Game tries to spread any form of a political agenda

>game tries to spread any form of a political agenda

Why is it only the west that does it?


No, seriously.

It's Jews, right?

the only one i can think of is bioshock

shitting on ancaps and theocrats seems pretty safe though

Play nip games only
Now fuck off

What games do that?

And befor you answer, the presence of a minority is not "agenda".

>thinking jap games are apolitical

They only seem that way because you're not a part of their culture, nothing exists in a vacuum retard.

Asians don't have souls so they don't care about SJW shit.

Lmao. Also, the sequel shat on socialists, you stupid fuck

They tend to be apolitical outside of some exceptions like Killer 7.

Not him but what's the difference between ancaps and Objectivists? I haven't read up on those ideologies.

MGS is openly political

The presence of political or ideological ideas in a game is not the same as "spreading an agenda".

Fucking this. The entire MGS series is nothing but political messages wrapped in science-fantasy and goofy as fuck comedy.

But it is when they clearly portray one as the "correct" one and all others as the "wrong" ones

no they fucking arnt. Nothing can exist in a vacuum. Are you still in school or are you retarded?

>Japanese games are apolitical
Just because you can't see their politics because you're a weebshit that doesn't even understand the politics of the country it sucks the dick of doesn't mean they are apolitical.

>only the west that does this

Can you point me to a game which does this?

Assassin's Creed
According to the lore of the series, capitalism was literally invented by the Templars to control and oppress poor people.

You only notice it when you disagree with it.

Are you fucking stupid?

Most games feature a good guy and a bad guy.

Youre either a child that doesnt understand what politics means or a fucking brainwashed hick who cant perceive the world outside of your small little bubble.

>japanese political agenda
>'donto be dis-honorabre an shamu anata no famiry'

>american political agenda

underrated post

but the difference is that the anti-white culture is completely fallacious, and not just pro-state

I tend to believe that the anti-white nonsense is satanic in origin, and the 'agents' are just that, servants of an evil power

I mean a game that takes a clear standpoint on "wrong" and "right" on real-life politics, which is what OP is talking about. Jesus Christ, man.

>I don't know anything about this
>I will still shit out my retarded opinions about it
American detected.


Because any game trying to spread a political agenda in another country doesn't get localized because it has no relevance elsewhere.

But nip games do it too. Although their agendas contradictorio each other:
>Go out and breed
>Don't go out and breed
>Kil al god

I didn't state any opinions about them though?

The problem is when you hear "politics" you assume it directly mirrors politicians and electoral systems.

Politics actually means much more than that.

what game has an anti-white message?

>only the west
Japan does it all the time though.

Every game does this. But apparently, because the west can't master subtlety, you get stuff shouted in your face.

I've mostly stopped playing games from the west because of that.

Learn to read, you dumb cunt.

Yes, I know the word "politics" implies an entire galaxy of things, but I find it fairly clear that OP is referring to SJW pandering or current government issues or whatever else is hot.

Burgerlanders have the tendency of turning any form of media as their personal soapbox

Just look at their "comedy" cartoons,
Even if they used to be actual comedy, they're all used as a soapbox for their retarded views nowadays
Simpsons used to an international icon loved by billions, now no one outside of a few select burgerland states can even relate to it

> Only the west

But that's wrong and you know it. You're just banking on western game players not knowing about your weaboo garbage that does the exact same thing.

This, but there's very few exceptions. What's bad about it is that localizations will fuck them and start adding SJW shit in.

If you're honestly into games enough to keep playing them, learn nip. It's the only way, anons.

We have some faggots like that here in Norway (where he's from). Luckily he's part of a tiny minority, unlike in Sweden.

all of them that have any message at all?

the true essence of whiteness is adherence to authority, normalcy, practicality, and submission to God

I understand that by this definition everything in the entire world is anti-white, and thus it isn't terribly useful, but the line is constantly moving against rational behavior, towards impractical and harmful foolishness, this is destructive towards the civilization that white people create and maintain for everyone else

Your anger is making my dick hard, chubbs. Wanna suck it for me? Getting real tired of your mom's dry mouth.

Objectivists essentially believe that society is best off when everyone acts in their own rational self interest. Since true selflessness does not exist, and me acting in your interest can't possibly be as good as you doing it for yourself, you who knows your self better and is to be more motivated yo help yourself. Thus they believe capitalism is an extension of this. If you act In your own interest self interest to make money, you will make goods and services that other people need/want much more effectively then, say "the greater good"
Ancap just means you are a capitalist who is anarchist. You can be both, but most objectivists would probably argue for a limited government to protect your property Rights, shit like that. An cap would say all government is bad we can self regulate a free market.

Objectivism is pretty close to classical liberalism ("libertarianism" for you fatties), then

Australasian New Car Assessment Program?

>Kill a hundred enemies
>"Killing is like, bad or something, idk"
Fuck these games. Killing in self defense is not bad.

I don't have a problem with it, no matter what the political messege. I just hate retards who don't notice or are brainwashed by it. I hate what would otherwise be a good, say leftist movie, and then having it ruined by the realization that a bunch of idiots are going to shape their views based on fiction and then go vote.

