Do you think Ds3 was a satisfying conclusion to the series, and why?

Do you think Ds3 was a satisfying conclusion to the series, and why?
Personally, i think it was and i really hope this really is the last game of the series.
I'd rather have it end on a high note and have a satisfying conclusion, than see it get milked to shit Ubisoft style.

It felt good but also a little phoned in. I'm glad they can move on to new things. I would have rather had 2 new ips than DS 2 and DS 3 though.

>implying the new FromSoft games won't be another Souls game with a different name slapped onto it, like Bloodborne

What's that armor set?

It could've used some better bosses and more interesting areas but overall I think it was a good game. I was never wowed with it unlike DS1, DeS and Bloodborne.

As a conclusion to the series alone? No, because it doesn't conclude anything. I wish they didn't push this cycle thing so hard, it's practically impossible to end it.

As just another Dark Souls game? It's fantastic.

If they pump out Dark Souls 4 in a couple years it would really cheapen 3, imo. It feels like a fitting bookend to 1.

As a whole? i'm OK with it. Not perfect, but still good

Soul of Cinder is the most perfect final boss to end the series though.

almost certainly.
But it's still not dark souls.

outrider knight.
you can find it in archives behind a hidden wall.

eh, the souls series has run out of steam. another game would just be tiresome.

i see it like a metaphor.
everything in dark souls is old and decrepit.
the characters simply cannot die and exist in the canon over literal centuries if not millennium.
They actually suffer horribly because something that was supposed to end was artificially forced to go on.
with the games ending, i feel like they can finally rest in piece.

As the conclusion to the souls series I found it really lacking. All the endings lacked any sort of closure to the series as a whole.

>cares about the legacy of Souls over having another Souls game


because it'll turn to shit otherwise.

It was a good game but no, it didn't provide any closure it was just another dark souls with the same thing going on and it felt more like a greatest hits of dark souls than its own thing.

I feel it did a better job of at least explaining shit than 2 did. 2 was vague as fuck until the DLC. 3 at least lets you in on everything and you can have a proper ending whether you link the fire, end it, or usurp it. It's a fitting end to the series IMO.

Why is everyone grading Dark Souls 3 already when the DLC that will change how we look at all the lore and finally provide closure still hasn't come out yet?

No. It's 8.5/10. I've done a NG, NG+, NG++, and SL1 run, and I immediately went back to Dark Souls 1. Everything about this game is derivative from the first and second games and turns into boring oatmeal.

None of the areas are interesting in the slightest, with boring geometry and linear corridors all over the place. Music was totally forgettable besides the final theme, and your starter weapons are 9 times out of ten the best weapons to use, with boss weapons being total fucking garbage.

This is the Guitar Hero: Smash Hits of Dark Souls. Here's hoping their next outing (which will probably be Spaceborne or some stupid bullshit) tries to innovate a little bit more than not at all.

I don't think the dlc could possibly take away from the greatest hits feeling it has. The slightly wonky mechanics and the balance could be fixed though I suppose.

Kill the outrider knight in grand archives.

Thats very simple, because the question im going to ask you will answer everything


It was advertised as the answer to everything but only created more questions.
I mean that's what you get for pre planned DLC packs

my ass

>I've done a NG, NG+, NG++, and SL1 run
I believe you completely

I love it but I was disappointed by the story. It's basically the same shit all over again and there was way too much fanservice. It might be too early to say this but the story feels a little too vague, especially compared to Bloodborne where they totally nailed it. Bloodborne is my favorite game in the series, even though it was shorter and didn't offer as much build variety as the rest, the gameplay was fucking amazing and the story was surprisingly well-written and a pure joy to uncover. It's the only game in the series where I figured out most lore stuff on my own, there's a little too much speculation in the DS series. BB hit the perfect balance.

I'll let you know when NorthernLion's LP series of it is over.

I could barely force myself to finish the game, none of the areas are interesting I never felt like exploring because I just wanted to fucking move on, every enemy encounter goes the same way: "walk up to one enemy, SURPRISE, now there's more enemies!", the bosses besides Abyss Watchers felt less like taking out bad asses that weren't putting up with your shit and more like just killing guys who were just chilling, too many bonfires/shortcuts the only good use of shortcuts was in Cathedral of the Deep, and the NPC quests are fucking ridiculous.

Because it'll be at least a year before the DLCs are all released. And chances are that the DLCs won't change anything substantial from the core game, it'll just add on to it. Criticisms about the game today will be just as valid as criticisms tomorrow if FROM's track record is anything to go by.

>nothing about this game is original or interesting
>I give it an 8.5/10

It wasn't perfect, but it was the step up from bloodborne the series desperately needed. I'm happy.

The story of dark souls is stupid bullshit for the most part, so there will never be a satisfying conclusion.

It's the smallest and least non-linear Souls game. DLC might solve some of this, but I can't pass a final judgement until the final DLC releases in 2017.

