>when the first phase of a boss is hard than the second phase
When the first phase of a boss is hard than the second phase
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Besides the Old Demon King, this was the second boss where my being a sorcerer actually paid off.
Both the first and second phase are easier if you have/keep range.
pic completely unrelated I assume?
>tfw barely beat first phase
>got rekt on second phase cus no estus left
Pontiff fucking Sulyvahn for me. I intentionally don't use shields/parry so first phase was a fucking nightmare.
its not. first phase is easy as fuck. its the second "mr two shot" phase that is fucking bullshit
>Swordspear rapes Stormdrake
>it tickles Nameless King
Agreed, first phase took me a couple of tries to master.
Second phase I just couldn't seem to dodge enough, and being a two handed ultra greatsword user i was taking too many hits each time there was a window.
Went away and got 15 estus and then it was pretty easy
how do you avoid the firebreath from the dragon? It always gets me no matter what I do.
> Old Demon King
Fuck this thing with my pyro build
by rolling
Run like a negro chased by a hippo
If you're talking about the move when it goes straight up, just run away from it then go back when the fire goes away. You don't get a lot of hits in but it saves you an estus or two.
If it's the one where it breathes in a line from its side, just run at it towards its right.
God that was a pain in the ass. I wanted to summon Cuculus too for the swamp set too and that made it a fucking nightmare. Useless npc.
which fire breath? If it's the one where he is on the ground then just iframe through it as it sweeps. Roll in the opposite direction that he is sweeping and you should be able to iframe through it. If you're talking about when he flies up and uses it, you should run directly away from his head.
the mistake your making is being under him. That firebreath in that case is basically an insta kill.
you have to stay in front of him and bait his head
I'm guessing you mean when he takes off?
He makes a loud shrieking sound before he spits fire and you just sprint away from him.
I tried rolling away at first but I never made it in time, but sprinting got me away 9/10
Am I being rused by the entire internet right now. This guy keeps popping up in every hardest boss list and post.
Nameless King was a fucking joke. It's one of the very few bosses I killed on my first try. His dragon pet's belly is considerably more resilient than his head so you'll never be in range of his downwards flame if you play smart. All of his attacks are perfectly telegraphed and fair, I'd say his only real dangerous attack is the call forth lighting one where he has to charge up since he casts it really fast after the unpredictable charge and does a lot of damage. I used Drang Twinspears and a fucking offhand Dragonslayer Greatbow during the whole fight so no cheesing from my part.
Great boss, but if you're experienced there's just no way to lose. It's like Artorias.
Should I cosplay as him or gundyr ?
lol. knights crossbow +X, lightning bolts, shoot the bird, tada done.
I fucking wish
I can easily say the same thing about champion gundyr but everyone insists hes hard too. I've come to realise that people have difficulty with anything really. There's no 100% agreement in which boss is hard.
>you'll never get a new dragon covenant for seathes torso stone so you can invade and spam shit about ocelotte.
Feels bad man.
both gundyr's were easy as shit though
Nameless King I had to get help because he was fucking me up and I feel like a complete shitter for it, but I don't give a damn because at least he's down
no offence but how could you ruin your playthrough by summoning? It's so much more satisfying to do it solo.
So how did you guys take him on?
Im a pyro with a great sword. Once i realised chaos fireball sucked dick on him i focused on meleeing the dragon. Shit was easy, especially when you can critical his face after a few hits.
Second phase was just dodgeing and throwing shit at him.
his second phase is literally the first phase but with another dude doing shit to you.
Also beat Gundyr on the first try. Maybe it's because I had replayed the few beginning areas so much, trying out different builds to see which I liked the best and I knew Iudex's moveset by heart but I beat him after a pretty tough fight.
Come to think of it bosses on the later half didn't feel as challenging as everyone seems to claim for me, was it because I had like 10 Estuses or what. They were still fun as fuck to fight tho, looking forwards for the NG+ rematches.
>Pontiff Sulivahn consistently ranks lower than Nameless King
If you faced him alone without knowing you could parry him or with a two-handed weapon he's the toughest motherfucker in the entire game. Even with parries he's still hard since parrying without a Buckler or a Caestus is a bit wonky.
Does that make me a badass since I used a executioners greatsword without parrying?
First phase was easy with an ultra greatsword
Second phase I found him difficult to dodge but just played it safe until I stunned him and got the visceral-ish move on him. That took him down to less than half health and by the time he recovered I had him one hit away from death.
