What's the verdict lads?

what's the verdict lads?

It's good, but need some work. Especially in certain areas like Play of the Game. Just cause a guy Ults and gets 2 kills does not make it better than a guy who gets a 5 man kill using his primary.
It's also definitely not for everyone and even I have some issues with it personally. Very hit or miss game.

When the codfags and counterstrike fags get out, it will improve.

Fix Bastion by giving him a windup before bullets shoot.

TF2 is way better gameplay wise.

>Five maps
>+20 characters, most of whom feel identical
>Meatgrinder W+M1 style of gameplay
>does nothing TF2 can't
>produced by Blizzard the Hungering Jew

The verdict? Death penalty.

It's neat, but it doesn't feel like it will have much of a skill ceiling. Just lot's of 'press this button to win' abilities.

>5 maps
>Route 66
>the Mexico map
>The India map
>Lijiang Tower

i am enjoying it on the ps4

you should make a -th thread desu

It's nice to play something new though. I've been playing TF2 for years like most people have.

>+20 characters, most of whom feel identical


Play of the Game is hilarious. It's the most boring shit every single time.

>I've been playing TF2 for years like most people have.
Which is why playing a shittier version of it shouldn't really appeal to you.

Is this what they call super bait where the person lies like crazy and naive 4channers believe him and go on a rage induced frenzy?

Did you really just say most the characters are identical? Which e-celeb told you this shit? because you obviously never played this game.

Multiplayer/competitive games are not true video games, it's pointless trying to analyse them objectively.

Bastion is zero fun to play against but generally the character variety makes it pretty enjoyable.

No idea if it'll last but I'm having fun for now.

TF2 sucks cock though.

If you shitpost hard enough, you can convince all of Sup Forums. Today people actually believe artificial difficulty is a thing that exists outside gambling.

I don't think this game is a shittier version.

It's fun, but it's not worth $60.

There's 12 maps right?

Kings Row

Control Points:
Temple of Anubis

Liyang tower

Route 66

Good thing it's only $40.

It's fun, but not worth playing.

It's $40


It without a doubt is.

Basically this. Hard to believe they are selling it full price.

fun for a laugh for about 20 minutes, not worth 60 dollarydoos

When it comes to balance, DVa, Symmetra and Torbjorn need a buff, and Reinhardt and Bastion need a nerf.

When it comes to the over value of the game, they seriously need to do something that makes people want to keep playing, a couple of recolor skins and victory poses isn't going to make me want to keep playing, and since it looks like every character is going to stick with one weapon, idk how they're gonna do that.

They better add new characters and stages fast.

How dare you say such thing oh man i'm so mad i can't control all of my chins they're shaking like man how dare you even imply these thing stop it right now

Is that good enough? Should I try being more sincere? I-it's my first time replying to bait, s-sorry

Game is just way too boring after a couple of matches I don't think it can be fixed without adding more classes or gamemodes I hope they add custom servers too.

>Cuck General

I knew it was shit the moment they let me in the beta and went through the handholdy tutorial

>b-but its good!
>I want a break from tf2 anyway!

>Kings Row
I forgot about those, damn.
>Numbani and Dorado
Those are the names I forgot.
But yeah, reinforced my point. There's more than 5 maps.

how are you going to nerf bastion? less damage? less hp? Widow 3 shots him, tracer ulti, hanzo... If bastion gets nerfed he is going to suck.

Bastion keeps the noobs in check

Dumb version of TF2.

Snipe the bard, win the round every time.

Terrible map and game design means nearly every round is a stomp.

Payload is unplayable due to how building/teleporters work in the game, they copied the mode without understanding it.

Wish I had a PC...

>5 maps.
There's 12 m8

It's shit

I forgot playing blizzard games on consoles is becoming a thing now.

The worst waste of an interesting world in the last decade.

The worst waste of godly waifu's ever.

The only reason this game will last past the 1 month wonder mark is because it has a blind blizzdrone backing and because people like to masturbate to it. My generous estimate is 4 months at the most. And then 3 months later it will inexplicably get a bunch of GOTY nominations

Some things need tweaking.
Overall the matches feel too similar to me. I hope for innovative game modes.

