"We know there are people in our community who are nostalgic for the boots on the ground-style gameplay...

"We know there are people in our community who are nostalgic for the boots on the ground-style gameplay, and that's why we made Modern Warfare Remastered. But we also have millions of people in our community who want to have new innovative experiences in the game each year and Infinite Warfare is going to deliver that.

"The good news is this year we found a way to deliver both in one package while keeping our community together. While of course we see the passionate opinions online, we also look at other measurements and the fact is that while it's very early pre-orders are off to a very strong start. Views of the reveal trailer that you referred to are up. And in fact, the number of likes per view on the Infinite Warfare trailer are the highest we've ever seen.

"We've seen this in the franchise before. The reveal trailer for Black Ops 2, which took the franchise into the future for the first time, had the most dislikes of any reveal trailer we had ever made at that time. And that of course went on to become our most successful game, ever.

"Right now, the franchise has never been stronger. We have more people playing Black Ops 3, a game that takes place in the future, with boost jumps and fictitious weapons and all the rest, than any game in our history. What we know for sure is that if we always just did what worked in the past and never took any creative risks, we wouldn't have a franchise. The day to worry is the day we stop trying new things."

That's a pretty reasonable response.



>creative risks
We will see about that.

Fair enough I guess.

>But we also have millions of people in our community who want to have new innovative experiences in the game each year and Infinite Warfare is going to deliver that

To be fair, the CoD games taken legitimate creative risks in the past.

Part of the reason CoD4 was so successful was because it broke the mold and adopted a contemporary setting when everyone else was still knee-deep in WWII.

The team wanted to do a departure from MW though, after all MW3 was one of the shittiest one, that sparkled the whole awful thing with Activision buttfucking them with no royalties in sick ways from sunday.

>call of duty

Sup Forums and reddit aren't the world or their enitire demographic, i think you tards forget that sometimes.

>The franchise has never been stronger.
>Review scores dropped consistently for the two games before Blops 3
>Sales are steadily decreasing with each new installment

I think that's actually a pretty reasonable response. I'm no CODfag, but it feels good that the team kinda cares and I am somewhat interested as AW was pretty good. I won't be surprised if it still sells like hotcakes.

I also think it might be unfair to call COD the generic FPS, sure it is, but it's also the reason why modern FPS became so popular in the first place.

I've been hating on the franchise for years,but IW looks pretty far out and I know we can't tell much from now, but I'm being optimistic that they're taking legit time and resources to develop something unique and/or fresh.

>The reveal trailer for Black Ops 2, which took the franchise into the future for the first time

CoD4 came out in 2007 and was set in 2011. Fuck you Activision.

To be fair, it's in space now.
Call of Duty, a franchise that started with World War II is now in space.

>but it's also the reason why modern FPS became so popular in the first place.

Underage. All CoD (specifically MW2) did was make video games trendy. Halo was the game that propelled FPS to the top genre.

>People actually thinking a dislike train on Youtube (half of which from people who weren't going to buy the game anyway) will change their plans or make them switch concepts for the next one

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I would say that a solid six million people who buy the Call of Duty game every year buy it, put it in their console, play until about a month after release, then never touch it again. The next November they see a TV commercial for the new Call of Duty and exclaim "Whoa, a new Call of Duty! I've gotta play that!"

They don't go on gaming websites, they only use Youtube for music, and Call of Duty/Gears is the only game they buy.
Even IF those 300k people who've downvoted were potential buyers, you are a drop in the fucking bucket compared to the gargantuan amount of people who will say "Shooting guns in SPACE?! Count me in!"

I was talking about COD4 when I said modern FPS. Halo's sci-fi.

Now that I think about it, maybe it's a good thing that Infinity Ward has nearly none of it's original employees.

Hell, the original employees went on to make Titanfall, and look how that turned out.

Hell, I'm one of those people who says "Shooting guns in SPACE?! Count me in!"

I just love the dumb fun that CoD is.

It's literally true though.

>people moan that CoD never does anything new
>they do something new and people moan

Cry more shitters, like they said the 2 most successful CoD games are futuristic ones. It is time you stopped this hivemind WW2 spurging.

