Signature DeS Bosses

>DeS = O&S
>DeS 2 = ???
>DeS 3 = Abyss Watchers

Fill in the blank


I think you mean DaS. DeS is the first game.

For II, I would say the Looking Glass Knight.

If only your typos weren't typos.

Either this or Velstadt.

In terms of popularity, it'd probably be Mirror Knight/Velstadt, or Fume Knight/Alonne if we count DLC.

1 - O&S, Artorias, Gwyn
2 - LGK maybe? None of the bosses stood out much
3 - Gundyr, Nameless

1 - O&S
2 - Fume Knight
3 - Pontiff

I played through the game a few months ago and I can barely remember any of the bosses. Probably Mirror Knight but I probably wouldn't remember him if he wasn't the E3 hype boss either. The Ivory King boss would probably be mine if DLC counts.

Alternatively, Nameless King for 3.

Demon's Souls is Maneaters, Astraea, or Allant.

Bloodborne is Gascoigne, Ludwig, or Gehrman.

For Demon's Souls: Flamelurker, Maneaters, Old King Allant

Dark Souls - Ornstein and Smough/Gwyn
Dark Souls 2 - Vendrick (overlong, boring, gimmicky, i.e representative of Dark Souls 2)
Dark Souls 3 - Nameless King and Twin Princes
Bloodborne - Gehrman and Ludwig

What was gimmicky about 2?

Am I the only one who loved the lothric fight? That was some real shit


You mean DaS you buffoon

>DaS3's "signature boss" is Abyss Watchers



these are the first that come to my mind at least

Your mind stinks

Ivory king in ds2 was fun as fuck


The ones everyone likes but are boring shits for me:
>Dunno, guess Vicar?

Underrated bosses that need more love
>Sanctuary guardian

Pursuer. Literally the only boss I readily remember from DaS2.

DeS was either Tower Knight or Old Monk.

Vendrick has a 32x defense against element attacks unless you have 5 Giant Souls which weaken his defenses

>giant spider
>scorpion lady
>giant tiger
>frog demon
>old iron king
>and whichever knight bosses you actually liked

DA2 did pretty good for variety imo

LGK because they advertised it a lot
If not LGK, then either Pursuer for showing up every five minutes or Chariot for also being advertised more than the rest

>hear about how bloodborne is so hard
>only ever played Souls games
>be told Abyss Watchers are a bloodborne boss
>they're the easiest boss in the game

seriously Sup Forums?

If you include DLC I'd say Ivory King

Fume Knight or Smelter Demon if we're talking good bosses

Royal Rat Authority gets my vote though because fuck that boss

Des: Flamefucker, False King Allant, or Maneaters. Honourable mention to Old Monk for having an interesting mechanic that actually worked
DaS: O&S, I preferred Manus but it'd prob go to Artorias for starting the endless rehash of 'guy in armour with oversized weapon' that was all of 2 and 3
DaS2: Honestly don't know; nothing was very memorable. Looking Glass Knight maybe.Pursuer if he wasn't piss easy and been made along its original design philosophy of being more prevalent.
DaS3: Not sure. Every boss fight in the latter half was a boring tedious slog of 'roll through 3 hit combo, hit once or twice, roll through combo again and wait'. Pontiff probably since that type of fight still felt fresh at that point in the game. Princes or Nameless I guess symbolize the dull tedium of Bloodborne bosses without Bloodborne mechanics
Haven't finished BB yet so can't accurately give one for it. Logarious has been my favorite so far.

0 flame lurker
1 o and s
2 looking glass knight
3 really hard pick between Lorian, Champ, Abysswatchers.

I would say Pursuer and Pontiff. I wanted to say Smelter but I don't feel right putting an optional boss as a signature one.

>Vendrick has a 32x defense against all damage
also iirc, the super defense doesn't kick in unless you die after starting the fight then come back through the fog wall

I disagree but like seeing your opinion enough.

>DaS O&S Gwyn

DaSII: Vendrick, Fume Knight

DaSIII: SoC, Dancer, L&L's Hawaiian Barbecue

Signature boss, I guess i'd have to say Looking Glass Knight.

Hardest bosses for me:
>Fume Knight

Fume Knight continues to be the most difficult fight I've had to deal with

What would you consider the signature Bloodborne boss? Playing through it right now and I want to know when I've hit the high point because I'll probably lose interest soon.

It's super easy but all the bosses have a fuckton of health so it just makes the fights a chore, does it get better later on?

>What would you consider the signature Bloodborne boss?

Base game has to be Gehrman or Gascoigne

With the Old Hunters, it has to be Ludwig

DeS : False King Allant, Penetrator, Maiden Astraea
DaS : O&S, Gwyn, Manus
DaS2: Velstadt, Looking Glass Knight
BB : Gehrman, Lady Maria, Orphan of Kos
DaS3: Nameless King, Soul of Cinder

the most memorable for me at least

I had to google who Velstadt was and even after seeing him I can't recall anything about the fight.

>DeS - Tower Knight
>DaS - Artorias
>DaSII - Fume Knight
>BB - Ludwig
>DaSIII - Nameless King

Not my favorite bosses, but it's the ones I associate with each game for some reason.

Cleric Beast. It's the one all over the promo material

DeS = Tower Knight
DaS = O&S
DaS2 = Looking Glass Knight
Bloodborne = Cleric Beast
DaS3 = Gundyr