This is good bait.

Handholdy tutorial, im going to steal that one.



Veritably shit gameplay. Ugly art direction(as if someone took Biofuck Infinite and vomitted on it). Tf2 clone. Waifu fanservice bullshit. F2p for launch because they know it will need it stay afloat.

3/10 try again next time Blizzard

>handholdy tutorial

10/10 bait, got me for a bit

dudebros love it

only fun with a group of friends/competent players in a premade lobby so you can see why Sup Forums wont like it. Playing it with a premade is really fun though

Everything is fun with friends retard.

Oh an every time I turn the game on it has reset to windowed from fullscreen which pretty much automatically puts it on my shitlist.

This hero is seriously fucking retarded. If it is a camping objective. He can stay in place act as an instant death machine.

The balance is fucking whacky

Also unlimited ammo is a fundamental problem Blizz will never address

Dumb weeaboo.

Eh. It's kind of charmless for some reason, doesn't look great and a lot of guns feel really samey which I guess is understandable but still kind of surprising. Having literally hundreds of unlocks that come 4 at a time from boxes that can also contain duplicates of what you already have is a huge bummer too, same with hero skins being basically a bunch of recolors, a couple actual remodels and then a bunch of recolors for the remodels.

Gameplay design is kind of a mess as well. Some heroes have way more abilities than others, some weapons have alternate fire modes while others do not and the game is kind of poorly balanced as well; some heroes are simply better than others in the same role which is kind of worrying considering there's only a handful of them.

It's not bad and it's pretty fun in like forty minute burts but that's about it. I think it'll grow thin really fast.

Wish my 3 year old pc could run it T B H

It's a free to play game sold for $40. And that includes unlocking tons of irrelevant shit, horrible graphics to run in every toaster, being multiplayer only and grindy as fuck.

Plenty of heroes counter Bastion. I typically play Genji and can usually reflect his barrage or just rush behind him and fuck him up.

>Take characters from tf2 and separate them into 2-3 different characters and still manage to have less personality than their original counterpart.

Holy shit is blizzard even trying.I preordered the origins and we better hope for the best and they fix all the shit wrong with it.

I'm getting really frustrated with the game and I'm kinda regretting pre-ordering. It somehow feels worse to lose this than to lose TF2.

Maybe because I never played 12 player cap servers and the low player size makes things your team does wrong/their team does right more accentuated. or maybe it's the FUCKING BULLSHIT "I win" button called Q.

I don't really like how the game forces to have a team composition of dps + tank + healer to win. Not my cup of tea I guess, it is a mixture of a MOBA/shooter after all.

alright thanks for the input glad you chimed in


>open beta fags.txt
tell me more iron boy

Ultimate abilities are sort of crappy and makes the game casual.

Some heroes are completely useless. Most teams will only have one support or two at max, and you have no reason to pick anyone other than Lucio or Hope. If you pick someone other than those two you will already be gimping your team from not having those two.

The same can be said to many other heroes all in all.

That among many other concerns I have can be fixed easily by Blizzard. The problem is that most corporations never fix their games, Blizzard mainly. So I'll just wait some months and ask people who play it if the game is fixed and playable before buying it.

It shit if you're a solo player, premade teams will just go super try hard wreck you and take the fun out of it, come on I just want to chill.

You too

mediocre, good enough to waste some time but there are some really cheap combos.

I enjoy it a lot.
Fills that void that the death of TF2 left.

Not showing the K/D stats for every player is complete bullshit, this is a game for babies, I remember the devs saying "we want everyone to feel empowered and heroic" or some shit like that.

>they destroyed me...
>lol what a bunch of tryhards! trying to win the game? ahahahahahahaha, losers.........
>i bet you are all a premade team... you even touch dicks hahaha gay...

This board is not for you. Try /r/gaming or whatever hole you came from.

