What are the worst reboots in vidya history?
What are the worst reboots in vidya history?
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Sonic Boom was poorly recieved
DmC: Devil May Cry
You know which one.
this one
>They're making a reboot to Reboot
>It's complete shit
No one gives a fuck Sup Forumseddit, go have your "le star wars 7 was le shit >:(" thread NO. 3639853073653
Get back to work Woolie
could be better, but at least they're not Green Lantern
Op said shitty reboots, not god-tier ones
the reboot of bomberman
that wasn't god tier
character reboots were very shitty (especially Dekar holy shit) but the game is ok. pic related
Such edgy, so wow
Why are we pretending to be mad about this?
that bomberman on the back has tits
I can't unsee their crotches.
Blue and Red especially look like they're wearing panties
Holyshit! Didn't even notice
>Generic 20th century anime
>Generic 21st century anime
Horse shit or cow shit, which is worse!? You be the judge.
Bottom right is hot as fuck. Unless all that purple is top right's hair I don't give a shit about her.
This gave me cancer and made the property value of my house plummet.
Neither of those are reboots.
>No skirt on the Pink Ranger
I'm a bit upset about this.
because Sup Forums and the rest of the internet need something to shit on 24/7.
fuck you all. i am excite.
Because the costumes look like shit.
What, you think that looks good?
Thoughts on Rita?
>Breast Plate
Literally unironically, unnecessarily sexualized.
Not repulsive enough.
so accurate Super still hurts to watch
Looks like shit desu.
Not as bad as 06
Looks like a shitty knockoff of Poison Ivy
If she had the massive horns with that outfit I'd be okay with it, but without it she might as well not even be Rita.
star wars 7 was pretty bad though.
These designs are so fucking bad.
So fucking bad.
Green Knockoff Divatoxx
Would you, Sup Forums?
I don't mind the ranger suits but this shit is repulsive and not in the right way
Remind me of that 90s shitty Power Ranger movie made by americans.
Why Toei isn't involved in this? Holy shit.
>Jumping, bouncing up and down, kind of broke the immersion
The movie will not be as gritty as Lost Galaxy
This one is going to be at least PG 13 so they're going for that.
But it was shit.
>We want the Bayformers audience
The usual American grown up wouldn't take Toku seriously
Also Toei is still producing IIRC
Who wants to bet she's green because of Green Ranger Sequel hook bullshit?
speculation is that it's her morphed form
Nobody because it's so fucking obvious that there's no point in even betting on it.
Who wants to bet that JDF will be begging on his knees to get the part and will throw a shitstorm when he doesn't?
The game didn't seem that bad, the movie did though
You think the original costumes look better?
Why the hell did they keep the dick sucking metallic lips on the helmet?
Those never looked good.
>high heels
>huge boob armor
I don't wanna sound like some SJW, but come on, there's no need to sexualize the fucking power ranger armor.