Which weeb game are you buying Sup Forums?

Which weeb game are you buying Sup Forums?

>weeb games
>no new Touhou
Delete this

World of FF, NieR and Ni no Kuni are obvious one. Star Ocean because I pretty much grew up with it, but I know this one is probably the shittiest of all entries.


All of them because I'm a disgusting weeb

Star Ocean, World of Final Fantasy, Ni No Kuni 2, Nier Automata, Persona 5 and [spoiler ]Wild ARMS VI[/spoiler ]

It would be quite a feat to be worse than The Last Hope.

It's the Sony Weebstation Four literally my dream console

Final Fantasy XV

Now that Nier has been out for a few weeks.
Can I play the second without having played the first?
Can I get first on ps4?

nier, p5, valkyriatits
berseria on sale

Nier: Automata
I Am Setsuna
Persona 5
Ni no Kuni II
World of Final Fantasy

Nier, Persona, Star Ocean, Tales, Moero Kurisutaru

whichever ones aren't ruined by SJWs

World of FF
FFF Advent Dark Force (once price drops)
The Nep game
Persona 5
Moon Dwellers

No PC release, no buy

FFF, P5 and Automata. Maybe Cristal if it gets an Asia version.

>No Odin Sphere

Persona 5 and Nier Automata. Maybe Tales of Berseria, I've only played Symphonia and am not a Tales fan.


>buying ports

so all of them?

When did Final Fantasy become weeb?

> no odin sphere leifthrasir

shit list

Persona 5 & Nier: Automata
Persona is my guilty pleasure, and I don't think Nier is weeb at all

> When did Final Fantasy become weeb?

since tifa had giant tits.

Star ocean, Berseria, World of FF, Ni No Kuni 2, NieR

If you read up on how Japan has received it and how simplistic the game has gotten, I'd say it's competing.

Grand kingdom that's so weeb it's not on your radar

Where's FFXV, Ni-Oh, and Gravity Rush 2?

Anyways, Nier Automata, Persona 5, Ni no Kuni II, Star Ocean, Ni-Oh, FFXV, Atelier and Gravity Rush 2.

This will be a great year for JRPGs

>Said port actually remakes a ton of the game mechanics and makes the game actually good, on top of new content and no technical hiccups, when the original had a shitton
Don't sell it short.

I'm buying neps next week!!!

Maybe Sony will reconsider after how well Cyber Sleuth did, Media.Vision is underrated. I also heard they're working on something with Level-5, but I'm prepared to be disappointed.

>Star Ocean
Trash, always has been
Might be cool
>World of Final Fantasy
It looks like an actual Final Fantasy game, so it has potential
>Ni No Kuni
Might be cool
>I am Setsuna
Looks a bit generic, dull and budget, but who knows
Might be cool
>Persona 5
The only one really worth getting your hopes up over
>New Valkyria Chronicles
Might be cool but don't really trust them after 2 and 3
>Compile Heart anything
Just no. Stop buying hyping/buying these terrible games.

bought my weebstation 4 and i've been weebing out with Nioh. Too bad it ended.

The ones that aren't from Compile Hack

All except the vita games

Also wtf is World of Final Fantasy supposed to be?

>Which weeb game are you buying Sup Forums?
Why would I willingly spend money on weeb trash?

>Also wtf is World of Final Fantasy supposed to be?
Spinoff crossover aimed at little kids it seems. Focus is more on monster collecting like FF13-2. but I'll still play it, maybe give it a rent. Too much of a ff fanboy to pass up games like those.

>Gravity Rush

Y'all niggas forgetting the best game to be coming out soon.

what is that game on the upper right?

I'm buying this on my Vita desu

Persona 5 for sure
might buy Nier Automata, depending on how it turns out

Earth Defense Force 4.1

So business as usual?

This is why I'm a proud xbone owner.

Star Ocean

>tfw dont speak nip
>tfw there will likely not be an English P5 release until mid 2017

NieR, BBCF, GGXrdR, FFXV, and VC3

All of them

7/12. Not a bad year.

I have Persona 5 and NieR pre ordered. Probably pick up Sophie digital on my Vita.

that actually looks really bad

It's like SO3. People will either love it or hate it.

Literally all of them. I love me some fucking weeb shit

Tales of
Ni No kuni

I Am Setsuna
Ni No Kuni
Persona 5
Maybe World of Final Fantasy

I want the Storybook Edition, but the t-shirt that comes with it seems pretty cringy.

don't know about the yellow ones
they sound interesting, but look like they're probably terrible, especially star ocean and atelier

> no God Eater


That's not Fairy Fencer F.

Both versions of Reco Love

Im confused, is Nier a arena hack n slash or is it open?

You are forgetting this one.

user, got some bad news for you. Especially after all the lackluster mods were created.

>Star Ocean 5
Coming soon on Steam

>Atelier Sophie
Coming soon on Steam, though Gust will release the Arland trilogy first

>World of Final Fantasy
Coming soon on Steam and mobiles

>Ni no Kuni II
Coming soon on Steam

>I Am Setsuna
Coming soon on Steam

>NieR: Automata
Coming soon on Steam

Plays better on Steam

>Persona 5
Coming soon on Steam

>Valkyria: Azure Revolution
Coming soon on Steam

>Neptunia vs Sega Hard Girls
Coming soon on Steam

There's no literal reason why should I waste my money on the PS4. Steam is the real home of weeb games.

>literally none of them have a Steam release
>Coming soon on Steam
Have a (You)