is it happening guys?
"Vampire Bloodlines" trademarked by White Wolf Publishing
Other urls found in this thread:
Please don't give this shit to Obsidian. Let them work on their own stuff. I'm sick of Obsidian being stuck to licenses.
>it's real
Isn't there any franchise that's permitted to just die in peace?
it will go to obsidian and it will be ruined by sjw shit
i can't wait to play Vampire: The Triggering - Diversity. it'll be so great playing a pangender transblack demiqueer PoC who uses xir pronouns as all of the other landwhale vampires fight the patriarchy
A pawn is moved
Ok, so who do you think is the most appropriate dev for creating a sequel to Bloodlines, other than Obsidian?
but Obsidian is already making another new game and fuck you, this shit was meant to happen long ago
The ttrpg has always been sjw pandering you stupid idiot
kill yourself
Yeah, gee Pillars of Eternity sure turned out great.
It did.
>The Pillars of Eternity is bad meme
It was painfully medicore.
Where do you get the outfit from?
Still sub-par to VV
Why do you keep making threads about ancient history? I've know about this for like half a year now.
maybe but vtmb also had a lot of stuff that would be deemed problematic and toxic today
if they make a new game i'm pretty sure stuff like that won't be included anymore or anything that might offend anita & co
>huge bush
I don't remember this.
They sure made some money from PoE and C:S but to make a full 3D game like VTMB?
I'm skeptical
It is an excuse for a VTMB thread. Why the fuck do people complain about VTMB threads of all fucking games? Posters here want to talk about it, period. Half of Sup Forums is shitty fucking threads, so why don't people go there and complain about them?
Almost no one considers it 'bad'.
It's just mediocre as fuck.
but the trademark application is from April 26, doctor
Calm down, spergmeister.
I have no problem with Vampire threads. I just have a problem with people passing off White Wolf's ownership of the IP as "news." Just start a thread like a normal person without the clickbait, slowpoking, or memes.
Paradox is rich as shit, it is a Double A publisher and they probably make horribly big amounts on all kinds of fucking games they publish that is made by some shit company in a basement somewhere. Look up their portfolio.
Also a new Vampire gonna suck, it will be cuckold SJW shit, Paradox, those who own the licenses now, is Swedes.
This game is misogynistic crap to be honest.
If Chris Avellone isn't writing it, then fuck off.
>he fell for Sup Forums memes
>their best games are all licensed
>every single original game they've made has been from shades of mediocre to bad
I don't know whether or not to be excited.
It depends how many of the old crew, primarily writers, will be in on it.
Otherwise RPGs have been in a state for the last... decade or so that I literally can't hope for much anymore. Won't be terrible, but won't surpass the 'original' either. Just be mediocre. That's my worry.
The guy has been scamming thousands of dollars from eBay and Paypal members and it's time he gets what he deserves.
I hope the people of the internet can help me with this task... Here is his address
16 Wentworth Dr.
Cliffe Woods
United Kingdom
He deserves everything he gets so please do not go easy on him
Just kill it preemptively
You know the "muh internet personal army" thing hasn't been a thing for years?
>Let them work on their own stuff
So... uh, there's a dungeon... and a dragon, and uh, you have Might that is totally not STR and a twist on Vitality that ties it to charisma and uh the protagonist is evil but you can be good too!
I still think redemption had a more interesting plotline.
If vampires can live hundreds of years why not use it?
>liking this Anne Rice-tier shit
it hurts to know that CtL, Geist, and MtA will never get CRPGs.
>offhand ire
>proceeds to mumble several acronyms
back to /tg/ with you sperg
you guys know it'll be a top down rushed out of the door sjw piece of shit right?
"I've never played Alpha Protocol": The Post.
Doesn't Activision own the Bloodlines title or name or whatever?
White Wolf/Paradox owns WoD as a whole but Actijew owns the game itself.
Geist should work on getting a complete book before they look into video games
It'll start with vampire cause that is the most marketable then move on to the others. Didn't paradox say they wanted to make WOD games not just Vampire.
Without literal pounds of errata being released for it because their writers are fucking idiots.
>And yeah, there have not been enough video games set in the World of Darkness. That’s a huge thing we can offer right there.
We can pretty much expect with 100% certainty that SOME games will come out of this. Whether we'll actually get a Bloodlines 2, that remains to be seen though I expect Obsidian would make that their next project after Tyranny.
the world needs trans vampires with attitude
That's not funny
I would kill for a modern NWN style VTM game with a similar toolset using adapted tabletop rules. If it was the old Bioware team I'd be down for that.
i know redemption is a thing
Every time someone posts about this game I assume they haven't played it considering no one ever posts screenshots that they themselves took.
At this point I assume it's just marketers every time it's brought up.
>let them do their thing
Pig Disgusting
Best games are licensed. Compare Dragon Age and PoE to Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights
In the end PoE was just a sad D&D wannabe
>oh look at these totally not kobold, dryad, vampires, banshees, ghasts etc all with retarded multiple consonant names!
NWN OC was shit.
>Compare Dragon Age and PoE to Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights
Compare them to Fallout or Arcanum. Well, okay, Arcanum is sort of shit and is also pretty much Victorian steampunk DnD, but still.
Nobody gives two shits about NWN1 or 2 OCs they care about the expansions and custom content which were fantastic and has kept the game alive for over a decade.
