Smash 4 is stale

Does anyone else feel like 1.1.5 and Smash 4 in general feel so much more bland after all these patches and DLC? Sure the low-tiers got some buffs and that's great and all, but so many are still nowhere near tournament viable and aren't really that much fun to play with and against. Then you have the top-tiers like old Diddy, Sheik, Greninja, etc who got pretty significant nerfs over the past two years and now fall into the catagory of unfun to play and unfun to fight (in my opinion at least, I found strong Greninja to be more fun than current zoning Gren and Sheik that could kill me and not have me jumping around for a minute at 150%, Diddy was always kind of lame to play against even in his OP days so maybe not the best example). Now we have lame Clouds, Corrins and Bayos fogging up the meta who are an absolute chore to play against, especially with characters that aren't top 10. They might be entertaining from a spectator (or even player) perspective at a high level, but I feel from both a player and viewer at low/mid level it has really gotten stale. Maybe this feeling is just a side effect of the meta settling down?

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I'm not complaining about any of the nerfs/buffs at all
As a long-time Zelda/WFT main I truly welcomed every update that increased my win ratio against my Sheik/Diddy maining buddies until I started beating them consistently.
Though I agree that the current meta that revolves around meticulously learning the match-up between your main and Bayonetta is a bit annoying, thankfully I notice a lot of my friends just not using her for respectability points.

It's felt bland since 1.0.0.

I feel the same way.
Even if there's a ton of different characters being played most of them feel really same.
I think the game just lacks soul

The buffs have been so little, there's still a huge gap between these chars and Sheik/Diddy. You're either better than your friends or they have a lack of MU experience.

It's always been bland. The patches bring little wonder of how much the meta will change,but aside from some confirms it doesn't really do much. Same with DLC.

Such a defensive and zoning game will always feel bland to most people tho.

Stop treating games like tourney shit and you will start enjoying them again.

After participating in Sup Forumseekends, it's become pretty fun to play.

lmao fuck off.

I'm serious, though. Nothing like playing with fellow anons rather than bitching and crying with them.

Fellow faggots, that shit threads died the moment the first DLC came and should get banned again for a while.

Has anyone else become completely bored with this game?

Probably lots of people. Even my most casual friend prefer to play PM or Melee to this.

Play Melee if this game is so boring to you

>Butthurt faggot can't even defend his game and deviates shit to game wars

Not even Defending smash 4. It was designed from the beginning to not appeal to competitive fans. Hell, a few weeks after the game released, DACUS got patched out.

>meta settling down
I wouldn't say that's true. It's not that long ago bidou was discovered. And there are plenty characters that aren't completely explored. Pacman for example can do some sick shit, and probably more than is found yet. You're only looking at the top, where people milk the characters dry because they're known to be good without tech and are thus "safe" to invest in.
Bayo's still boring to watch though.

Bidou has been around for a while already but everyone thought it would be patched out so it wasnt widely ised if at all.

Do you honestly think he wouldn't bitch about that game too

>Sup Forumseekends
too many trip fags and namefags

That's a valid concern. I mainly heard the reason being that the control scheme would be too hard to master after having used a different one for so long. It'd just take some time for people to get busy with it, some new peeps perhaps.
It could bring some sweet movement to the table if it were used, that's for sure.

This is why Smash 4 sucks.
