Did anyone else feel like shit assassinating the targets in this episode? Francesca hardly did anything wrong
Did anyone else feel like shit assassinating the targets in this episode? Francesca hardly did anything wrong
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Silvio was mentally deranged to the point of insanity, it was admittedly his mother's fault, but the dude was still dangerous. He wanted to kill everyone who bullied him when he was a child.
Francesca was ruthless and part of a shady company of people that wanted to create this virus and sell it to governments.
I can't feel too bad about killing either of them or destroying the virus.
you're a hitman, not a judge.
`soi.. this any goiod?
I put 47 spices in the pasta still tastes like ashes in my mouth
I hang my head and cry when I think of spaghetti bolognese that you've made for us both
that summer night in Napoli with the alleycats serenading our love
Now I prowl the streets around your house like a beast in the night you are all that I'm thinking of
>AH, AH, AH...
I stand outside your window pleading
>AH, AH, AH...
Won't you hear me, won't you see
RITORNARE I'm begging you come back to me
RITORNARE I follow you, I'm watching you
RITORNARE Come back to me or I will find 47 ways to make you mine
The taste of wine turns bitter on my tongue
There were candles burning when we made love
I see you lighting candles now as you feed the peasant whose dirty hands soil the table cloth
>AH, AH, AH...
I watched that swine drink to his fill
>AH, AH, AH...
Get rid of him or I swear I will
RITORNARE I'm begging you come back to me
RITORNARE I follow you, I'm watching you
RITORNARE I'm seeking you, thinking of 47 ways to make you pay
I just played the first tutorial level. Any tips? I seem to just be changing costumes and then strangling the dude when he's alone , the second time I got caught by the man in the white hat and threw a statue at his head and shot the guy.
I'm so used to metal gear solid 5 that it fucks me up.
>just doin muh job
Okay Americans
you're a shitty hitman, would not hire
This. A higher power than you has already made the decision about whether they should live or die. 47 is just a means to an end.
lol no they were both smokers and deserved to die
What do you mean, 'Any tips?'?
The tutorial is easy mode. You're gonna have a harder time with the next mission and the two big missions.
Also, don't forget to turn off Opportunities and Hitman-Vision off. That shit is gay and ruins the game.
Literally the best hitman game in the franchise within 2 episodes
Well I want to be more crafty in my killing
Has there ever been a himan mission where the target was clearly not a bad person?
More of a British mindset
>slitting silvios throat with a circumcision knife while dressed as a plague doctor as he watches childhood memories
What the sweet fucking Christ 47 I thought you were an emotionless killer, why was that one of the opportunities
o rly - thing that keeps me of buying it is triggered events.. why are the reviews so bad on steam? is it just "MUH EPISODIC RELEASES" & "DRM" ?
>A higher power than you has already made the decision about whether they should live or die.
Heh, I guess you could say that.
Joseph Clarence in Blood Money famously was just a guy who has his life ruined by an accident
Go to the main menu and options, turn off "Opportunities" and "Instinct"
Everything else is casual shit that you should turn off, but not that bad. Opportunities and Instincts outright ruin the game.
Did you try getting the outfit of the guy the target is meeting, and then going to meet the target dressed as him? Did you try poisoning the target's drink? Try any accident kills?
True that.
>Can convince a britcuck to literally kill a man after a night of shenanigans.
At least they patched it so that only opportunities are triggered now while the targets start their routine right at the beginning of the level
Nah, m8. It's excellent, but considering the content so far, it's still behind Blood Money and Contracts.
It's gonna need to keep up this quality over all 6 episodes to be up for debate.
Didn't he cheap out on the safety standards though?
The DRM is legitmstely bullshit since it cuts in and out like crazy. No idea what the fuck is wrong with the servers
And yes, entitled babies are mad that its episodic despite it being a great model for this. You get a month to explore and play and the whole level and figure out all the opportunities. Keeps me interested
Don't listen to reddit tier babies
Grab the intro pack, play Paris a bunch and then grab Sapienza before Marrakech is out
No because I couldn't find any.
How does it ruin the game? Isn't it the same as the minimap?
Yeah but wasn't it because there were some security measures not being held or construction stuff that was skipped or something?