>Horribly designed maps, literally chokepoints : The game
>Objectives being retarded and biased, defending teams lose most if not all of the time
>Awful art direction but that is a matter of preference and can understand they did it for people running this on coal based computers
>No sense of hit registering and hitsparks blend badly with what is going on
>Unbalanced as fuck, only 3 characters are viable and I am not counting the scrub stompers since you can get past that once you get good
>Jump mechanic is pretty much useless
>Overall game speed is painfully slow
This game sucks ass, they literally took a lot of stuff from TF2, tried to tweak it and threw the unfinished product with no sense of direction to the casual fucks who are willing to shell out money

game is horridly unbalanced

Mei is cancer
Lucio is just the better healer
Zenyatta is the worst support
Torborjn is easily shut down and getting scrap is almost impossible.

I have fun playing Lucio and Genji
but the game overall sucks. and im not buying it.

The base gameplay and characters seem mostly fine, but the level design is fucking awful.

>DV.A is better outside of her robot than in it

>I will be Bronze in Ranked
>The Posts

It's more casual than most multiplayer shooters and it shows (no fall damage, insta kill buttons for everyone, infinite ammo), but it's still a fun game with lots of opportunities for skilled players to shine with certain characters.

As it stands I give it a 7/10, worth trying but only buy it if you're into it.


I would have gladly bought it for half that price, fuck this digital-only bullcrap costing more than physical these days

You assfucks one this board shit in literally every game that's not from at least 10 years ago. Stop being overly critical nostalgiafags and actually appreciate the good aspects of more recent games. You even hate The Witcher 3, which is a nearly flawless game.

>playing for gameplay
>not playing for the story

Did you fucking idiots miss the shorts? Theirs a reason Chris Metzen himself is leading this game

to be fair, her playstyle is focused around blowing up her robot to kill people then giving herself a new one anyways.

>I have no rebuttal so I will say hurr ranked
Yeah, good one casual fuck

>y-you said a bad thing about m-my game
>y-you're just b-bad at it!
top cuck, nice argument

My 4years old laptop runs it 60fps 1080p on high and completely playable 40-55 when higher.

wow nice one lad
instead of telling us why we're wrong, you'll just call us bad


>Not showing the K/D stats for every player is complete bullshit
Why? There is nothing to gain from it except stroking your ego

They need to make Symmetra and mechless D-Va more distinct looking. I've chased down what I thought was a D-Va a few times only to run full tilt into a Symmetra nest.

Is this why it's been so easy to trick people into following me when I play Sym? I thought I was good ;-;

dunno, didn't get into the beta so I don't care and won't buy it

Its fun but I think it will get old fast.

Thats what a total shitter would think

>Artificial difficulty is something the Souls fans created.
Now THIS is shitposting hard enough that people will believe you.

Shit like infinite respawning, reaction based deaths that break the mechanics the player himself is unable to do, and bullet sponges are real examples.

Lucio is fun but he's way too fucking good.

People just don't get how to play her yet.
She's a harass tank. Her guns are close range weapons.
She's at her best when she can fly in, output a ton of damage, soak up shots with her defense matrix, and then fly back out.
She's like a surprise tank, not a sustain tank.

Once she pops into a fight, she has enough health to fuck shit up as long as the rest of your team is there.

She could use a bit of buffing, but she's definitely better in her mech.

>I hope for innovative game modes.

If what we've seen so far is any indicator, I seriously doubt it. Blizzard was done with innovating around 2005

We have potd and cards for that anyway.

Kinda fun but there's way too little content to justify the price tag. I've played like 2 hours and am already kinda bored.

I think it is way better to shit on a piece of shit like Overwatch instead of praising it like the second coming of god like every other gaming forum is doing.

it's totally shit and takes barely any skill.

>infinite ammo
>ults persist through death
>skills that auto target the enemy
>most weapons/skills barely require any aim whatsoever
>slow movement leads to a very long boring slog to the point after respawning
>characters aren't balanced

quite possibly the lowest skill ceiling in any FPS I've ever seen. it's an FPS designed for the lolbabby crowd but I doubt even they will eat this shit up and keep asking for more. really no surprise they kept the beta invite only for so long, they needed some way to drum up fake hype and interest

the 20 tick servers is a deal breaker for me

I'll wait for something else

I like it but movement is incredibly slow.

And the Player base plays like its cod.