New golden age of gaming

>Cowadooty is finally through
>Console FPS is barely even a thing now
>Cover based shooters in their death knell
>Indie shit selling the worse it ever has
>Even the Japs are embarassed of moe shit
>Kotaku, IGN and co all going under

Is the third golden age of gaming on our proverbial doorstep, Sup Forums? Will VR be the catalyst to set it off, and if so, do you think horror games are going to be the new bread-and-butter of the industry?

Other urls found in this thread:

>paid online
>no big console sellers
>season passes
>Nintendo abandoning wii u
>nvidia outdating older cards via drivers
>next gen consoles cant handle 1080p 60fps
>soon windows 10 will be mandatory to use latest gpus and play new games

This is the worst gen in a long time

>Early Access Scams
>Excessive, unnecessary DRM
>Any new IPs are one-time gimmick shit nobody likes
>Muh cinematic experience
>Games are designed for consoles and ported to PC
>Useless in-game purchases everywhere
>Devs feel safe putting out a half-assed game with a shiny trailer because you're stupid enough to buy it anyway

Take me back to 2005

>>Indie shit selling the worse it ever has

Most of that shit is console problems

who cares

Nvidia outdating cards via drivers? wtf is this all about?

>Console FPS is barely even a thing now
Overwatch is pretty big, OP.
>Cover based shooters in their death knell
GoW4 and Uncharted 4 are pretty big too
>Kotaku, IGN and co all going under
Source? Kotaku is still up even after Hogan

The only thing that needs to happen to trigger another golden age is for normies to stop thinking being a "nerd" is cool.

As soon as that happens the industry will throw off its shackles and aim for the stars.

You will when games are DX12 only to force you into getting windows 10. We're all in this shit together whether you like it or not

some crackhead conspiracy that nvidia shits their cards every time new series comes out so people buy them

>crackhead conspiracy

But it factually happened many times?

No, they're just going to grow more greedy, more desperate, shill harder, and produce the same crap under a DIFFERENT title. Gaming was doomed when it became popular.

Call me a hipster, say that im wearing nostalgia goggles, say I have rose tinted glasses, or whatever the fuck you underage and B& want to say to damage control for the fact that gaming sucks now and you're blind to it.

Microsoft commercialized gaming, Sony popularized it, Nintendo casualized it, and PC sold out quality for quick sales. There's no specific platform that's innocent from any of this NO MATTER WHAT DAMAGE CONTROL YOU MAKE. Corporate and media exposure plus popularization completely crippled and destroyed this industry.

If you disagree you're a retard, a shill, or underage. And yes I just used that as a catch-all because its absolutely fucking true. Only a IDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOT or someone whose paid to be a idiot will defend gaming as it is now.

If that was true I'd just switch to AMD after my Nvidia crapped out, not get another dud. Sounds like a bad business plan


>vidya tech progressing slowly, no reason to buy new gpu
>lets just downgrade the performance on our older cards to make people upgrade

Isn't that the guy who played the Italian mob boss in Batman?
Why is he always smiling?

citation needed
amd has been performing really poorly on some of the latest triple A games lately, you cant win

>episodic shit returning
>50 dollar season passes are the norm
>early access more prevalent than ever
>more and more games getting six month delays, even shit like scalebound was delayed by a _year_
>shit port after shit port, devs so assblasted they abandon their games
>gta turned into a cash shop mmo

Huh, well, oddly enough my GTX 750 literally turned into a potato when running the Doom alpha/beta. Like 2-3fps even in menus

I completely agree, however;

>popularization completely crippled and destroyed this industry.

Creatively? Yes. Financially? No, unfortunately.

Too many people who are easily influenced got into gaming it's too late now, we are seen as people who will buy anything as long as its flashy and enough people are talking about it.

What's replacing it is ten times worse.

Nvidia literally pays devs to make games run worse on amd
>the way it's meant to be played :^)

Well yeah, that's true. But its not our job to worry about a corporations financial issues. Thats why the neofaggots and Nintendrones get shit on so hard because they have their noses so hard into a fucking CORPORATIONS ASSHOLE that they're sniffing the back of Sony and Nintendo's assholes that they're sniffing the back of their shareholder's teeth.

>> Will VR be the catalyst to set it off, and if so, do you think horror games are going to be the new bread-and-butter of the industry?

No, Mobile games will

I goofed that up. Thats what i get for cooking, playing a game and typing at the same time.

>>Cowadooty is finally through
Infinite Warfare will still move millions, don't kid yourself.

>>Console FPS is barely even a thing now
See above, plus Battlefield, plus nu-Doom, plus the hero shooter wave and I'm sure I'm forgetting some others

>>Cover based shooters in their death knell
Uncharted 4 and Gears of War 4 will both move millions

>>Indie shit selling the worse it ever has
Another game will find a niche and blow up just like Stardew Valley did sooner or later. The lack of AA game developers is more worrying than a proliferation of indies.

>game industry now ran like the movie industry, all the money spent on advertising, hype, and "award" shows to trick people buying into seeing them and buying the bluray


>Cowadooty is finally through
Remastered modern warfare is gonna revitalise the franchise no doubt
>Console FPS is barely even a thing now
>>Cover based shooters in their death knell
Gears 4, uncharted 4
>>Indie shit selling the worse it ever has
Undertale is a best seller. ..

>Even the Japs are embarassed of moe shit

Look at the upcoming ps4 lineup...

>and buying the bluray
more like netflix nowadays

I want to marry Poklonskaya

>criticizing a game is now the same as bullying and can get you banned from forums
>game threads pointing out flaws are just deleted
>wanting a complete game is frowned upon and actually defended by people whose battle cry is 'stop being entitled'
>game modding is considered raping a game and should be illegal