>Uncharted 4
>Ratchet & Clank
>Shadow of the Beast Remake (also includes the original)
>all these 10/10 games releasing within weeks from each other
Why didn't yo buy a PS4, Sup Forums?
>Uncharted 4
>Ratchet & Clank
>Shadow of the Beast Remake (also includes the original)
>all these 10/10 games releasing within weeks from each other
Why didn't yo buy a PS4, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Shadow of the Beast Remake (also includes the original)
Not really interested in it but that's actually really cool
>Uncharted 4
If I wanted to play Quantum Break tier AAA action garbage I would have bought a XONE/PC
>Ratchet and Clank
Actually an awesome remake
literally what
>Shadow of the Beast remake
literally what
I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne, Nier:Automata, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5, The Last Guardian, New Kojima Productions exclusive and new From Software exclusive.
Uncharted 4 isn't automatically a 10/10 just because it's an exclusive. Tbh none of these games are 10/10, R&C remake lacks original's personality and atmopshere.
Finally the PS4 has no games meme died.
Nintencucks must be rolling in tears right now haha.
My wallet can't handle all these PS4 games!
It was never a meme to begin with, just shitposts, sad!
>Persona 5 only after September
>Wario Land
>Jack Bros
Why didn't you buy a Virtual Boy, Sup Forums?
>not familiar with Housemarque games, like Resogun, Alienation, Super Stardust, Dead Nation
I preorded Uncharted 4 on Amazon last night, I've never played one before...
Will that matter?
>Uncharted 4 isn't automatically a 10/10 just because it's an exclusive
Nobody said it was, it's a 10/10 game from multiple reviews because it's a fantastic game.
Yes. Go play the Nathan Drake Collection.
>from multiple reviews
Ahh, like Gamespot? Gone Home is a fantastic game now. People who rated it 10/10 are the same people who rated Skyrim 10/10.
This meme again.
The correct term is "Sodomynation"
I love Sony.
Nope. The story is not connected to the previous games.
>Ratchet and Clank
I've never cared about any of these series, why should I care now?
> why didn't you buy a ps4 yet, Sup Forums
> buying a PS4 1.0 30fps beta console
Because I'm not fucking retarded.
I just picked up the Uncharted collection, do they get better than 1? This shit is just running through wide open rooms and shooting meatsponges until it's time to move to the next wide open room.
I did. I love it.
Thanks. That's what my coworkers have said.
If I had the free time, I'd do this. But I just don't
post your face when you didn't buy a ps4 and sony announces the ps4k
Enjoy your shit exclusive games sonygers while I enjoy my +100 library of games on the FUCKING PC!!
Uncharted 2 is great and had 10/10 multiplayer/coop.
Too bad the collection ditched the Multiplayer.
But is the gameplay better than 1? The puzzles are just "shoot the barrel" so far, the combat is just tedious, and I'm already 80% of the way through the game.
It will never die. PCucks aren't exactly original when it comes to shitposting.
Is that shit worth it? I wanted to get a PS4 for awhile and I don't know if I should shill out for a PS4 or wait till' the PS4K or whatever.
I have a PS4 and this list makes me despair.
R&C had me super hype and while it was fun it was underwhelming. I preferred most of the games prior, I felt they put too much emphasis on graphical polish and left things like content and level design by the wayside.
Uncharted 4 is going to be more of the same bullshit I got tired of by Uncharted 2, only marginally prettier.
Cyber Sleuth was only mediocre too, and now there's going to be a PS4k. I should have fucking waited.
That's original user, you're amazing and funny and clever :)
Why would you buy a PS4 now when there's an objectively better upgrade on the horizon? Be patient and laugh at all the premature cucks.
So sell your console and get something you'll make the most of instead of bitching about it on an online board. It's no big deal either way, it's just video games.
Unless you never had a PS4 to begin with and you're just shitposting?
You could say the same about all electronics. Why buy anything at all when there's an objectively better upgrade on the horizon?
>bad analogies on Sup Forums
and nothing else is new
>Forgetting games like Undertale,Gone Home, and MGS V literally got 85+ scores.
Have we forgotten so easily?
So uh, no?
Nah, I'm a full gen idort. But now to sell the console after buying it only a few months ago I'm a bunch of money in the hole because I'm obviously not going to get the same money used.
The most annoying part is the FPS issues and the like that will obviously be less of a thing on the upgraded model. It shits on the notion of HAVING a console in the first place.
>But is the gameplay better than 1?