Instead of going back to when we had a decade of nothing but WW2 we should be going forward with space like Infinite War where everything is new instead of the same old.

We had WW2 and moved onto modern day. We are done with modern day and have moved on to the future, deal with it.


fuck activision

But what makes the expirience of shooting guns in SPACE so unique and desirable for you? Only the black background and not-realistic zero-G?

If i'd want guns in space i'd want them realistic to the core, like fucking bolters, slow ass charging chemical lasers and unreliable railguns and shit.

>I just love the dumb fun that CoD is.
So do millions of other people, that is why it is has been the top selling game of the year for a decade.

To add to what you've said, when I saw the trailers for Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3, I started buying COD again because the future shit looked too fun to pass up. They've added at least some people with this direction to offset that.

It was squabbling over royalties. Money. Likely some insubordination and exhaustion on West & Zampella's part.

And they had to go off and prove themselves anyway by making Titanfall.

>video games

Go play ArmA if you want realism.

I still the campaigns every now and then. The campaign is what really hooks me, I've always been able to rely that CoD at least delivers a fun romp of an action packed FPS campaign. It's like I'm playing an interactive military action movie. Just big, dumb explosive sequences and scripted cataclysmic events with legions of enemies to gun down in between each one. I stopped having fun with multiplayer since MW3, and Zombies is only fun if I have friends to play it with. The future setting is getting a bit stale already, but where else can they go from here? If not a future setting, what else would the community want?

The problem is that executives exist.
The executives probably fought tooth and nail against a futuristic theme until they were backed into a corner, since they thought that the technology had to be stuff that already existed, making the time period more "relatable" to the audience or whatever.

Executives have no artistic vision (I know it sounds stupid to talk about art regarding CoD) they are the ones who care about nothing but money, whereas the actual developers probably want to do something, anything, different, but aren't allowed because of the big boss upstairs.

>mfw pre ordered the full bo3 package and i'm still having so much fun

>Video games
Why does this matter to you?
There is literally no piece of entertainment in any medium that has portrayed lack of gravity in space a hundred percent accurately.

>consolefags call PC gamers entitled nostalgiafag babies for shitting on Doom 4
>consolefags then act like entitled nostalgiafag babies because CoD is trying new things
The vicious cycle of plebs

Wont lie, for half a second I thought it was going to be about dealing with an alien invasion and got excited. Then it turned around and went,
>"Nope! Space Terrorists!"
Kinda feels like a wasted opportunity

You the one of those who likes crossbows and knifes in the modern and futuristic shooters that kill armored opponents from the first hit?

Last year's cod was the only one of which I did not play the campaign, (due to my PC not being able to take it).
Generally they may put new paint, but the way the game feels, the movements, guns being often very similar one to another, the NPCs acting in the same way, (although in Ghost's local multi they became son of a bitches) and the small maps, tend to be a constant, hopefully this does not feel like some kind of theater.

I remember in Blops 2, at times you had huge maps, but you were still forced and urged to RUN and RUN, to be in a hurry, like in that luxury hotel, it makes me sorry for whoever designed that beautiful thing.

In MW3, I remember using the boat to escape in the open sea but if you did not go between the submarines that were being attacked with your missiles then you failed.

Let's see what these consoles can really do, if they can make a real warfare.

Must be nice having money.

Except they don't. Literally where are you reading this outside of one or two retards on the Internet?
The difference is that, with Doom 4, EVERYONE is shitting on it in the PC sphere, whereas with CoD, people seem to be enjoying the changes and new directions from what I'm seeing.

Yeah sure

I actually have to agree with all of this,

As much as I hated Ghosts and some of the other ones, even BO3 was innovative and tried to mix some things up.

It was recieved well too, but people will still use the excuse that "CoD never changes".

Maybe at it's core, yes, but lately it has been a lot different, and I have to honestly admit that BO3 is the first CoD game I have enjoyed since MW2.

Well, minus the edgy specialists and the "memeish" emotes,

>(I know it sounds stupid to talk about art regarding CoD)

lol dude

they are fucking VISIONARIES

>The future setting is getting a bit stale already
There have been three future setting CoD games one was in 2012 the other 2014 and then one last year.

