One image that sums up Sup Forums

One image that sums up Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



Replace fun with videogames

If the thread is about
>actual discussion
>Nostalgia fags
>console wars
You will never get replies

*if the thread is not about

that's not an image, dood






Sup Forums has become that which it sought to destroy

Ssssh don't wake her up


Sup Forums has always been a bunch of hypocritical babies


step it up you fucking white male


Too subtle bro


doing gods work




>No fun allowed here
You ever been to a Save the princess thread?
Or a Jeopardy?
Or a CYOA thread? We had one the other day.
Or a Mosaic thread?
Or a Sup Forumsingo thread?








Wakfuta Academy I think.



That has nothing to do with Sup Forums
>Sup Forums even exists in nature
The world truly a horrible place

I feel like images that are just a statement are unfair