Is piracy a political issue?

>shitting on ancaps

But the whole reason Rapture failed was Ryan turning on his own ideas and attempting to control the market.

>"Killing is like, bad or something, idk"
Oh, so you never played the game.

Yeah and there was no system to prevent it. It essentially said ancap doesn't work. Just like animal farm Shits on communism from the same basis, the message is its impossible to truly achieve, someone will shit it up.

controling the market is the heart of ancap as eventually that is exactly what someone with enough power will do in that situation

>Jap game
>It's about destiny and bloodlines

No, it's a videogame issue

This, always a blast making fun of those.

Jap games have been anti-war and anti-nuclear proliferation for decades and many other political 'agendas', internationally or domestically oriented, have been spread for way longer than that.

You're actually a fucking retard if you think only western games do this. Like I cannot help you, whatever condition you have is probably terminal.


The west just does it less subtly, and apparently they're onto something if you were too retarded to pick up on anyone elses

What is Metal Gear "nukes r bad" Solid? Tho 1 and 5 were the preachiest

yes, it's a direct consequence of allowing corporations to buy copyright and IP law. in some countries the biggest third parties are those that center on copyright reform (the "pirate parties")

It has a general relation to economic policy, so it could be, yeah.

We just laughed in Canada to, but they just grew in number, now we are governed by one. Head my warning. Mind you it's shittier here, because you can live In a completely sane part of the country and still be enslaved by the masses in Ontario.


>Nukes arenĀ“t bad

Nah it really isn't, it's much more extreme and specific

"You've probably heard enough about ideologies by now, let's just dance"

America just doesn't know how to have fun. This is why we need senator Armstrong.

>Why is it only the west that does it?

>he doesn't know about Sonic, Recettear, Atelier, Cave Story, Final Fantasy 7, etc.

Do you even play video games? Go back to Sup Forums

But you gotta admit Homefront: The Revolution setting is fucking hilarious.

Wasn't 5th about the elimination of conflict?

Japanese games have political views too. You just don't see them because you aren't red-pilled.

It can be both, but the bit at the end where they mention something like "In the present day, there are still 100,000,000 nukes left" it was a bit on the nose

>Why is it only the west that does it?
Do you even play games, man?

But I kind of understand why you'd think that - because you grew up in the same environment as the designers of western games.
There's political agenda in a lot of games from everywhere.

You just didn't play enough non-western games or just didn't notice the agenda because you're not familiar with it.

After all some political agendas can be dismissed as common sense.

>Why is it only the west that does it?

>It is a Sup Forums lackadaisically shitposts on Sup Forums while no one discuss games.

Would it kill you to name some fucking games.
Far Cry 4 does it, there retards!

But Ezio does the fucking same!
All of them do!

"political agenda" just means the game has ONE black character or a flat chested female

Because you aren't as aware of politics in the east as you are in the west so you don't realise when they try to spread any form of a political agenda.


Yeah, creators be damned to use their work to express themselves. Shame on them.

Did no one taught them that creativity is for entertainment purpose only?

that is reality, not an agenda though

Anime. those oval-eyed fucks are pure evil and they made weaboos.
Ever heard what ''Operation:Cherry Blossoms At Night'' was? they had fucking kamikazes try to fucking spread a disease and kill us.

>another politics in games thread
I just love this place

Yeah, and it drove home the idea that anyone in Ryan's position would have done the same. There was no way to prevent him from "betraying his principles". Objectivism doesn't account for human error and that's why it doesn't work... is the message.

Why the fuck is this thread still up?

Go suck dicks homo

also a consequence of not wanting to spend money

>Discover something awesome that changes your life (e.g. index funds, stoicism, frugalism...)
>Want to share it with the world.
>Don't want to proselytise and become an annoying smug bastard.

Make this feeling stop, please.

This is the slogan for every liberal agenda for the last few decades. "Reality tends to have a liberal bias" and whatnot.

I mean, you're right about pollution, but still.

Because you only seem to only pay attention to the ones pushing agendas?

Yakuza 3?

Reality doesn't have a liberal bias, liberals just refuse to face reality.

What is reality?

I meant it's a popular phrase among them, as they believe themselves to be morally correct on every subject they have an opinion on.

I know that's what you were saying, just thought I'd tack my relatively unrelated point of view onto your post

Japanese games like to go the religious route and have you kill god.

Whoa man that's deep dude

In all fairness Far Cry 4 portrays every option as shitty.

The guy is shown going around preforming honor killings on the rebels that don't agree with him, the woman is shown going around snatching kids from families so she can put them in state work camps.

>implying that gooks haven't been pushing gay acceptance for decades
Dumb weeb

Why do you get so butthurt over me asking for a definition?

It's actually the American government.

But Gooks have made fun of gays for years and treat homosexuality as joke as it should be.

I can't believe there are people retarded enough to believe this. The only reason you think games from outside your culture aren't political is because you don't know their politics.

You're so fucking stupid, all of you. And then you have the gall to pretend you're smarter than any of the mouthbreathers that spend their lives outside their houses instead of cooped up inside them.