>for a twelve year old game
>In the end PoE was just a sad D&D wannabe
wow calm down with the #truthbombs bro
is not like the game was funded with that premise anyway also 90% of fantasy WRPGs are "d&d wannabe" idiot
The only thing Arcanum has going for it is setting. Fallout was meant to use a PnP ruleset at first too.
About 12 people on my steam friends list bought this game simply because Sup Forums said it was the best thing ever created. Turns out it wasn't because most every single person I see who owns it has less than an hour in it.
she shaves her pits?
capitulating to the wills of the patriarchy, what a phony.
>The only thing Arcanum has going for it is setting.
Objectively wrong, what about its soundtrack?
Yeah, not setting. And in the end, it didn't.
SPECIAL is just GURPS changed around enough to not get sued
>In the end PoE was just a sad D&D wannabe
You need a safe title that works as an introduction into the world. You can't drop off people into something completely alien. People that praised Baldur's Gate had a lot of FR lore to read up on, in BG1 and it was very introductory to the setting.
PoE is more BG1 than PS:T and people expected it to be PS:T, when Obsidian was aiming for the BG1 experience all along. I expected it. Was not disappointed.
Said someone who never seen GURPS.
so an assamite then
fucking satanist?
this is why I have somekind of moderate hype for a possibly PoE2. Hope sjw cancer doesnt ruined it.
Nobody here ever recommends buying the game. Those that do are just retards who don't know how to pirate.
You're friends with retards.
Damn those pubes tho
cant imagine a game like that in these days.
Interesting, but I'm a little skeptical to Paradox. They are serious jews and has fucked over the grand strategy genre for years with insane DLCs and other shitty decisions that are even looked upon as dirty by EA and Activision. That should tell you how fucking evil this company is.
I'm all up for a new Vampire and Obsidian could potentially do it in my opinion. They recently hired Leonard Boyarsky, the project leader and art director of Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, and they do have Sawyer even if his wife is a triggered cunt.
I reserve my hopes. But after playing Masquerade Bloodlines again last year, I'm hungry for some more Vampire any day of the week.
White Wolf is intensely SJW. I'm not looking forward to feminist Vampires.
Worse: it is female
Feminist beta males are one thing, but they can still be competent at times.
Feminist women are good for nothing, as they reject the only role that women are good at.
Sadly this.
Why not? Vampires are at least as varied as normal humans, if not more. Unless you mean a SJW centric game, then no thx.
maybe we'll get lucky and they'll be balls to the wall degenerate
because I've noticed a lot of them are just huge perverts addicted to being sanctimonious about their sexual kinks, which meshes pretty well with a game about vampires that are shitty people obsessed with the rules of their serket club
No, thanks.
pic related: It's VB made by SJW
how the fuck you work with vampires if you are SJW?
vampires are interesting because they are corruption of humanity and morality or political correctness goes to shit with that, even writing "political correctness" in the context of vampires makes my head hurt.
Actually that was made by a chubby Mormon girl
if it's attractive to a straight white male it won't be included
so if sex and degeneracy will be included it will only be
>interracial black male/white female sex
>gay sex (only male one)
>Hey man, just because I'm a gangrel doesn't mean I like it doggy style. You fucking shitlord!
>Fuck off, you dickface. Just because I'm a Toreador doesn't mean I want to have sex with you!
Because the primary difference between vampires and women is that the scheming, backstabbing, evil beasts don't suck blood.
You say that like they haven't always been.
Nothing but good things can come of this. Obsidian's personnel are probably the most competent RPG designers/writers working on mainstream vidya right now, even if the tech side of things always leaves something to be desired. What's the fucking alternative, anyway? Some no-name indie dev? A Kickstarter for a bunch of greenhorns?
they will, wont they?
>What's the fucking alternative, anyway? Some no-name indie dev? A Kickstarter for a bunch of greenhorns?
Indie devs are hit-or-miss. Huge devs don't have that hit-or- part.
Passive aggressive Salubri on Golconda path would be my answer.
>morality or political correctness goes to shit
>in a game setting with a morality meter, and different races of vampire that all shit on each other, are run by terrified old traditionalists, and are simultaneously terrified of and disgusted by the new generation of thinbloods
so you get
>thinbloods are people too
>nosferatu rights
>ghouls: allies, or detractors?
>death to the bourgeois toreador
>some mother goddess cult that claims Lilith was the first vampire and Cain is patriarchal revisionism
>Malkavians, the worlds most problematic retards
He's a kickstarter stretch goal these days, so i wouldn't be surprised if his name pops up
that sfm
is terrible
Great another Vampire thread ruined by Sup Forumssjws...this board is pretty much worthless now.
These threads have to pick up before yuros all go to sleep. After that, it's open season on Sup Forums for Sup Forums.
I'd love a Werewolf the Apocalypse game. inb4 yiff in hell
T-they come out in the night! The mindless shambling hordes of Nazi zombies!
Fun fact:
Vampires are leftists
Zombies are rightists
The dialogue system was awful though. I didn't like the hacking minigame at all either but that might be personal opinion.
>stutter speech
>decent retort
pick 1
did someone break the little dolly?
What the fuck are you on about?
Eh, since most of the sjw talk is beyond us now. Can someone tell me what clan are the shovelheads in Bloodlines supposed to be? Brujah? Toreador? Gangrel? Assamite?
Gangrel for all of their history. Some brujah in modern times only.
Really? Gangrels with celerity, presence and Auspex? And wasn't the tzimisce the ones that first started with the shovelhead ritual?
>he fell for the "Nothing is bad, everything is going great" meme