What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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So is there any lore explanation as to why he has a head the size of a soda can?
He's pretty lanky. The robes make him look big and poofy
Pontiff Sulyvahn is cute! CUTE!
Are there any Pacha Sulyvahns yet?
Pepe Sulyvahns?
Cmon people I need to expand my DS meme folders!
Is there a full image of this? why does the text just cut off? I must know
It's just a comic of the Ashen One delivering a message from the Outrider knights
Dunno but I've been building a Pontiff folder. He's one of the best things lore-wise to come out of DS3.
You too? He's probably my favorite character in the game
I'll never understand some people's obsession with the dancer. She's way too monstrous now.
>tfw you'll never serve as a priest of Saint Aldrich under the tutelage of Suly
>Implying monster girls are bad
>Implying they didn't deliberately put as much effort as they could to make her ass look nice
>he likes pepe pontiff
>but not high Lord wojack
Explain yourselves
kill yourself
>>>/YouTube comment section/
Woljnir doesn't dual wield lightsabers
>yfw he summoned a stand
Kek, Wolnir was so cucked
>cuban pete
>getting triggered
Question: Who's more alpha, THE PONTIFF or THE CHAMP?
The Champ failed to beat the tutorial level
The Pontiff brought the Gods to their knees
Although both of them are alpha as fuck
Champ got to an empty building and just gave up and sat there until some random dude came and beat his ass.
Pontiff had his shit in order and apparently ruled countries and manipulated people across the ages.
So you're saying you'd rather bone the boring girls in DaS 1 than Quelaag? That's the same thing here, only dancer isn't as mutated.
>That Dancer doggy style position
Can't say I blame Sulvie
The Champ was wrecked by the Champion of Ash so hard that he gave up. Then the Champion of Ash beat him again when he was weakened from being beat by the Champion of Ash, even though he hadn't actually been beat by the Champion of Ash yet.
Time travel is some shit.
>too monstrous
Get the fuck out.
The Champ didn't fail to beat the Tutorial level, he just overslept and the flame already went out. When you see him, he hadn't plunged the Coiled Sword in his face yet, we catch him as he's confused about what to do next.
Literally the best part of the game
>dat music shift
I almost came
so we're fighting the future champ as the first boss, that much i get. but if Unatended Graves is a potential future, why are we fighting a past version?
and if going through the Consumed Garden leads to that timeline instead of Firelink, what would happen if you went in reverse from Firelink to the Garden?
this is some confusing shit and i love it
this song is seriously the best thing about SC
Pontiff had to summon a phantom to help him beat you. Champ is pretty much the only one fights you with only with his combat skills, making him much more alpha
It's the other way around user, Untended Graves is the past, although I don't blame you for thinking it's the future, since everything about it screams "the First Flame went out".
Basically blame Ludleth for everything.
>Dark Souls III: Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry!
>Champ is pretty much the only one fights you with only with his combat skills, making him much more alpha
>he isn't even using his goddamn halberd for half the fight, just kicking and shoulder-tackling you to death
Cocky bastard
The first flame did go out, in the past, and Ludleth linked the fire, and now who knows how long after Dark souls 3 happens.
Untended graves isn't a potential future, it's the past.
It happens about like this:
>Champ appears late
>Firelink is already dark
>Unsure what to do, some random faggot comes and stabs him, weaking him
>Get corrupted by the abyss somehow but the coiled sword seals him or some shit? (Unsure how this happens)
>Ludleth comes and links it himself
>New unkindled ash arrives
>Kills the now weakneed Gundyr
>Travels back in time to beat him as well
Perhaps it could be the dying time of the world moments before Ludleth does his linking. Like the End of Fire ending where the entire world very slowly darkens as the flame grows dim, perhaps Untended Graves is some sort of time-locked Firelink Shrine moments before Ludleth is in the kiln doing his own linking.
But there are so many holes and open questions to that explanation that it's pretty much useless.
Any chance we'll see Ludleth in DLC before he became a shriveled prune?
The DLC for this damn thing would have to be the size of an entire new game to answer all the questions it leaves open, really.
>What the hell are the angels?
>What are the pilgrim butterflies doing, and why?
>When do we get to stab the primordial serpents?
>What did Ludleth do exactly and what is Dark Firelink?
>What happened to the Queen of Lothric and Ocelotte?
>Why is Oceiros so messed up?
>What is the Profaned Flame?
>What's the relationship between Gwyndolin and Yorshka?
Did i miss something? He is a cool character, but have about no real lore behind him Besides being a friend of aldritch and fucking up the remains of anor londo
He doesn't tie with the rest of the series and isn't that big a character in the scope of the series as a whole, but he and/or Aldrich have been the puppeteers behind half the things going wrong in the kingdom of Lothric.
He blocks your path into Lothric castle from the very beginning. Nearly everywhere in the game, from the undead settlement, to Anor Londor to the dungeons seems to be under his control.
