Friendly reminder to keep good posture while gaming!

friendly reminder to keep good posture while gaming!
you don't want to look like a neckbeard, do you?

Other urls found in this thread:

How will my posture affect my facial hair?

How do I obtain a good posture?

I sleep without a pillow just because of this.

this is the best way to sit

I have good posture but am a neckbeard by nature.

when will they learn lads

>Not squating

what does the weight stand for?

torso weight?

It's too late for me, my posture is already gone.

>tfw lumbar lordosis

>tfw just started sitting up straight
>tfw was painful as hell but now I developed muscles in my mid and upper back
>great posture

feels good lads, try it

How many barbells you can balance on the back of your neck before they start rolling off.

It's effectively your head weight according to your neck and shoulders. The more forward the head, the harder it is for the neck to keep it up.


>tfw always had great posture
My mom told me good posture makes you more attractive.

Never been able to play games with good posture, cant keep track of stuff without leaning toward the screen, probably because of my terrible eyesight.

My posture is totally fucked because of it, tried to fix it with exercise, yoga and foam rolling but nothing seems to work.

Reminder that if your set up isn't pic related, you're a fucking pleb.

>not being swag backed

That looks amazing, bet that set up is expensive as fuck though.


> Developing Lumbar Lordosis is the only true way to hide a boner

It's too late, user

Yeah sure, just imagine all those fucking fat anons trying to get up from this.

Yeah, maybe if they were CRTs.

that wouldn't support my weight mate

I'd just fall alseep all the time if I used that.

>not this

I don't care what I look like though. Being handsome makes up for bad posture.

It is expensive, but you can nigger-rig it with a basic zero gravity recliner and any kind of computer cart/monitor arm that will allow you to position the screen/inputs in a similar fashion

> never being able to keep the mouse at rest

Just needs a perfectly horizontal mouse compartment and it's perfect.

>tfw I have a hunch from hiding my boobs

I cringe so fucking hard when I see some of you hunchback quasimodos out in the wild.

I want to tell you to straighten up but I know youre beyond saving at that point.

have fun with carpal tunnel

That's very bad for your knees long-term

you're probably fat and unattractive

Not for playing or actual mouse use, just to store it when watching a video or typing.


I don't know if this is a joke cause it looks like the drawing has its knees bent backwards, or if sitting cross legged really is bad.

I weigh 10 stone.

Enjoy being dead when the entire thing falls over on your and breaks your neck lmao

I've been doing that for rougly 7 years now and my knees work just fine

Not if your Asian master race like me

My knees have swollen up multiple times from sitting crosslegged.
As a disclaimer though I have had surgery on one of them.

Sitting cross legged for too long at a time will fuck your hamstrings up. I did it for years and had to have an op a few years ago to fix my hamstrings (by lengthening them). It was impossible to bend over and touch my toes because of it, let alone walk or run properly because I couldn't fully extend my legs.


in your bra


well fuck, thanks anons. Time to do some hamstring stretches.

post more spine related stuff

There's more than one way to skin a cat.

What the fucking fuck.


Holy shit I had no idea she was so tall.

shes literally just about to lean forward

those look like they shift some weight into your knees

This is another great chair.

What if I sit cross legged all the time but also do lots of exercise and yoga? Cause I've been siting like that for years now and I'm half-way to sucking my own dick right now.



Looks like it would be killing my knees

...crap....I need those.

>Enjoy being dead when your ceiling collapses and crushes you


Pic related.

Me in my comfy setup.

how is this? its from behind...

We're talking more in the 20-30 year term rather then less than a decade here.

people that walk around with good posture look like uptight assholes

Aperantly those standing desk are make no difference.

>comparing a ceiling in a house with a knockoff ikea product
Nigger what

Really? I always, and I mean it, ALWAYS try to bend my legs in one way or another, leaving them fully extended bothers me. Then again I'm pretty flexible and it never hurts.

How much have you anons spent on your chair? I've been using a POS $50 staples chair for 10+ years now

fuck, I'm sitting the exact same way and that was unnerving as hell.

feels comfy nigga

While we're on the subject of basic desk health. What are the best methods to reduce stress on the wrists at a computer desk? Every desk I find is just slightly too tall for me to comfortably place a keyboard with upward wrist bend. Any good slide out keyboard stands that you'd recommend?

I work in sales, you have to stand up straight, chest out and appear confidant if you want to make any money. So I'm good.

I bought mine for $10 at goodwill
It's garbage but it does the job.


>"adopted" son
You ruined the joke, user.

I already look like the third one.

Kill me.

better than looking like a fucking cave man.

extremely bad for your back

tall lanky bitches are gross

don't use a mouse

sadly there's no real alternatives

i tried one of these things at office depot a while back, somehow that shit was really comfortable

fucking ergo magic, i tell ya


First time I've heard this phrase used on the internet. You sound like my dad

Pic related similar

>Wait a minute, that 3DS


What causes lumbar? Mine is pretty intense.

>tfw between throracic kyphosis and forward head because im nearly 7 ft tall surrounded by manlets


remember: catholic school nun enforced "straight" posture is not "good posture"

good posture is what toddlers have, before they unlearn it in favor of sitting in office chairs all day
mimic children if you want to know what to do with your body for health

Close. I'm sitting sideways in my chair and my arm is resting on my headrest

She's a nice person to adopt a child and give it a good life. I hope he has good posture in the future.

She did adopt him and I've been a little angry ever since.

Check Office Depot every once and a while. I got a decent one for 60-70 that's pretty comfy. I'd like to get a mesh one now though.

>zero wrist support
enjoy your carpal tunnel syndrome pangs later on in life, dumb hoe

I used to sit like that all the time and now I got a tailor's bunion. It honestly doesn't matter how you sit, you'll fuck up your body one way or another.

It looks like a steel construction, and I don't see any jet fuel in the pic.

My physio mostly consisted of stretching. Without bending knees and standing up straight, touch left toes with left hand and alternating right hand to right toes.

If you suffer any pain doing that, you really need to stretch more. It'll be better than paying money down the line (assuming you don't have the NHS, like I did.) to fix your hamstrings. You can also do it in bed - back against the headboard while reaching out to your toes without bending your back forwards too much.