Yes. I'm glad they won't milk the shit out of it.

>I've done a NG, NG+, NG++, and SL1 run
What weapon's and stuff did you use? Seen a few Jap SL 1 runs and I've been thinking about doing one myself.

I have to add that this might change because we're getting 2 DLCs for DS3. Some of the best parts about BB are in the DLC.

Literally not enough Sun Praising

It's not over yet.

2 DLC coming down the road.

But yes. Redundant covenants and gank squads aside, it was really an excellent game.

>least non-linear

That's a perfectly valid way of putting it.

there was no conclusion to its story. most stuff were just "remember this?" references to 1 and sometimes 2. even worse they introduced a bunch of new stuff like angels.
im pretty satisfied with the game itself but as an actual ending to the series i really hope that the DLC actually gives some closure instead of places punched into the middle of the events this time.
also all this "time and space are fucked" stuff really taking a step too far here since it offers way too many cop out explanations. i know DaS1 story isnt much more than a rag rug but looking back it felt way more self-contained than it feels now. they literally promised closure to things not actually raising way more questions

I don't really think it's better than Dark Souls 2. They were both okay games, but nothing particularly special. I'd have preferred if the series ended after SotFS though.

The entire reason why Dark Souls' story is compelling is because the game doesn't tell you it. It's an interesting story because there's no artifice surrounding it, and you never get a definitive answer, you have to piece it together yourself. The first Dark Souls didn't really have many substantial unanswered questions - most of the important stuff was answered. I feel like most of the disappointment in the later games is a result of the fact that there's literally nothing left to do with the story because it was about the end of the world, and every game since has been "it's REALLY the end of the world this time!" Add to that the fact that they can retcon shit at will because of one fucking thing Solaire said (who knows dick all, by the way) in Dark Souls about time being convoluted, which he only said to explain away the co-op and invasions.

i agree with everything but
>it was about the end of the world
it was about a world refusing to end.
if they simply accepted the dark and stopped linking the fire, it would literally be over.

It's a fucking stupid way of putting it.

Straightforward. Linear. Not many (if any) branching paths. Can't choose which order you do things.

Opposite of the above. Open, and allows you to choose the order you do things.

>least non-linear
Not much like the opposite linear, which means... uhhh? Okay, let me break this down. It's the least open. The one that lets you choose which way you do things the least.

You could have just said linear. Why would you make things harder to understand?

its way larger than 1. DaS1 is hella small

I mean what I said was a gross oversimplification but the point is there's finality baked into the premise. Whatever you choose as your ending in the original game, it's meant to be a choice that has some impact on the world, and most importantly some impact that you can't reason for sure about. There isn't a good or bad ending since you're being played by both sides, and it's all up to your own interpretation.

They threw that out with 'dude cycles lmao' though, and everything story and lore-related since then feels really fucking phoned in. My personal opinion is that it's because they don't know what to do, having nothing to contribute to the already-finished story of the first game.

I liked it, honestly wish there was a bit more of Anal Rodeo. It reminded me of all the good times I had with 1 and I just wished it lasted longer

If a red phantom crystals out do I get a proof of concord?

I wouldn't even be fucking mad if they put in the entire level. Low SL invasions in Anor Londo have been some of the best times I've had with the multiplayer in the series, I'd love to relive the glory days. I was actually really disappointed when I walked up to the tunnel on the right and it was blocked off.

Return to Sen's Fortress in the DLC pls

>go up stairs, go down stairs, open a shortcut, fight boss: THE LEVEL

Only when lokoing at the raw rize of the gameworld. It's got less actual content.

It kind of feels like a wasted opportunity, it's too short to be fanservice and it's too fanservice to be a proper slap in the face.

Going back to shadow moses in MGS4 was like kojima taking a big shit on my childhood. I felt a bit choked up, and snake is getting depressed and it just feels like everything is crumbling and dying and I'm getting old and holy fuck where did the years go.

Anor londo could have done something like that.

Im tired of dark souls, so im glad they are stopping it

Really had to push through DS3 to finish it, and I really cant be bothered to play it again.

Is it me or NG+ isn't that hard. Does it get harder with NG++?

I hated that part. The culmination of all the bullshit fan service in the game. That served no purpose but to say "le remember dark souls XD". The game proved it could make great revisited areas with the untended grave, so why put this in?

>No. It's 8.5/10.
>None of the areas are interesting in the slightest, with boring geometry and linear corridors all over the place. Music was totally forgettable besides the final theme, and your starter weapons are 9 times out of ten the best weapons to use, with boss weapons being total fucking garbage.

Do you write for IGN?

It's just going to get even easier.