Anyone have the Ocellote Pepe?
>be Fromsoft
>make 3 games in a series
>leave so many questions unanswered in first 2 titles
>"don't worry dumb gaijin, we answer all questions in next game"
>DS3 comes out and brings up even further questions
>"Oh too bad, that was the rast game!"
>*rices away*
The similarities to Konami and Kojima just keep mounting, don't they?
Japs love despair. They celebrate it by sharing it with others.
Im convinced that they just doing the story on the go, probably even checking the big theories in the internet, checking if some make sense and using them as their own canon
I got the impression he was just a puny faggot and, being the last to link before your character arrived, wasn't that good of an offering. But then, there's the whole Soulfeeder thing (don't think it's him, but who knows).
I really wish some areas, specially Anor londo and the Profaned capital were bigger, as well as maybe an aditional one. As far as the game went, the only answers for things we got was from Archdragon while they made more questions than 2 DLCs can answer, I think.
Either way, my order of priority of things I'd want would be
Jew snakes and their messing with Lordor and Lothric > The Deep (I'll be so salty if it's just Abyss but worse) > Profaned flame > the ages during the "reign" of each lord > Ocelotte
The rest is quite minor, in my opinion, at least too small to be relevant to be DLC.
Just look at how strong, politically wise he is, he's bros with a lord, arguably the second most sane one too besides Lothric if you ignore those lone watchers. He's in full control of Irithyll and the cathedral of the deep, being the leader of a gigantic cult dedicated to Aldrich whose effects reach even a far settlement. He's capable of turning people into gigantic strong monsters when they go against his will, then send them out to never come back without a particular object. And to what end he does that? To halt the progress of any unkindled who gets in the way of going against his lord of cinder as well as to attack Lothric, the only nearby kingdom who could even be a threat to them.
She's literally just a giant woman, user. A giant woman who wears a mask.
It's not like Priscilla or Yorshka whose bodies actually robes, and have weird ugly ass Doomsday bone eyebrows and cry about how the painted world dindu nuffin. Or Anri, who's a raisin.
> Or Anri, who's a raisin.
But dancer is also hollowed out.
How do you know? She's just mad with rage.
Shhh, let him dream
Imagine what she looked like before she mutated, though
Who cares? Put a paper bag over the bitch. It's the ass that matters
I'm not a waifufag, but I could fuck Priscilla until she crushed my pelvis.
The veil and unseeable face really adds to the sex appeal desu
>TFW the best fight in the game was terrible for me because it runs like shit on XBONE
>corrupts all his knights and his dancer and turns them into monsters, blocking off lots of areas
>takes over Anor Londo
>imprisons Gwydolyn
>feeds Gwydolyn to Aldrich
I wish there was more on the Dancer, Vordt and the outrider knights. I was really disappointed when the only lore on Vordt is that he's an outrider knight who's "never far from the fleeting dancer"
>yfw you see the Yhorm cutscene
>tfw you realize what sword he's holding
Man, Yhorm has a really long neck.
Yhorm deserved better
true bro
Shit there was a cutscene? When I entered the fog wall he just started attacking.
Only if you've done the Siegward quest
You have to do siegbro's quest.
Did she have a rough life?
>"Yhorm, old friend..."
Oh, I fucked that up. I helped him in the settlement. I did not see him at all later on.
He's probably stuck in a well outside the cleansing chapel then.
Not Yhorm, Siegward
After that he's in the well near the Cleansing chapel bonfire in Cathedral of the Deep, but not until you open the main gate. You can also do Patches's event then.
I don't know why he's not there to begin with the devs juist had to make it easy to miss.
>tfw you dont figure out how to use it until its too late
What if Sulyvahn linked the fire instead of Aldrich?
What would change?
I always assumed that the Pontiff was the one that forced Aldrich to link the fire, so i would assume not much would change.
He just worshiped aldrich though so much so he let him ate gywndolin.
I dunno, the whole "And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might." line always made it sound to me like Aldrich was just a tool to the Pontiff.
I think he just fed him Gwyndolin to keep him happy or busy. Or he just wanted to get rid of Gwyndolin.
>Brought the Gods to their knees
>Just fed a trap fuckboi to Aldrich
The Champ is the only one to fight you without any magic, just pure skill with his own two hands.
Nigga get the popes dick out of your ass you fucking faggot.
It's a reference to the fact that Aldrich wasn't virtuous or expected to be a good lord like Yhorm, or the Abyss Watchers, or Holy King Lothric, last hope of the royal family. He was pretty openly a bastard but he was also strong enough a bastard that they looked at him, then looked at the Flame, and said "why the hell not?"
Although I'm not even sure Sulyvahn was involved in these events. It sounds like he was a late arrival to the religion of the Deep and subverted it with his own cult, not one of its founders.
>give me a ****ing break