Well, the immediate obvious answer is the Journalist and the Priest that you kill at the end of Blood Money. They were witnesses and they had to be killed and that is it. In the cutscenes you also kill a bird and a postman because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time)
Clarence from the beginning of Blood Money is a fuck up, but not really a bad person, just incredibly incompetent and responsible for manslaughter.
In Hitman: Contracts, you kill an FBI agent because he got caught. He's already being electrically tortured and you're tasked with killing him off. He's pretty innocent.
I have the intro pack. How much more would it cost to get the full upgrade compared to buying the levels separately? Don't really wanna get the upgrade without knowing the future levels.
>poisioning her drink while dressed as her lover
>she asks "how could you?" as she died
>stuff her in the closet with her naked boyfriends unconcious body
>he'll wake up snuggled in his gfs corpse
I was not expecting to feel this
47 just trying to spice his style up.
There's the problem.
Yes 47 is apathetic.
It lets you see through walls. I believe if you have instincts turned off, it doesn't show people in the mini map.
it does
criminal negligence is not an accident you cuck
I think there are 6 episodes though, although I've heard a rumor there are actually 7.
If it's 6, you only pay an extra 5 bucks on the long run, you also pay an extra 5 bucks if you upgrade right now. If it's 7, you pay an extra 15.
You do have the chance of only buying the episodes you want, though, so if one gets reviewed badly you can skip it, as long as you have the Intro Pack (So I guess Paris is forced onto you)
>no newspapers after each hit
I know there's a way of having the mini map without it showing the dots on the screen because I've seen the game being played like that on youtube. I don't know which option it is, though.
>video from an English TV channel blocked in England
What the fuck
Maybe, but he should have been arrested then not beaten to death with a baseball bat
I really don't see the point in not just getting the whole thing if you've liked the ones so far. I started off with the full thing a week ago because I knew I would want everything if I liked what's out so far, despite if some future level turned out mediocre by reviews.
Does the menu map pause the game as well or does it work like in BM where everything still plays out? If it pauses you might as well use the minimap.
No you have to buy all the previous episodes . They outright said it.
I feel bad about the male targets in the first 2 episodes
Viktor is a murderer but he desperately wants to get out of that lifestyle and just wants to make dressed and live a fun life style, and his wife probably doesn't love him
Silvio is a man driven fucking insane by an abusive childhood who clearly needs serious help instead of a bullet
will they ever bring back the sniper briefcase
Let's hope so, familia. I also want akimbo style with my pistols.
They've released polls on their site talking about what features users want to be added, and the rifle breifcase was one of the options.
All I want is W2000 sniper, the sniper briefcase and suit with gloves.
>Doing Escalations
>Trying to get stuff done faster
>Instead of luring a guard into the bath room, I just bum rush him since he's already alone in the room
>Punch him so hard we go from third floor of Paris (Where the girl meets Helmut) to the corner of the front entrance on the first floor
>47 is manlet mode, sank into the ground up to his thighs
>No one really cares what's going on
>Guard I punched falls from the ceiling breaking a lamp
>Lands next to me, game crashes
Escalations are a hell of a drug,.
He was, and went to trial and was set free on a technicality. The father of one of the victims decided to take justice into his own hands. It's all a big two wrongs don't make a right thing.
>6th game
>still can't disguise yourself in women clothing
>Viktor is a murderer but he desperately wants to get out of that lifestyle and just wants to make dressed and live a fun life style
You are cutting him way too much slack.
>and suit with gloves.
Fucking need this.
Also what's with the Steam badges being total shit?
Will they go for the same amount of dark tone that the other hitman games went with? And how does this compare to absolution
I wouldn't be surprised if they actually had some opportunity in another level where it's similar like in Sapienza where you're in a dark room or something.
This is not Contracts level of darkness. It's more in the Blood Money category. Plenty of good humor as well, in my opinion.
Yeah that sucks, I loved those telling me how many people I killed, what guns I used and shiet.
>female mission with girl from absolution
Yea or nea?
I don't remember Blood Money having a dark tone, for the most part it had a lot of odd funny stuff in it, and this one has that as well. Don't know about Absolution, haven't played it yet.
>Can't disguise yourself as Caruso's mother and be in the room when he comes to it
You didn't kill him, your employer did. Assassins aren't killers they're just the weapons
What happens with that? I never finished it since I accidentally set off a mine on myself
You can either have him run away or faint.
