Pls nerf frosty the asian ice cunt

pls nerf frosty the asian ice cunt



git gud she has no range

Do not insult my wife. It is very rude.

I like her pale skin

>Nerf a defensive character I don't know how to counter!

Git Gud

What is M2

>Bitch used Ice Block
>Team used Camp
>Bitch has fainted

Bullshit, her alt fire has great range and great damage. Only downfall is the windup but that doesn't matter if you lead your shot.


why do we have 3 snipers on the push objective map

why am I the only one playing a defense/support hero while everyone else goes assault on a defend map

why is every team I'm on retarded

>spraying ice on the floor doesn't boost you and your teammates' movement speed
baka desu Blizzard

best hero

>play as reinhardt
>the only reason our point stay safe is because I block fucking everything and kill some random shitters with E or charge
>eventually get swarmed 30s before timer out
>team loses position
Fuckers can't do anything right. We still won with second position and I ended with 20k+ block, but that first one was nerve wrecking.


we're in the initial release week where every nerd has to play le badass characters instead of useful ones

>i'm a casual millennial

I still spray on the ground because if I believe hard enough, I move faster.

What's with the amount of Genji shitters? On the rare occasion you get someone who knows what they're doing with him and they take out Widowmaker and Hanzo assholes but I'd say 9 out of 10 them have no fucking clue what they're doing and contribute fuck all other than dying constantly. I'd rather have a Widowmaker scrub on my team, at least they can do something for the team with her ultimate.

>tfw waiting for anubis skin unlock

>we're in the free open beta week where every nerd can download and play

>play lucio
>team wins every time

That's pretty much my experience as well, but I hate doing it, I always get stuck as a healbitch in MMOs, and now here.

I know that feel, I want to win at least a few games but no one wants to play support so I end up picking it just so we don't get completely shit on. If I'm healing them though and they still can't manage to do anything then I just say fuck it and play as whatever I want.

>Favorite character is Zarya
>Everyone calls her shit
>Mfw 90+ energy
>Mfw graviton surge
>Mfw 4-man+ kill in a few seconds because of alt fire
>Mfw decimating a roadhog in seconds with my primary fire
>Mfw destroying Reinhardts shield in seconds and sidestepping his charge
>Mfw shielding allies so they literally can't die or be CC'd
>Mfw 200 point shield that regenerates in no time
>Mfw literally unkillable and dealing the most DPS in the game effortlessly
>Mfw one shotting squishies with my alt
>Mfw that sexy siberian accent


>Everyone calls her shit
literally no one says this you literal babby

the spam of useless classes never ends, get used to it

Out of the 12 hours I've played so far, I've had about 20~ something people tell me to not play Zarya because she's worthless. It happens nigga.

I'm having fun with him, though

>knocking away reinhardts from behind
>blasting down snipers
>keep songs up


she isn't even interesting enough to hate. most forgettable character ever.

>Only unique quality is tumblr hair
>just generic russian woman stereotype, the kind thats been around since the fucking FIFTIES,
>all but TWO of her voice lines re references to lifting/stronk in the most phoned in way.
>only good lien is the one she steals from Drago in Rocky IV, but thats still batting the low hanging fruit

she is the 'oh yeah a not Roadhog/Reinhardt/D.Va tank exists character.

Pick Genji
Walk to him
Press E

>forgetting winston
I don't blame you.

this is what happens when you try to make a game based around team dynamic switching with marketing entirely driven by shilling your characters as uniquely special snowflakes.

My game refuses to launch for some reason
what do

Mei reminds me a lot of that egyptian robot sorceress lady in Battleborn's beta in that people keep going in your range and getting completely fucked over AND then complaining that your character is broken because of it.

I laugh every time someone runs up to try to get a shot at me while I'm in ice block. Do they not understand that right in front of them is exactly where I want to be?

It's hilarious making characters like Genji feel completely worthless with Mei. Her freeze is such a strong mechanic. Roadhog is probably the only character I even remotely fear up close when using Mei.

It's too bad this game itself is just so barebones though. One day into the beta and I already feel like I've seen everything there is to see in it.

Me and you are the only ones who know this.

No they should nerf fucking Roadhog

People just fucking stunn you then blast you in the face you're lucky if you survive the first shot. Top it off he interrupts ults.

Bastion is only good when you're up against new people




>Soldier 76



Also on Hanamura with a reinhardt, but that's just because of how fucking shit that map is.

fuck that fat tumblr cunt and fuck overwatch

I agree that it shouldn't deal that much damage. You're already pulling a character into your effective range, so why not use your actual aim to finish them off instead of the game doing it for you?

Are you thinking of Symetra when you say mei, because Symetra and whatever the robot's name was have almost identical ins style kits, same left click with ramping damage, same power shot on right click, same support turret abilties (one wal mountable slows, one healing sunspots)

>Supposed to sound asian
>Sounds like Paz from Metal Gear

The hook is the only thing he has going for him aside from the self heal. But yeah it really sucks being half the cast and getting pulled over from far away and instant killed without anyway to stop it, but whatever.

His damage output in turret form is pretty fucking stupid. I would imagine even at high level play it will revolve around teams trying to protect and augment their one or two bastions

i wanna tongue punch her fartbox

They are similar in kit, but completely different in purpose as the Battleborn character is one of the highest damage output characters in the game and was a complete monster in duels.

Like Mei she has huge damage over time that denies space and basically fucks over all close ranged characters, but also like her whenever I play them people just get in my range and then whine that she's OP afterward.

