What games let me fight a giant crab?

What games let me fight a giant crab?

Other urls found in this thread:


serious sam 3

Vagrant Story.

Lots of Monster Hunter games
Dark Souls 3

No fight Crab. Crab is friend.

You made this thread yesterday you fucking loser.

Holy crab just fuck off already
Wasn't one already enough?

Are you going to post this every day so that you can make your little unfunny crab rant?

get a life b

>also sage

>that giant crab in oblivion that dies in one hit because all they did was resize the model

Banjo Kazooie

yabby innit

So yeah, these degenerates can go fucking die.

I'm not even kidding, I want these degenerates off this board.

Seriously, make them die.

Just kill them all off at once

You can fight my 8 if you want to.

First real boss. Robotrek. I need to replay this.

Have them all fucking executed

Dark Souls 3

Barneyfag, we know you're the one who starts these threads just to respond to yourself.

No intelligent person here honestly thinks that you are constantly scouring Sup Forums for any hint of this shit. You always show up because you're the one who posts this shit.

Just leave.

And I just plain want them dead.

fuck i should have read the thread.

this feels surreal

Gee, I sure do love this meme that has been shilled and proven false to the ground.

Is this an old E3 thread?


man i even googled an image just for this thread. You guys made me put effort into a post because I legitimately wanted to talk about robotrek. Say trolled all you want but you set me up and let me down. My day is sad now.

So yeah, just fuck their shit up.

I mean why would someone do that. Just go online and trick people.

Show me proof. Until then, we're all going to have to live with the more reasonable, albeit sad conclusion, that you are not a sleepless neet who spends 24 hours a day on Sup Forums, but rather somebody who starts these threads a couple of times a day for attention.

And I'm not even kidding, I just want them off of here.

>tfw I posted another crab thread on a blue board and barneyfag has to find it on his own


Parasite Eve 2 has a pretty great crab boss.

Please stop doing this.
You're only making this site worse than it already is.

Aw fuck, I totally forgot about it. Might have to replay PE2 again.

Stop starting these threads.

Thread theme

>making site worse than it is
>barneyfag hater shitposts thread forever


Did you fight the hidden spectral one, that was pretty cool
Also, there's a giant one in skyrim