So are high refresh rate CRTs worth it?
So are high refresh rate CRTs worth it?
>Haha I own a CRT tv
>I'm so hipster!
Fuck off.
is it a bad thing?
>el old thing is hipster meme jajaja :D
Kill yourself.
gb2 2008
Having a proper CRT for older consoles is certainly worth it, as long as you're not paying an exorbitant amount of money for it.
>OP asking if it's worth it
>instead of saying no and why not, resorts to shitposting
you mean LIKE THIS?
Getting a high quality rgb monitor is a whole new world of quality for retro vidya.
Garage sales and second hand stores usually have CRTs they are close to just outright giving away.
Seen several giant Sony Trinitrons last year during garage sales, but had no way to get them home so couldn't buy any of them. Most of them were 25 bucks or less. too.
for what? pc?
if manufactures stopped dragging their feet and made every monitor from now on 120Hz+ and freesync, this wouldn't even be a question worth asking.
How should I hook up my PC to my CRT if I want the best quality/price ratio?
Nope, we have 144hz G-SYNC monitors now in either TN for muh response times of in IPS for muh colours, not to mention multi monitor setups, curved screens and other cool if not gimmicky stuff
And they don't weigh 50 tons
Buy a modern high hz lcd instead. I waited for the 1440p 144hz+ screens to be a thing before retiring my old trusty crt.
If you're not in need of a new monitor today and are on a budget, I 'd suggest you wait until newer, or "next iteration" of high res 1440p screens comes - lowering the prices of current ones.
Oh, and the most important thing - IPS panel, stay away from TN panels.
those apply for new games, but not for old ones, CRTs are still needed for old consoles to get proper colors, aspect ratio and resolution.
If you nearly exclusively play retro games with the monitor sure, otherwise it's not really a huge sacrifice to make, emulation does a good enough job of well, emulating that stuff if you really want scan lines and shit
crt royale shader at 4K is already making them obsolete.
they dont make high refresh ips at a reasonable price
Why was the ps1+crt combo so awesome? Hold me guys, I am in a nostalgia overload...
Koreans do. I have a 100hz IPS 2560x1440p screen, flicker free. Was $300.
>those boob physics
it's as if the devs have never seen real breasts before.
100hz is trash, its not even a multiple of 24
>implying 24 multiples matter past 60
Question, most of my favourite games are 60fps console games and fighting games, not that competitive. I also occasionally play Quake and few twitch shooters. I tried a few shooters on a friends 120HZ monitor and it didn't make much of a difference in terms of how responsive it felt for me. Visually, it did. I've got the cash for a 120HZ monitor but should I bother?
Wait, don't you need a refresh rate that's a multiple of 24 to get the most out of films?
ignore all shitposts and listen here sonny.
yes, but only for 6+ gen as they have the same issues as current HDTV regarding poor internal scaling.
anything 480p and up is godtier on hdcrt
not that i own a d20f1u or anything
That's only up to 48 fps/hz, since then you have 1:1 frame rendering. Anything higher for movies makes no difference and the multiple is irrelevant. Hell, 24 fps is an obscure number itself that was picked, and some movies are at 25 fps while others at 23.9 and so on. 24 doesn't fit into 60 either way, it only works as 24/24/12 so by that idea at 60hz youre movies would be displayed "wrong". At 100hz your games will be far smoother than 60hz though, and same for higher.
>more hz
>camera now has faster shutter speed
you don't understand refresh rate. If your rate is higher / lower than what the engine outputs and your video card can display you get tearing. You need g-sync
I understand gsync, i wasn't talking about that. I was talking about needing a multiple of 24 like the guy above said which is wrong.
>know one guy in my entire country who sells this same exact monitor
>he wants 300 bucks for it
fucking hell, is it worth it?
i'm a poorfag student so it is pretty pricey for me now
This pictures looks like the posterchild for a typical Sup Forums fag
get it. You obv want it
They're still no good for retro games.
>meme monitor
i still own 3 crt tvs
am i hipster or just poor?
bring them to the curb.