>you don't know that
>the formula is so good it could be applied to ANY kind of game
>futuristic souls game
>old west souls game
>underwater souls game
>space souls game


>so why put this in?
To get some kind of closure on stuff from the original, after all, it's Miyazaki's last Dark Souls

>old west souls game


>shortest souls game in terms of # areas and # bosses
>most linear souls game
>PvE weapon balance is total garbage, heavy weapons suck dick compared to fast weapons
>PvE magic balance is total garbage, both in comparison to each other and to physical weapons
>extremely generous equip load and VIT being a trap stat creates even less armor build diversity
>NG+ doesn't change anything except some rings
>weapon arts are good in theory but terribly implemented, 90% of them are useless
>one bonfire is literally in sight of the previous one

am I forgetting anything?

i found ng+ wasnt that hard but it slowly gets harder as you progress. ng++ late game bosses fucked me pretty bad for example

>horrible netcode online gives one handed weapons nearly double their effective range
>horribly netcode makes reliably trying to parry impossible, instead the best thing to do is just spam parry with small shields and hope you get one

but the first dlc will be out this fall

Maybe the DLC will redeem DS3. As an overall experience, it was a fun game. I like pvping, invading, all the usual shit I do in a souls game.

But overall? Not much better than DS2, to be perfectly honest.
>takes the same idea of cycles from DS2 and does...nothing?
>no serpents
>no real understanding or elaboration on what has already happened, even though we get a bunch of rehashed characters even though the real charm of Souls game NPCs is meeting new ones
>people bitching about DS2 being too reliant on referencing 1
>3 is literally references to 1 out the ass

to be fair, shit netcode is shared by all Souls games

Hell no. Fucking no poise at all. God damn rats stunlock you

the 'netcode' isn't the issue, it's that the cross region shit only applies to Japan and the rest of the world. So when you disable it, all you're doing is blocking out Japs.

The rest of the world gets dumped in one big pool, check your last played on steam and you'll see fucking BR's, Russians, Yanks (you probably are one though) Aussies etc.

I loved it, but it doesn't have as much replayability as 1 and 2 did.

I'm also someone who really liked 2 - I hope the DLC wraps up 2's story and Manus a bit. 3's got a very satisfying end to the Gwyn saga.

This, holy fuck, it makes heavy armor builds useless.

This. Nothing was actually closed

i basically give 0 shits about the lore, so yeah, I'm fine with DS3 being the last in the series.

That said, I do hope they milk the "formula" still because the gameplay is fun as fuck. I'd like to see more stuff like bloodborne, where its obviously a souls game, but in a completely new universe/environment and with just enough gameplay tweaks to make it feel unique. armored core fags can cry me a fucking river.

Now that ShitSouls is over who is hype for BloodBorne 2! PC version this time! We on dat!

Agreed to the wrap ups that are necessary.

I'd love to see a "4 Kings" bossfight that merges Vendrick, Ivory King, Sunken King, and Old Iron King to take care of the DS2 story. Manus and his shards also have a ton of potential and I'd love to see the serpents back.

Milked? It was the same fucking game 3 fucking times. Same fucking story and everything. Special small man goes to kill powerful big men to bring in new age. This one felt especially forced as well.

"Ok, so we've done chosen undead brings in age of dark, and we've done chosen undead brings in age of dark, let's do unkindled links the fire!" But that doesn't present any challenge so they just threw in the requirement of killing the previous lords because hey we need bosses right?

Seriously I love these games and I had fun but jesus fucking christ it's like they spent all of their originality on the first one and just smoked pot and winged it from there on out.

No. BB is one of my favourite games of all time, but I don't really trust from with sequels at this point. I'd rather have them just do something new, it's what they're best at. DeS DS and BB are all fantastic and memorable (if slightly flawed, but what isn't) games. 2 and 3 feel phoned in to me.

Its on par with 2 for me but I don't have the same retarded hate boner that most of Sup Forums seems to for it. Too much rehashing, bosses were mediocre (near the end I was desperate for a Gaping Dragon or even another Sif reskin to break the monotony of guy in armour with big weapon of DaS3). A lot of it felt like fan service (look guys its Andre remember cuz das1? e.t.c.) with tacked on 'lore'. My biggest gripe is the enemies acted and reacted too much like Bloodborne but the Unkindled lacked the mobility and rally ability of the Hunter which made the game feel a little lopsided; BB worked because you were rewarded for being aggressive here it just turns bosses into a waiting game slog and some enemies into a chore.

That being said still a pretty decent game. Unfortunately due to how they gated content its replaybility is pretty low and I don't see myself coming back to it like DeS and DaS. I really hope From moves from their cash cow and makes another Armoured Core game or another Tenchu that isn't a reskinned souls.

I only got the Link The Fire ending so far, but if this is really the last "Dark Souls" game then I'm okay with that.
As long as they fix the auto-summoning Covenants and PvP in general I will be happy.
Theres the DLCs to come too, so its not over yet.

its been teasered that froms next game will be a VR game for which armored core sounds pretty fitting