What games have good balance for multiplayer?
What games have good balance for multiplayer?
I main Zippy Smalls for that mix of Speed and Attack/Spec, but when I just want to troll I'll take Bumpsy out to the edge of the ring and turtle until it comes down to two other guys.
Just as the killing blow is about to be struck, I zoom halfway across the map and take that kill. The remaining guy is usually so depleted he can't kill me and we time out.
Shit is jokes.
The grandgaurds sheild is op.
You can basically only break it if you got Samantha or Ether Rex, and that's if you can survive everyone else coming for your bug gay colorful parade float ass
One Shot Johnny.
I don't give a fuck, nobody can follow my moves.
Rock Out Randal has the best win music, tho.
Tunsianian Jazz-Phfunk all day erry day
DLC characters when?
Crispy Bisby a shit. They shouldn't listen to the retard fans on shrimpanainteasy
Looks like a kidney stone or something.
Ether Rex is OP as shit what the fuck is wrong with Sakurai?
What does special do?
Enjoy dying in one hit johnnies.
Bumpsy for unstoppable on capture the flag.
based user
>he doesn't main the big crimson
>getting hit
When are they nerfing Ether Rex? So what if he has low defense, you can't even get close to him with that AoE bullshit
Same goes for you
If you're against a One Shot Johnny you can only hope to fuck him with specials, which he can easily avoid
It's a one-sided battle
not overwatch for sure
>not the pistol shrimp
I just realized : overwatch is a game where everyone play one shot johnny.
>press Q to win
I got focus sash nigga
Get good scrub
Give him high attack and high special, no one really has that combo yet.
7 defence
7 attack
3 speed
2 special
Sup Forums will probably disagree, but it's pretty straight forward which classes should clash against each other and which ones should avoid each other.
makes sense he'd be gimmicky as fuck like all DLC
This. Too bad the community a shit.
Scarlet Widow
New leaked character, guys!
He looks pretty strong... I wonder what his moveset will be like.
By the way, his name is Clamping Champion.
Eh, looks pretty weak. But finally they give us a good looking female fighter.
Notorious Z.I.P is the best. The special is pretty situational, but he has the best neutral game bar none.
So many salty One-Shot Johnnys because I was able to poke them with the weak super and kill them.
Ether Rex and Samantha are pretty hard counters with their special stats, but aside from that, he's got few weaknesses.
I like it.
One sec.
>that long-reaching claw for trapping and crushing melee shirmps
Probably gives them a nasty dot too if they manage to survive.
Can't wait for all those delicious OSJ tears.
Another leak
Could we finally get a viable charger? Just look at dat horn.
Johnnies btfo
>johnnies will oneshot themselves if they try to touch crispy
Can't wait, to be honest.
>no pistol pete
shit game
Makes me think that he'll have stats like Ether Rex, but more defense and whatnot. Maybe the special ignores defense? Dome players beware.
I'm glad they didn't add him to the sequel. Lets be honest for a second, user, he was fucking OP.
Might be, but what is his name?
He looks like a "Sir Hornupyourass" for me.
One Shot Johnny is so fucking broken
>INB4 he is super squishy
Nigga I don't care how "squishy" he is, his hurt box is nonsense. I have seen my shrimp's attack literally pass through his body and not hurt him! Then bam! One shot. I hope they fix it next patch.
a nightmare to balance ranged
I bet it's some kind of transformation.
guys can you stop I'm allergic to shellfish, fucking shrimpchildren stop Anaphylaxis-raping me! noncrustaceanism is for crustacean-lovers too trust me!
>blows a blast of water at a speed of 100km/h with a temp above 4,700 °C
Fuck no it's like one shot johnny with range.
>gets one shotted by stray bumpsy attack
literally every johnny player i've seen
maybe it's like magic, it can do several things depending on the character
>another OSJ
>now in special flavour!
Just kill me now, /shrimp/.
>It's a pipepressure map
>It's a glass tank map
Special is lame, it should actually be specified. As of now only Grandguard has a unique ability.
Gropey Gustav
Attack - 6
Defense - 3
Speed - 3
Special - 8
Balanced or OP as shit?
Here's what i've got so far guys.
Doing god's work here, user.
>not throwing crustaceans into the pipe.
Bumpsy player detected.
try to keep aspect ratio
Gears of war 3, but even then the lancer and retro lancer are easily OP if you can aim well.
Give the charger a 6 in speed, attack and special and a 1 in defense.
Also two of them need a name... Mhmm...
maybe things like Thorns or Shield should be unique abilities instead of stats
Clampin Champion should reduce speed on hit
The long nose and shield forehead should have high speed, high defense, no special and moderate attack, but the lower his health the lower his damage
>Main Ether Rex
>Still have no idea how Special works
osj has highest skill ceiling, if you never make a mistake you can slaughter everyone in any situation
I can't into names
this one should be an assassin or something
>Cripsy has low defense
Good job on making the thorns useless.
get the licensing from ubi and call him ezio or some shit
That's a good idea
Give the charger a "Charge" stat and make it very high. His normal attack stat should be low then, implying he needs to charge at his enemies to do any real damage
Maybe every character should get a special ability, then we can stop getting questions about what special does.
lower crispy special and increase defense
Piercin' Pete
I should have known those Shrimp Justice Warriors would force the secs to shoehorn one of these degenerates in.
Preorder cancelled.
Clarence "Red Eye" Clearspike
Guys I love tyhis game its inspired me to make many new ideas like this my OC. He's Sovereign, he's a shrimp that can fly in SPACE and hes HUGE, if u try and eat him he makes u his mindsalve and turns you into a shrimpling. He has full stats in everytyyhng and a special special stat called "ending" which makes evewrey third attack leaving his opponents soulcrtushed and entitelds
That's good.
you just got yourself promoted kiddo
Sounds like a massive mary sue.
Albino Alex
I think they're separate, in my understanding Special is a stat with various uses but the special ability is unique to each character
Fuck off he isn't he's even got a family of shrimps in space and if you think uve won its actually his plan because he's won millions of years ago alrewasdy and this is the sixtyth time he's won against lesser crustyseans.
Andy "The hidden Blade" Chesterfield
So Special is how good the ability is, like a rating?
Special is a unique stat that is shaped like itself. How hard is that to understand you softshell
Alright, from now on all characters need their special ability listed (but not as a stat) which is affected by special.
Characters like One Shot Johnny would most likely have no special.
>mfw this is the best thread on Sup Forums right now
Keep on shrimping, lads.
>Imagine if you were human and got sucked in like that
Funnily enough, OSJ players are usually very special. So special that they need to attend special schools.
actually that's not what I said, but that's what was saying
in my mind it was like a magic kind of thing, with different skills like attacking, projectiles, shields, etc. depending on the character, as opposed to physical hand-to-hand
so something like a Ninja could have high Special even though he's physical
If its any help you'd already be very very dead from all that pressure.
Even if there wasn't the pressure, going from human to tiny .3 cm hole-shaped is pretty much going to guarantee your brain and CNS no longer are capable of reporting that shit hurts yo.
Special is special. How do people not get this?
That looks oddly like a grasshopper
Roadspike Ronnie has joined the fray!
Counter attack armor and a proboscis that means business.
what is this p2w shit?
Spicky Steve has high speed and equal amounts of strength and defense, low special