Are vidya national stereotypes true?
Are vidya national stereotypes true?
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videogames arent reality
fuck off and go shoot up some schools you faggot
Perhaps I've worded it in the wrong way, I just meant the stereotypes we apply to various nationalities in online games
>Are stereotypes true?
Are you retatded?
Seguro sos un negro resentido
That one in particular sure is.
Idk about that, but the slav friends I have on Steam all share a few tropes:
>NEVER buy a game and either play f2p stuff or pirate them. One in particular says how they "are not important enough to spend money on" even when he really enjoys it
>Always get touchy about muh homeland and muh history muthafacka. I just tend to avoid mentioning politics to them
>They all play Dota 2
I mean, shit, what are portuguese guys known for?
We barely exist anyways, and we have such a small population of black people in general you can't even claim moor.
For the most part. Very rarely I'll find a BR who is just the greatest player I've ever seen. Maybe 1% of them mutated instead of just falling prey to the kicky kicky funball virus and became Gregor-hue edition.
Argie detected.
>Spam "Go back favela Ze Pequeño from BRA71L" to a brazinigger and you will see how they react
My fellow pelotudo
>Video game players are video games
Are you retarded?
Yes, they are. ESPECIALLY when it comes to south americans.
I've been playing multiplayer vidya for nearly 30 years and with the hours I keep I frequently run into russians, BRs, and sometimes australians.
Most russians are bad at games but I have met some good ones.
Most aussies are decent, I'd say the same ratio as americans
But I have never once, in my entire life, ever encountered a south american who was good at a video game. Or even mediocre. They are all bad, without exception
The Portugese I know have quite a bit of pride and can't handle bants.
Alberto Barbossa?
>he doesn't know about the br sniper that destroyed reddit
Fuck off
Yeah, that sounds about right, even though its almost a portuguese thing to think we are all useless insignificant sacks of shit.
Every stereotype about Brazilians is true. It is really weird honestly. Most stereotypes are exaggerated but time and time again Brazilians prove to be walking stereotypes.
genuinely learn to read, punk.
Brazil is a shithole country, if i were Brazilian i would kill myself
>One of the most violent countries in the world
>Niggers and full of poor people
>Their country is gonna collapse soon because they are monkeys
>Corrupt as fucl
The Portuguese are known for being white
All the Brazilians gave their vidya skill to one hue among them.
They sacrificed their gud so that he could transcend
Just like Argentina.
Me vê 4 pãos ae portuga.
>He doesn't know about the zuera