Every game I play today is like getting a fist slowly pushed up my ass until my ass bones finally fracture and the screen reads DEFEAT for the 100th time.

Well yeah, i gathered that when 3/4 of 'plays of the day are either him sitting ina corner never letting go of left click, or a Junkrat ult killed 3 people once int he game.

I hate that feature so much, all the real plays of the day are things that stupid thing couldn't catch if it wanted. I mean for fucks sake *I* Got play of the day as Symmetra just because my turrets kill stole 5 people while everyone else on the team did the actual 'work'

sadly people naturally drift towards these type of classes, and they're usually incredibly useless (while thinking they were high impact)

team based games with random players is awful

>Shit tier reaper

Git fucking gud faggot.

Horrible list. You can't quantify how good a hero is compared to other heroes because they play completely different and fill completely different roles.

>Genji, Tracer
>Reaper, Soldier 76

>Junkrat, Torbjorn, Widowmaker
>Mei, Hanzo

>Reinhardt, Zarya
>Winston, Roadhog
>D. Va

>Lucio, Symmetra

>that image
So why does the Chinese fanbase hate her again

Ocelot McCree skin when

>mfw I see people pop their ult as her and then dash in as Genji
You pop the ult and you die faggot.

>even close to godlike

Dude stop, you're going to make people want to pick her

>best hero
>even shitty ass can cockblock her
>complete sniper/turret bait

She's really bad

Their representative is a fat ice girl, While Stupid Korea gets an actual hot Asian, and those stupid british people get the mascot. it's entirely ego jealousy.

>it's a four Bastions, a Mercy, and a Reinhardt episode

>actual hot asian
what, you mean the memeing little girl who acts "so tough and cool" with a nasally fucking voice

Tracer is cute but she's so stereotypical it's kind of hilarious

her only noteworthy thing is her ult and every fucking character in her bracket has the same 'here's my easy kills Ultimate so even sucky players get to do something"

Well and flying, but any sniper who can actually aim enjoys a flyer for even easier point and shoot, she is even nice enough to stand still during said ult.

Mei is cute.

That sounds like kind of a shitty comp though

One mei and a handful of decent damage dealers would ace that shit so hard

>it's a take first point easy can't touch last point episode

It's like TF2 all over again. Fuck this shit and bastions who just sit on the spot in a corner waiting for someone to step up.

It's literally impossible to kill everyone before they respawn when the spawn is i the fucking point.

>Mei is cute.

but she is even hotter than the korean girl, she is plump in the right places and is one of those super nice girls but in the bed she is a huge cumwhore that lets you do anything you want to her

>not liking THICC
D.Va a shit. Mei is wife material.


I'm speaking from China's POV they got a fat girl whose canonically in here 30's (even if just due to being frozen) while the other Asian countries got a girl that's not fat (Korea) a samurai sniper, and a Cyborg Ninja.

they don't' even care if Mei is hugely popular everywhere else, they'll just resent they didn't get a 'awesomel' character.


God you fags are annoying.

fight me

holy fuck i NEED to impregnate her with a racemixed baby

Needs a happy trail and giant dark bush or she's not accurate asian.

It's ok, I can add XD to whatever you like as well

And you're not exactly pleasant to be around either


That aint thick, that just fat

How to use mccrees ult.

I push button and everyone immediately fucks off for 10seconds into a building before my "I win" button works. I hope they change it to be faster but less damage.

>Can't shoot the little thing Mei throws out for her ult


I've played 10 hours now and barely anyone uses her

sauce fambalam

because you can just run away from it.

that looks a way too much like my gf 6 months ago
thanks god she has been losing weight

I want that Mei to sit on my face. I want to eat out her sweaty ass and pussy. Why is life so cruel?

She feels kinda lacking honestly. you don't die easily because of two lives but you have fuck all to really do when you aren't int he robot.

Roadhog has his pull utility, Reinhardt has combo off his ult and objective push. Winston Has zero effort gun aim, Tumblr is there for people who need to be special pickign 'unpopular choices''ss just kinda, "not terrible, but not really uniquely interesting"


How many cleavage twitch streamers have you donated to?

Yeah but it would nice to help teammates who are frozen and taking damages makes my penis feel funny

It feels weird that there is no jiggle physics in game. If you're not going to have jiggle stop putting everyone in fucking spandex.

I have no idea how the fuck is damage of this ult calculated

jiggle physics are the patriarchy or something. Just like we can expect to never see bikini alt costumes or anything like that. But i'm sure we'll get another 3 recolors for the one alternate mesh outfit people got, and another 2300 sprays per character for loot crates.

You lost jiggle physics, but you got the giant reflective asses feature at least.

but you CAN shoot Junkrat's Exploding tire

well, where do I need to go to get thick lewds? this thread doesn't look like the place

Would cuddle.

>Tumblr is there for people who need to be special pickign 'unpopular choices'

Except Tumblr is actually fun and good.

What the fuck happened? All games are ass now. Nothing is close. Just one team running forward and never stopping.

I want to her to mommydom me

>not mine jumping behind the enemy so they don't see it coming

>best character
>most powerful
>highest skill ceiling

Why are you not playing him this very second user?

Sketched her few days ago, because dem hips and tits.

Oh come on user if you want to lie at least lie plausibly. Tumblr is so desperate for excuses to be snowflakes Blizzard put pink hair on 60+ year old russian woman sterotype and they called it innovative.

>Play that random hero brawl mode
>Manage a triple kill with her ult that ended up winning us the map
>Play of the Game is still a Hanzo standing there missing shots