Its 2016

Xbox Yawn has yet to get a 90+ metacritic exclusive game.

wtf happened?

What do you expect from a western company

Regardless if you prefer PS4 or Wii U, they are both better choices than the bone. They both also have more than one game with over a 90

get out of here you fucking weeaboo

these are the same "critics" that gave mgs4, lbp and killzone 2 a 90+

take a wild guess.

name a in your opinion 90+ on xbone.

Ryse Son of Rome

Those games deserve a 90+

Killer Instinct with all three seasons. Current Halo 5. Forza 6 Apex.

Pretty great console.

Name a backwards compatible game on the PS4.

>Forza 6 Apex.


lol 343i halo
ps2 classics

>backwards compatibility meme

I own a fucking PS3 and have done since it was released. Why would I need limited backcompat like the bone has?

Also Halo 5 is garbage and you know it. I'll give you Forza.

>Moving the goalposts

>a bunch of yellow scoring games, one or two 90's

>a bunch of 85~'s

Pick one, and by the way guess who is Xbone and who is PS4

This, immediately discrediting anything below 90 is absolutely fucking moronic. When you look at the Xbones library as a whole, the quality is way more consistently good than PS4.

>the quality is way more consistently good than PS4
Well meme'd xbro xD

>This thread

Who the fuck actually makes a channel like this?

>actually calling others corporate slaves


>the quality is way more consistently good than PS4.
show me the 90+s

>It's a metacritic thread



Yeah, Windows 10. But not on the PS4.
>PS2 classics
Wait Ratchet and Clank isn't on the Xbox One, though.

Do you have any idea what consistency even means?

Can you boot up any PS3 game from your PS4 HDD? Nope.

How is "less features" a positive point again?

>meanwhile R&C reviewed higher than 99% of xbone games

>Rehash with half the content and half the framerate of the original game

At least Nintendo add content to their remakes

>MFW Sonyfags will always be behind Nintendo

"and with amiibo"

It's because xbone doesn't have any great developers. Sony has Naughty Dog so no matter what they get two a cycle and a contract with From so there is another. Xbone has 343. KEK.

>xbox allows you too boot ANY 360 game

enjoy that publisher controlled high input lag back compat with the majority of games running overall worse than 360 hardware user

microsoft has billions offshore but can gather/win no talent for its studios

very telling

Sunset Overdrive
Its fun but it gets shitposted to death from people who havent played it
Got it for free last month

>high input lag
>running overall worse than 360
that was when it was in the beta stages. All games run solid now

The minute Sony announces their plastic figures you will be licking their taint along with buying a new console because the Pee ass 4 is so underpowered.

Nintendoes what Sonydon't, always

>Got it for free last month
that a honey moon period review user


>reddit the game

Sunset Overdrive+Dead Rising 3+Scalebound+Rare replay vs...

Bloodborne. When Dark Souls 3 is better and on both consoles

I kind of feel sad for PS4 owners

Why did you bring up nintendo?

I didn't even pay for it though.
But like I said it gets shitposted to death from people who havent played it.
like yourself

You are retarded, that game was 6/10 at best. It looked nice, but the combat was so simple and the story was written by a ten year old autist who neither had any history education nor a firm grasp of physics.

>Fucking machine gun balistas just to name one offence

>Caring about review scores

Christ, is this what it's come to now? Do you take it up the ass from your reviewer masters?

Oh just learn english you dumb cunt.

Why is it that every Anti-Xbone poster is some goatfucking tramp that can barely construct a sentence?

ITT xcUcks fall over themselves to defend their irrelevant box 1

"bububu n-nintendo!"

Who the fuck even blamed Nintendo? Xbox fans never go after Nintendo. Stop trying to cause wars, you know everyone is focused on removing Sony from here.

"bubububu b-b-bah-bah-backw-wards c-compat!"

>Nintendo always is ahead of Sony
>PC is always ahead of Sony
>Sonyfags get triggered reminded
>So pathetic they blame xbots who no longer exist on Sup Forums because Nintendo and PC friends will always blow them the fuck out

Pathetic, really

>Buy ps4 when it comes out.
>No games for a year.
>Masterchief Collection comes out for xbone
>Trade in PS4 for xbone
>MCC is literally unplayable
>No other good exclusives come out
>Bloodbourne is PS4 exclusive
>Finally DS3 comes out
>Shittiest performance for DS3
>See great PS4 exclusives
>Friends get PS4
>Oh well, they're casuals anyway
>Go back to playing EUIV and Vic2 on PC

i know some1 who traded thier ps4 for xbone for MCC and he was so let down he brutally assaulted his mom in depressed anger and is now in prison

I wasn't that pissed, but Microsoft burned my loyalty. Especially with all the issue the xbone had when I got it over a year after release.

>It's another sonyfags get btfo back to youtube episode

>ninteniggers this desperate

Not trying to start consolewars or anything (even though this thread is most likely calling for one), but what are the 20 million Xbros even playing these days?

I know a few people with Xbones who are doing fuck all with the thing.

>he doesn't think that's an obvious false flag image.

>its not a double false flag

cod and fifa

my friends are playing overwatch, battleborn, warframe, and smite.


you should find new friends

Killer Instinct, Gears, and the regular multiplatform fluff.

Microsoft has never produced a 9/10 game, most of Xbox's exclusives range from generic to flat out shit, especially the Halo and Gears games

and what should they be playing, mr. connoisseur of refined tastes?

>sticking meme at the end of each title counts as criticism

nice argument.

He actually put meme at the front of one of the titles to show off the versatility of his wit.

You guys know, you're not supposed to reply to posts like these, right?

Killer Instinct

Best fighting game this gen