Why all the hate for this game?

Why all the hate for this game?

it's popular

It's not WW2 and not a rehash.
People wanted a rehash.

EA marketing, people assigning it as kiddie, it being popular, it being different.

tell your boss it's because people are tired of that setting

Dudebros don't want space shit in their WW2 shooter

>tired of the setting
And what, all 3 games of it compared to the BnB shit and WW2 shit?
Fuck CoD kids

I think that's a minority.
>Wanting WW2
If they'd want anything, it would be modern shit.

It's Titanfall CoD Edi...oh. Right.

Nothing wrong with that

And you know? maybe the gameplay?

hmmm nah, console shooters are shit and people love that, probably just the setting.

Hating call of duty is a meme I guess

Well yeah, people love COD's gameplay, it's why it sells so fucking much and why so many try to copy it. It's simple and filled with shit that activates your brain.

Doesn't really matter.
The damn game will still make millions.

CoD kids with no imagination think the modern day soldier is the peak of badass and want to go back to shooting people in the desert for 10 more games because they think sci-fi is gay.

Is it bad to think it actually looks pretty good? I usually hate CoD but this looks tight.

Hating it is a meme at this point. It's like dudebros hating Justin Beiber just because it's trendy.

I think "gamers" hated it because it's the quintessential "Chad" game.

That CSS is ugly as fuck.


It looks good

I haven't touched CoD since 4 and I'm on the same boat as you.

All we've seen is the setting, but yeah I guess the setting is pretty neato. I don't particularly like the combination of regular soldiers with their spacecraf though.

Well Infinite Warfare sounds like a retarded name, and it's really forcing another sequel to the Warfare series. I'm more surprised that they didn't just release MW2HD. You just reuse all the assets, spend almost nothing on marketing it, and yo make billions off of "nostalgia" faggots who think it's a classic.

I haven't played a CoD since 4 and all I could think while watching it was "holy fuck this series has jumped the shark so much it hurts".

i thought it was because the cod4 remaster was locked behind the paywall of buying this new one when all people want is the old one with revived multi

Nope, it'd because CoD is sci-fi now

Ya space is gay dude. I don't want some star trek nerd shit in my COD. I play COD to shoot muslims and be a marine.

This shit is not chill, press 1 if you agree.

This. Seriously. I attempted to read the comments last night and it was nothing but 13-17 year olds screaming that Ininite Ward is stupid and no one likes space games.