Took me a lot of tries but usually because i'd die within a minute of the second phase starting.
First time I got him below 3/4 health in the second phase was the time i beat him
Yeah, the big part about boss "phases" is you often get rekt early by the 2nd phase and never get a chance to learn. Once you nail the method for phase 1, you pretty quickly build the picture of phase 2.
Great boss fight though. One of the most memorable in the series. Only boss that really gave me much trouble in D3.
I only summoned help for Nameless King, everything else was solo
I almost tapped out on Dancer but I buckled up and took her down, everything else was from easy to moderately challenging
but Nameless King fucked me up
Then why did you give in and summon for him? If you could do every other boss solo why cave in at that point? It's forever a stain on your ability to play the game now.
The first phase is easy as fuck. Just stay near the head and he'll never use his Ancient Dragon firebreath attack. I swear I've personally never seen that attack in my game.
>when you play better while drunk because caution flies out the window
You must have got lucky then, I found that attack relatively easy to dodge, but he still did it a lot regardless of where I was
I don't think I can remember a time where I have regretted being too cautious in a souls game
I can think of a fuckton of occasions where i've died when the boss has a slither of health left because caution flew out of the window
I already feel like a shitter user, don't make it worse
2 tries in and get the dragon part down
second part (took me 8 tree solo) my dodging is good until I miss dodge one attack and it fucks up everything, or I press R1 twice and it makes me attack 3 times then I really get buttfucked
Strafe left and half his shit will miss.
Fucking meme boss.
Try using Drang Hammers with only enough STR to wield them two-handed and no fast roll, he fucking raped my ass over ten times.
well at least you feel guilt over it. Surprising how many people ask for an easy mode not realising that summoning people IS the easy mode. You may as well go play other games at that point. The entire point of dark souls is the challenge, the repeated deaths till you get good and tada it's super easy.
my nigga
>hud off, liquor on
and I'm a pvp machine.
When will this Nameless King was hard meme die? I think I beat him on my 5th try. Unless you are literally incapable of wielding fast weapons there is no reason to struggle. Git gud kids.
Same here, I miss Dark Souls 1 OP magic where I kill the final boss in 3 quick spells
>Uses fast weapons
>X was easy guys!!
Dragonslayer Armor was harder.
>tfw beat all of bb and ds3 drunk
>tfw next day have to replay levels because i powerhoused the level without exploring
still its insane how good one gets when in fuck it mode.
Well, most of my deaths occur while I keep my distance and try to measure new enemies movesets. Eventually some fucker with unlimited stamina catches me off guard and fucks me up. But when moderately drunk (not too much or I become real stupid) I stick real close to them, circle and stunlock the fucker to oblivion.
Let's be honest: nothing in this game was particularly difficult.
I literally learned to block with a shield just for this boss. Up until that point I never even had a shield equipped
yea I never understood how people can have fun being handheld through entire levels, even with friends. it's even more nauseating invading and seeing the host have 3 helpers. I wonder if they know the more summons they have the more HP enemies get, making some bosses from frail easy chumps or challenging to tanks of mass destruction
Pontiff's second phase is much calmer than first phase. He gets a mirror image copy but he is FAR less aggressive and easy to bait.
If you kill his copy he goes back to phase one aggressiveness which is bullshit hard.
Kinda this. I was using the Fumed Ultra Greatsword +6 and would shit on phase one but because of the slow attack speed on the sword and large healthpool of phase two, I consistently opened myself up to his attacks because I'd get anxious.
I switched to a Heavy Darksword +10 and bodied him. He was the hardest boss in this game but nothing in the entire game gave me trouble.
>tfw got gud
The thing is that the bosses getting more hp and damage doesn't really matter, having 2-3 targets that the boss can even target make's it super casual as the other 1-2 people can lay into the boss at will without even caring about defence.
ofcourse there are a few bosses that are an exception to this, pontiff for example since most of his attacks are like 300 degrees anyway so some cunt is getting hit.
>not adjusting to a boss
>being this fucking dumb
>b..but at least I can brag to my friends
Kill yourself
Off topic from the fight, but can I play with someone on new game if I am on new game +?
If I can't, can passwords let me?
one of you admitted to using dex weapons, is the other using greatswords or ultra greatswords?
both gundyr and nameless are brutal against any weapon that is slow to swing
most people who are having trouble with them are people using STR weapons that hit hard but slow; it feels like the bosses were not designed with this in mind
>it's even more nauseating invading and seeing the host have 3 helpers.