There have been 4 WW2 CoD games and 4 modern day ones.

There has been less future setting CoD games than any other setting. Stop talking bullshit, you and everyone else are just jumping on the hate train moaning about shit.

Space terrorists make more sense than an alien threat, to be fair.

Wait, what?

It is a video game not real life, it doesn't bother me because i'm not autistic.

Not him but I just love sci-fi, space military tech is one of my favourite design styles especially since we'll be on little colony worlds and all that

>Literally where are you reading this outside of one or two retards on the Internet?

>that dislike ratio
>those comments shitting on it
>any place discussing the game has people shitting on it for not being modern warfighter 7

Consolefags hate the game because its new and fresh for the series.

Space can be intresting. For example if someone hits your leg - you start spinning uncontrolably. Someone hits you several times you start flying in the opposite side with the great force. You can be killed with several bullets AND pushed into the void. You can run out of oxygen or you can feed on oxygen tanks of your enemies. You can destroy oxygen tanks of the enemies.

Is this bait?

Do they really, though? Keep in mind that you're specifically talking about the autismos that are bothering to comment.

Treyarch are at the absolute top of the form in aesthetics.

>Space Terrorists!
No terrorists please. We need space Nazis and full-blown World War in space.

If it were realistic, there wouldn't be bullets at all, there would be energy weapons and shit, but then they wouldn't have any knockback from being hit, causing your whole scenario of spinning and stuff to never happen. Holes in the oxygen tank, maybe..

>expecting youtube comments to not be retarded
Wew lad

Are you blind?

There's nothing I get more excited to see in videogames than a new Treyarch map.

Are the 1000 autismos that like them autistic as well.
Because that proves consolefags are autistic

Sauce? Would love to read the rest

can't they just play the infinite amount of other fps games that take place in the 20th century

user, there could be rocket guns like Gyrojet. Bullets fly with its own engine, and you just point it to the enemy. Bullet-rockets also can explode

Titanfall was actually really fucking good, it's a shame that game didn't get as popular as it deserved.

Ok... whatever suits your tastes, at least you're not masturbating to tiles.

They have a nice design team but that doesn't make them visionaries. Go check the word on the dictionary, you might be surprised.

That ceiling is retarded as fuck though, the previous pics were better examples.

Titanfall 2 is this year.

Why is Treyarch actually not total shit? Like, to me, every one of their games have been better than Infininty Ward's so far, maybe excluding World of War.

Do you think they'll be disappointed when CoD4: HD has more players on launch day than their brand new game?

ah yes the treyarch map
3 lanes and uhh

>There's nothing I get more excited to see in videogames than a new Treyarch map.
Small minds... Oh, how I pitty them!

Titanfall got boring real fast. Kinda regret pre-ordering

I agree, it looked really fun, but being an Xbone and PC exclusive kinda fucked it, and it was apparently dead within like three months.

How about chemical throwers that throw acid at the enemy. Like in Splatoon only the chemical freezes very fast and consumes the enemy.

>CoD4 didn't completely change the FPS genre in a way that has lasted for almost a decade

Yes, if you had actually looked at the campaign of either AW or BOIII, "visionary" is an apt word to describe them.

I hope people take notice and they didn't destroy the game just to appeal to a larger audience, but added in some cool shit.
TF1 was the epitome of a hidden gem

No because the nostalgia will wear off pretty quickly and everyone will move on to the new stuff.

World at war's story was good, and the MP was good, but it had some shitty ass fucking balance designs, where IW's shit was pretty bad, but slightly less broken.

Should've remastered MW2. I hate to admit, but I enjoyed the fuck out of the online. Well until the hackers started fucking everyone.

The maps are only good visually, with only very few exceptions when it comes to layout being good. Don't bury your own hole, sonny.

That may work, but then there's the problem of all this acid just floating in space, causing possible damage by just flying into it by accident, as well as ships having to cruise through it, causing massive damage to ships.

Grenades in space don't fly in arc so you can throw them directly at the enemy at any distance.

Melee combat in space with spears and clubs.

needle guns

I would call visionary someone who creates an entire world, not a single building.
There are plenty around that should open your mind a bit. You know, try playing more games, it should help!

