Why do parents allow their kids to play M-rated games?

Why do parents allow their kids to play M-rated games?

because parents are passive aggressive

I played doom when I was 6 and look how i turned out, posting on Sup Forums

Protect your children dont let them play mature games

shitty parenting

Anything to get them to shut up and leave them alone

A-believe that they're mature enough to handle adult themes
B-Aren't aware of the game's rating
C-Don't care

because they're marketed to children

because parents these days are objectively shit. why the fuck do you think kids these days are so fucking horrible?



I'll never let my kid near any sort of electronic media.

I've seen so many peoples life ruined by that shit, I wouldn't want to see that to my own child as well.
Well, atleast no smartphone until 16.

>muh x deez days

I'm sure that won't backfire.

Funnily enough, Sup Forums is proof of that. You're either part of the cancer if you're here or encourage it with all the shitposting and asshole culture that these little shits pick up on and are too young/stupid to know better than to use it outside of Sup Forums, which is how "funny OC" turned into "dank memes"

I allow my 8yr old neice to play GTAV, she loves it and is smart enough to destinguish a game or movie from real life.

She doesnt like breaking the law in it though, she just likes driving around following the traffic laws, making up little stories about where shes going. Shopping, or to a drs appointment etc etc. She doesnt even like stealing cars because being in trouble with the police in the game scares her lol.

what video games would you play with your kids Sup Forums?

shitty entitled spoiled brat child detected.

Why would it?

Literally this.

>mfw your child's projects are trashed because they're hand-written
>mfw your child is a pariah since it can't play video games with it's friends

My parents had faith that in playing M rated games I wouldn't turn into a violent maniac.

And they were right.

Bad behavior resulted in shit getting taken away until rectified.

Punishing your child for no reason does nothing positive.

>watches trash anime
>calls other children

denying kids anything just makes them wanna do it more desu. When she reaches 16 or whatever arbitrary age you designate is old enough to have these things, she will become obsessed with them to a dangerous degree because she didnt get get it out of her system as a kid.

Molest their friends game

>considers phantom world trash

and you accuse ME of baiting? goodness, user.

I always played 'violent' games as a kid but I also spent time with my parents and played outside with my friends. Shit was great and I'm not a violent person. Still a beta though.

>because they simply don't care
>because they simply don't know some games aren't suited for kids
>as long as it make the kids quiet
>parents that spoil their kids too much and accept everything they ask

This mostly. Like Activision don't know kids buy their shitty games.

Also because of the stigma that games are inherently for kids.

Either one of two things they're too fucking stupid to care or trust the kid can handle it

Same here, i don't want my son to end up like the creeps here

The only thing he's allowed to play is minecraft and some mobile games like FN@F

>that kids whose parents wouldn't let him watch TV
Don't be that weird faggot, user. Let your wife's son play what he wants.

That's cute as fuck

Why do kids let their parents play E-rated games?

Because E means everyone.

I really would like to do this but in a realistic setting this is more likely to happen

cracker kids

Even me?

>Child is popular and cool in high school
>Becomes a gas station attendant because he spent his childhood being a delinquent and playing video games instead of working.
Good parenting.


Because if you're not autistic, you won't be damaged by exposure to cartoon violence.

Because not everyone is a liberal who wants the government to raise our children.

>child is deprived of technology
>can't even fill out a job application form since they're all online
Yea, top-tier work there.

Mine didn't. I had to have my cool aunt and uncle buy me Doom and Doom 2 and then install them in secret.

bad parenting

>I'll never let my kid near any sort of electronic media.

Using computers for school work is a necessity today.

I'll just assume you were referring to electronic entertainment in particular.

>no smartphone until 16.

This is actually a good idea.

People might say smartphones are a "necessity" as well, but they're really not.

If you give your kid a basic phone for safety purposes (i.e., so they can call you in an emergency), and if you have a computer in the house for homework, then you've covered all the legitimate reasons that a child should have a smartphone.

"But dad, how will I go on Twitter during class?"

Fuck off, Timmy.

please please dont have children

>smartphones aren't a necessity
that's why businesses go out of their way to make sure their employees have smarthphones

Kids under 16 usually aren't working for companies that need their employees to be on call with access to corporate email 24/7.

Why does a child need a smartphone as opposed to a regular phone?

Sengoku rance. If he/she can't deal with the Shimazu, I'm disowning him/her.

Fuck them for stealing one of my general for free

My parents let me play M-rated games, rather I should say any game I wanted in general. The only M-rated game I was ever denied was Bio Freaks. The main reason why was because my mother didn't like the monster on the cover. I find this funny also since she was okay with me playing Mortal Kombat.

When I was around 23, my mom told me she was okay with me playing video games in general because I was doing well in school. I guess that mostly contributed to why I was able to play the M-rated games as well. That tells me that she would've have restricted them if I was doing poorly in school.

so they can talk to their friends and shit and not be social retards, they aren't as bad as you think gramps

My 8 & 6 year old nephews do the same in gta5. They don't even shoot or anything. I also let them play dark souls. The older one actually beat gundyr by himself.

>having any children
top kuk

I bet you are also one of those faggots who actually wants to be married

do you even go outside you massive sperg please god save yourself

The only kid at my school who didn't have a smartphone was an autistic fedora tipping lower no one liked
Are you him?

>Why does a child need a smartphone as opposed to a regular phone?

So they can be a normal kid with normal things and not the weird retard with shitty parents.

Violence isn't so bad, but parents should be more careful about letting their kids interact with others online. Competition in that type of environment is a guaranteed way to turn a kid into a disrespectful brat just like the other kids and adults you run into playing online. Parents should at the very least try to supervise and teach good sportsmanship.