Fuck Nintenbros, is it really that bad..?
Fuck Nintenbros, is it really that bad..?
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Vgchartz is only convenient for fanboys when they try to "prove" something
Yes. If they put it on platforms people actually owned than they wouldn't have this problem.
Well what's his source?
Some literally who said something on twitter. Better believe him, guys!
Just sounds like an Anti-Nintendofag talking out of his anus as usual, probably because he has no games to play.
Bayonetta is such a niche game, of course it'll be that low.
Considering how Bayonetta 1 sold 1 million on both PS3 and 360, obviously the Wii U alone will be much lower.
He's an insider who literally posts sales data and charts nearly 24/7. He also leaks a lot of NPD numbers and tidbits before anyone else.
Really great dude to follow Tbh.
I don't know who this faggot is, but he sounds like he desperately wants people to think it's not a good game, I'm assuming because he thinks it's misogynistic.
Nintendrones on suicide watch.
Zhugeex is analyst
legit man
he checks all the Financial calls and Software sales unlike Vgshitz who dont provide any real source at all
So you're telling me he IS the source?
Why doesn't he make a rival site so that false sales numbers aren't spread?
because he's full of shit and/or guessing most of the time, it's not worth making a website that you'll be held accountable to
No, NPD is the source. And I'm sure NPD would not be ok with just copy pasting all of the data directly onto a rival site.
He already has his own site. He used to be on GAF but got banned for insulting other users, fanboy posts, and talking shit about the forum and the mods on other sites.
VGchartz is shit, but is this sonygger even trying? Pathetic.
Sonyfags get so salty over the dumbest shit.
sonyfags have a huge inferiority complex due to the early PS3 years completely failing and the fact that Sony isn't the face of gaming (Nintendo is)
They love posting sales charts because it's all they have. They're proud that their appliance that plays Netflix/Amazon/Blu Rays sells more than Microsoft's. They are the ultimate cucks.
>Zhugeex is analyst
And Hillary Clinton is a rolemodel
Nigger he has direct NPD numbers
lmfao nig I feel sad for NIntendobois you are the only platform who doesnt get overwatch
fokkin ninbois
>FUCK this sonygger Bayonetta 2 sold well it was a succes i just know it :(
I don't even own a Pii U lmao. Keep trying Sonygger.
>THEIR unsourced claims are false!
>MY unsourced claims are true!
>this much anger
nigga bayonetta was never going to sell more than 1 mil
Too bad being the face of videogames isn't enough to beat Sony.
Oh, wow. HE is the ONLY one with NPD numbers? The numbers that NPD releases every month? To the general public? WHooooooAAAAAAAA this is a high-flying SONYGGER GENERAL whose opinion definitely matters! He talks about video game sales and defends the company that manufacturs his video-game appliance even though he's not a share-holder and has no personal stake in the company!
What an odd guy.
He has NPD numbers you fuck
Please let it be a new Spaceworld.
NPD doesn't include bundles or digital.
He's an analyst retard, he has no stakes in any company, NPD doesn't reveal full sales only early week sales and then never again , bayo2 didn't sell close to 500k in the US nintenyearold
Zhuge is a shit character so I don't trust him
I'm pretty sure Bayonetta 2 got a re-release as well
He has openly professed his dislike of japanese studios and his love of indie developers. He has an axe to grind here.
Elaborate champ. He is no Cao Cao, but even Cao Cao admired him.
all this sonycuck does is copy+paste earnings reports on his blog, he's as much an analyst as I am after skimming some end of quarter report
Stop grasping at straws and wait for your chinamen overlords to release their info to people that matter and watch Neofags clammer at the sales numbers as if it validates their $300 (THREE HUNDRED) dollar purchase
NPD does track bundles, they just aren't included in the monthly software rankings.
Bayonetta 2 was sold out everywhere at the end of 2015 because of the Sm4sh DLC annoucnement, so did NoA only ship 250k copies to begin with?
No, actually he has access to sales data which is why he posts sales numbers regularly before (if) they are ever released publicly.
>It's a sales thread
Damn that bombed. Bayo 3 if it happens will be on the other consoles.
it's available to whoever purchases it
Just because this autist wants to be hailed as some sort of insider @ Neogaf doesn't make him special. Stop putting him on a pedestal Sonypony
He can lick my anal cyst
It... It just ain't fucking fair bros...
>the face of gaming
Huh, who knew the face of gaming was a company that has literally abandoned their console halfway through the generation and shit the bed for 2016
Nintendo are fucking finished. They're the face of handheld gaming sure but nobody owns their home consoles anymore, they'd have to be retarded or over the age of 60 trying to fit in with their grandkids
>Hey Timmy, I bought you one of those consoles that everyone is playing
>It's the one with that funny italian plumber who hops over the obstacles :)
>Oh, th-thanks gran
Nintendo kiddie you were btfo so deal with it
yeah because people who aren't internet sonypony Neogaf autists (99.99999% of people) know who Nathan Drake, Ratchet & Clank, or Jak & Daxter are. They definitely know of Mario DK, Pikachu and maybe Link. Nintendo is a shitty company but you can't argue that they haven't been the face of gaming for nearly 30 years now.
The last Nintendo console I owned was a Gamecube. I wouldn't consider myself a Nintencuck. I am an impartial PC only consumer. Just because you look forward to this cuck being referenced in Neogaf threads using his copy+paste skillz to validate Sony's current success doesn't make him a super elite industry insider. Go play Demon's Souls 5 for the 20th time.
whatever u say nincuckshill lol
So the face of gaming is a company in which no one owns a console for said company and is so far up their own ass they still think it's the 80's releasing rehash after rehash until no one gives a fuck about their ips anymore? Nintendo fucked themselves hard and honestly nobody gives a shit about Mario anymore, the only ip that can keep them afloat is Zelda and the last 2 games were fucking mediocre.
>halfway through the generation
>No guys Bayonetta didn't sell well I swear
Loving every laugh Sonyggers
Holy fuck look at this nintenkiddie deny facts and reality
>hard sales numbers are lies please belieb us bayo sold 10 kajillion Nintendo is saved
Who said he has? Him?
If there are numbers out there why can't we see it? Anyone can pull things out of their ass and claim they got it from actual sales numbers that they will never ever show to anyone else.
your just damaging Nintendo's already poor reputation