I'm not convinced. CoD4 was still going strong right through MW2 and that was 2 years down the line.

>yfw CoD is one of the only AAA game series innovating now
We've gone full circle

That's kinda weak. It's on the level of an interior design graduate project and trust me, I was there to know how interior design projects work.

Blops3 does create an incredibly detailed world though, the codex is massive and has an insane amount of world building in it and the campaign

So what? You're saying that there needs to be at least 4 future-set CoD's before people are allowed to voice displeasure for the setting?

Grenades would probably make the most sense, but then all the shrapnel going everywhere would just kill everyone on the field, causing accidental, yet unavoidable, friendly fire.

I don't know how melee weapons would work in space, I'm not sure if it's easy to hit something quickly in space or what.

Needle guns would probably work.

I don't understand why people are grouping anything after 2016 as the same genre, space future is not the same as near future or 2080 future

Imagine neutron guns - they fire completelly invisible rays that kill enemies instantly.
Should be fun game - YOU DEAD Why? Someone boiled all of your cells with ionising radiation from 1km away.

I'm not saying it's bad, on the contrary, it just isn't as impressive as it you're making it out to be.
They are good aesthetically, but that's it.

There are more visionary games out there more true to the word not only in terms of aesthetics but also other functionalities.

fuck me, you're right

That actually does sound really cool. Problem is, though, how concentrated are those rays? Like, is it a beam, meaning a straight line, or is it the more likely option of a wave?


Picked up bo3 for shits and gigs and fuck me what a terrible game. Going to give it another go tonight and if I'm not impressed I'm defs returning it. Terrible MP so far.

I'm a different guy to the original guy I just chimed in about the codex, I don't think its visonary but I still think the world building in blops 3 is very well done and they definitely built a world.

That doesn't look bad, but it completely doesn't fit the tone of the game at all.

You can't even mention one.

If you seriously look at the leaps from WW2 to COD4, to MW2, to Advanced Warfare, to this game, and can say with a straight face that nothing in the franchise was innovated, then there's simply no helping you. Call of Duty has actually gotten more complex. Much more. CoD4 and AW were the two big leaps, and each generation has made progress even if I don't buy them very often (Black Ops 3 was a colossal fuckup and gimped more than it added, thank you Steam refunds for protecting me from indie and AAA garbage alike).

They already kind of have those with those "turrets" whose name I can't remember that microwave a player until dead.

If this neutron gun is on the ship it will have options and it will also kill everything. If something is on the hull of the ship you can kill it, but it will also penetrate the ship and kill everything inside of it and behind of it.

The problem is that its not very spectacular and pretty. Maybe you will see some slight blue glow from Cherenkov radiation around the muzzle of the gun, but otherwise its completelly invisible.

Black Ops 3 basically took cool shit from Titanfall and Advanced Warfare and made them regular shit.

>Despite the remaster, CoD4 will never feel the same again
>No one will camp the bottom floor of Bloc with their sniper
>No one will rush across wetwork with nightvision and an MP5
>There will never be a king of the hill fight for the trash pile on Bog
>2007 will never come back

I haven't played CoD since Black Ops 2. I assume maybe 15% of the current fanbase has played before Modern Warfare 2 and even then only a small fraction of that will enjoy the CoD4 multiplayer. Hopefully they retain the same perks/weapons/ 3-5-7 Kill streak. And I understand it won't have all the maps, so I hope it does have Countdown in tow with the 5 maps they've already revealed. There wasn't a map I didnt like in that game. In a perfect world they would remaster Winter Crash as well.

Not the same guy:
Star Ocean, Final Fantasy, Xenoblade Chronicles, Chrono Trigger, Golden Sun, Boktai, Metroid Prime, Super Metroid, Monster Hunter, Majora's Mask, Super Mario Galaxy and 64.

Just naming a few. It's true not all are running on the latest high quality engine around, they may not look beautiful, but god damn did they punch you in the face in terms of creativity despite having limited resources.

It would honestly be really stupid if they left the perks and killstreaks the same. MW2's was were much better to say nothing of games since then.