Absolution-Diana Burnwood
Hitman Contract's Rendezvous in Rotterdam had you offing a captured detective named Klaas Teller as second target.
The guy's only offensive is getting caught by the biker gang, he is already chained up to an electric generator and very obliviously tortured, yet the client (Heavily implied to be the Rotterdam chief of police or another high-up politician) requests him to be taken out as well to tie up loose ends.
Diana is a bad person under any moral compass. The Agency aren't good guys.
The only thing different from blood money is the music. If Kyd was doing the soundtrack again it would feel just as dark. Sapienza has a couple of really fucked up ways to kill the target.
Killing innocents in this game is so much more disturbing than killing pedestrians in GTA it's crazy!
The way people will beg for their lives before I cut them off with a bullet between their eyes is awesome. Just wish I could strip off the clothes of women just as I can with males.
No. You are a hitman. It's a video game. Embrace the role. You dont know this woman. She might've slapped a sandwich out of a homeless kids hands on her way in. In fact, if you are having trouble, picture that.
This obviously
I guess you know who to call when the shit gets real. America
I like when they start saying silly shit while I'm going on a massacre.
>Hitman-Vision off. That shit is gay and ruins the game
Please stop with this meme. It's less just a nerfed version of the map in the older games and nobody had a problem with that.
Why the fuck does 47s suit not have gloves
And why do they not want you to wear the suit by starting him in the cuckxedo and the pitbull suit
Is this only game only going to be six missions?
I want to try out some new Hitman but the price tag for six missions shouldn't be the price of a full retail game.
The map in the older games didn't show where every fucking person was if you played on the Professional difficulty, as you should.
>le absolution is Canon meme
The dialogue is pretty funny. I've actually chuckled a few times.
There's not much info but usually in media PI's are dirty as fuck.
Are Silent Assassin and Contracts really essential? I loved Blood Money but I have a hard time playing these two, they seem barebones and the controls are shit, and some of the levels seem to rely too much on line of sight stealth which has horrible mechanics here. Not to mention the games glitch out a lot on modern systems. Is there something wrong with me that I enjoy BM so much but not these?
>people are paid to shill Absolution 2.0
It's not even hitman anymore
Someone hasn't played through the ending of Absolution yet.
Or just watched it somewhere if you want to skip the game.
Six missions plus the two tutorial missions plus possibly a finale mission that has been hinted at.
If the next four main missions retain the quality of these missions, then I think it's well worth the 60 bucks. Quality > Quantity.
They're planning on making a second season with more episodes, but you'll most likely have to pay for that as well as if it was another game.
>"Oh mama, I'm so sorry!"
>runs over, gets on his knees, hugs you, and starts weeping
>"I miss you so much.. and your spaghetti.. please make the spaghetti again... I love you mama"
>Y - Snap Neck
Would have been great
>Muh professional
Yeah, no. I've beat the entire series several times on Professional with SA ratings and I still think it's absolutely retarded to do your first playthrough on pro.
Hits from absolution were in the cg cutscene. Sorry senpai.
>guard describing how old the suspect is
>"he looks middle aged, 46, maybe 48 years old?"
Sidebar request: An someone turn these frogs into pepes? I would appreciate it.
Seriously though where the FUCK is Kyd?
Never thought I'd see a picture from Hell Comes to Frogtown on here
Silent Assassins is not really essential. It has some great levels but also quite a few shit ones.
Contracts is damn great, though. I have a hard time calling it essential, but it's fun as fuck and has plenty of excellent missions.
If you just want to jump into 6, then go ahead, but I honestly do think Contracts is worth your time.
>le shill meme
>It's not even hitman anymore
Fuck off
>no akimbo ballers
>no longslide ballers
>no W2000
For what purpose.
>you should do your first playthrough on easy and breeze through it and learn the levels and everything so you don't even have to try on hardest difficulty
upvoted, giving you gold as we speak bro
The therapist one was pretty fucking great.
Never heard that line. Nice.
Another one I like is when there's a crime scene and people are panicked and one dude looks at you and says something like "Just between the two of us, I'm just an actor, I don't actually care" or something like that, made me laugh pretty hard.
whoa, 47 looks weird now
i'm not playing until the whole game is out, is this a young 47?
>SA is not really essential
>Contracts is great
Are you high or something?
The plague doctor kill might be tied with Curtains Down and replacing the prop gun for my favorite assassination