Cutscene executions

>Cutscene executions

>Chainsaw is literally just a cutscene machine

>Multiplayer was just shitty, watered down "Halo" tier but with demons!!!!11111oneoneone

>Game is literally just an HD update of the original Doom, same plot, setting, etc.

This game is going to fucking suck.

Other urls found in this thread:

It may suck but it's guaranteed to sell over 6 million copies

the mainstream shits (all over youtube and twitch) are lapping it up

That's cool OP

>original doom
it's nothing like original doom

It's not even the same plot and setting. It was leaked before, but the trailer confirms it, you are the original Doomguy, who has returned

>Game is literally just an HD update of the original Doom, same plot, setting, etc.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't, huh?

You're trying too hard. Just stop.

why do developers think having more animations make their games better?

just keep it simple for fuck sakes...

ragdolls is all we need

>Game is literally just an HD update of the original Doom, same plot, setting, etc.

but this is wut u nerds wanted

Didn't they confirm you can turn off the melee executions and it does not warrant the health shit to drop? You're vulnerable while doing the melee execution too, so from my understanding you're not going to want to do them in UV/Nightmare.

I think someone mentioned there was a perk though that if you do chain melee executions you speed up or something? Fuck I dunno, fill me in coach.

>Ragdoll is all we need

This, as well as dismemberment.

that's a nice wrong opinion you got there OP.

I doubt it's gonna "suck"

"Sucking" is reserved for Duke Nukem Forever tier of disappointments.

>Game is literally just an HD update of the original Doom, same plot, setting, etc.

Isn't that what you fucks wanted? Christ, you're just like Star Fox fans.


>Cutscene executions
Like Serious Sam 3, and nothing was bitching about it.

>Chainsaw is literally just a cutscene machine
And it gets a very limited use

>Multiplayer was just shitty, watered down "Halo" tier but with demons!!!!11111oneoneone
outsourced to a studio who made maps for Halo, so it kinda makes sense.

>Game is literally just an HD update of the original Doom, same plot, setting, etc.
Kill yourself

What a shit thread.

No one cares.

>Like Serious Sam 3, and nothing was bitching about it.

That's because literally no one played Serious Sam 3.

Who the fuck cares about Serious Sam?

...W... What?

SS is essentially after the same audience that love games like Doom and Shadow Warrior; I'm not understanding your logic to ignore that another video game of the same sub-category also implemented a melee execution to which no one complaint about during its release.

If anything people bitched about SS3's drawn-out parody of modern FPS for the first five missions before it finally became a SS game.

Even if it was like the first one, it would be a rehas.

The truth is that DOOM had a gameplay style that was lost when the genre changed and Doom 3 came, with the community still alive over 20 fucking years, it's obvious that we didn't need a new game and could just stick to mods and fanmade content.

The unfinished version was actuskly way better and the other song was way more fitting

Parody? The game was just so bad I never made it past the first couple of missions

Yeah let's make the enemies "realistic" of worst art direction choices I have ever seen. Engine is also shit, feels stuttery and unclean as fuck, the entire point of the original SS games was that the engine felt SOLID.

My original post was referring to this post's reason for comparing SS to Doom; I'm not here to argue about a video game's flaw and probably should have omit that last sentence.

In this day and age any fps that is gonna be on console along with pc is gonna suffer from consolitis in one way or another no matter what the devs tell you.

Because the chainsaw was so fucking engaging in the old doom.

I'm really looking forward to it. Not expecting anything great, but I've played through all of the Doom games multiple times and hoping to get some fun out of this.

>Game is literally just an HD update of the original Doom, same plot, setting, etc.
Take out the HD part and you've described Doom 3

I tried to read your post, but all I saw was "I haven't played the game yet" over and over

I hope it's going to be fun mindless shooter. Also, I have hope for somebody modding and rebalancing everything after 4-8 months after the release so eventually we will get something very playable.

i live in new york city

every other cab and bus has a Doom advertisement on it

this is what bethesda has become, a marketing machine disguised as game developers.

>doomguy is a now a spartan

it's such an simple yet icon design, why bethesda?

>Cutscene executions
the animations last like 20 to 30 frames. There are longer normal moves in Street Fighter. You niggers exaggerate so much.

Gayming is mainstream now nerd

Deal with it

>Game is literally just an HD update of the original Doom,

If that was true it would actually be a really good game. Of course it's not true and you're just frothing at the mouth stringing random words togehter, but I still think it's going to be a fun, if forgettable, single player game.

I've got no problems paying for four or six hours of entertainment especially since I'm going to get it for $30 anyway.

>I live in NYC


Then don't buy it you massive fuckstick
>Game is too much like the orginal
>Sup Forums hates it
>Game deviates too much from the original
>Sup Forums hates it

Do the world a favor and die

God forbid they try to sell a game they made. It's a business user, why would they not try to increase profits. It's funny, because when a really good game sells poorly everyone bitches that the publisher didn't market enough. Now we have complaints that a publisher is marketing too much


>>Game is literally just an HD update of the original Doom, same plot, setting, etc.
there is nothing wrong with this
the problem is that the gameplay isn't fast enough

Everytime i see the campaign trailer i honestly think its serious sam 4. Looks dumb af for a doom game.

I actually like the new design better than the Doom 3 one at least. After all, the new one is always going to wear the helmet (I hope) and looks fucking beefed, as doomguy should. Who knows? Maybe there will be some sort of visual element where the armour gets progressively damaged as the game progresses, and he looks more like the one from the classic cover.

my point is that they invest too much in marketing, instead of making a good game they are making a mass marketed product, knowing that a shitty game will sell because they tell people to buy it

fallout 4 is a perfect example

I swear to god if there's a scene where you get your armor on for the first time and the HUD has a boot screen and it says "mega armor v1.4" or something stupid like that I will be pissed as hell.

>gameplay isn't fast enough
did you see the Hell gameplay trailer? It looked a lot better than the one they showed at the e3 2015 conference, and was a fair bit faster.

That logic only works if the game is a broken buggy mess. If that's the case then more money should have definitely gone into it.

Just because the game play doesn't meet your tastes doesn't mean that shoveling more money on it will make it any better

Can't wait for DfortyfourM

Why is the art direction for this game so shit? Why are there so many piss yellows and shit browns in a doom game? 3 had more color for fucksake

maybe arena shooters aren't your thing?

Early footage. The launch trailer shows that the colours aren't fucked up by the piss filter anymore.

It did? They're both equally shit.

fair point

it's the same reason why i don't go see superhero movies, it just doesn't appeal to me even though i'm sure it does for millions of people

i guess i'm just salty about classic franchises that are dear to me like doom and fallout being turned into mass produced/marketed garbage

Do I have an excuse to post cacogirls now?

I feel you user. I can't tell if the quality of media is declining, I'm getting more cynical, or both. That said I'm cautiously optimistic with DOOM

I hope there's SnapMap threads like the Mario Maker threads.
Might as well, this isn't going anywhere productive.

Thank jesus.