God forbid people want to have fun.
Maybe they're just discussing on the mic as you invade them and laugh at you, possibly laughing harder if you score a kill.
I used the halbard with deep protection and dark weapon casted at the start. (I never got a chance to recast either.
I admit he was brutal but I took him down first go without too much worry.
>save nameless king for last
>keep putting him off and end up making four other characters
>get to the end of the game with all five characters
>have to fight five nameless kings back to back with five different builds because im a lazy scrub
God help me
You can roll right through the sweep.
Me again dex weapons aren't exactly be all and end all, there's slow ass weapons in dex too and besides all the strong weapons are quality anyway.
He was hard until I stopped panic rolling backwards and actually rolled through him. His second phase is also a complete joke.
I killed nameless first try with a greataxe.
It took me like 15 tries to beat gundyr with a washing pole.
How many times did you guys die to each boss?
Iudex Gundyr: 1
Vordt: 2
Curse-Rotted: 1
Crystal Sage: 3
Abyss Watchers: 6 (no idea what the fuck happened here)
Deacons: 0
Wolnir: 1 (died within the first 3 seconds of the fight by charging into the fog)
Old Demon King: 2
Pontiff: 2
Yhorm: 2 before I figured out how the fucking stormruler works
Aldrich: 6
Dancer: 2
Dragonslayer Armour: 5
Oceiros: 1
Champ Gundyr: Maybe around 12. Struggled with this more than anything else. Dropped my greathammer after it since i'm positive that's why I was finding it so hard.
Lothric: 1
Ancient Wyvern: 0
Nameless King: 8. This guy and dragonslayer armour are a bit of a nuisance as a faith character.
Soul of Cinder: 0
Not terribly impressed by the bosses overall and I thought the final one was terrible. I certainly did a lot worse in BB where even shit like Rom caused me about 10 deaths.
>heavy dark sword+10
>I got gud guys!
Literally a shitter bragging about his skill
I autistically use 2hand strength builds in Fromsoft games, sometimes carry a longsword if an enemy calls for it, but most of the time I'm using 2hand weapons
I don't mind if they're playing with friens, if shit like that happens I just want to waste their time, I just hate it when it's obvious the host hasn't done shit the whole while his butt buddies clear the level for him, then when an invader comes tree seed (unlike most players on Sup Forums I black crystal out ASAP if I see the seed icon)
>I have tiny sliver of HP
>boss has tiny sliver of HP
>boss rears up attack
>zero stamina, mashing R1 to just get that final hit in
I only have myself to blame, but fuck everytime I do that.
I've soloed every boss with the Zweihander so far except Nameless King.
Iudex Gundyr: 0
Vordt: 0
Curse-Rotted: 1
Crystal Sage: 1
Abyss Watchers: 0
Deacons: 0
Wolnir: 0
Old Demon King: 0
Pontiff: 3
Yhorm: 0
Aldrich: 2
Dancer: 2
Dragonslayer Armour: 0
Oceiros: 0
Champ Gundyr: 3
Lothric: Not fought yet
Ancient Wyvern: 1 (i went right instead of left)
Nameless King: 3, and still fighting him. i had one hit left and got greedy and i got pissed and quit.
Soul of Cinder: Not fought yet
Vordt's great hammer has served me very well so far. champ gundyr was a bitch and nameless king has been a bitch
Nah, first phase of Nameless is easy as long as you manually control camera. Now Soul of Cinder, that may be way harder in the first phase depending on what weapon it has active: staff is piss-easy, but spear and curved sword are way harder that Gwyn's greatsword. And same goes for Gascoigne in BB, that motherfucker is way harder in his hunter form than the beast form.
Fuck the kick, there should be an option to toggle that shit or remap it. It's so fucking useless in the majority of situations
>that kick
it has fucked me over many times
Only attack when he has just got done attacking. The two easiest moves to hit the head 3+ times after are the lightning slam and the dragon's firebreath (not airborne). Otherwise you want to be backed away from him far enough that he'll switch sides on you.
When he switches sides, he almost certainly does the lightning slam about 80% of the time. Lock on to the dragon's head and walk diagonally into it, then roll at the last second and wail on the dragon's head.
When he does the fire breath, walk at it and roll to the other side of the stream. Now you can run up to the dragon's head and wail on it.
Why the fuck are Bonfire Ascetics not a thing anymore?
I just want to 1vs1 Nameless King again, I don't want to help some fag or redo the whole game just for him
Pic unrelated of course