How does Sup Forums feel about destiny? Have you played the expansion? Is it worth buying?
How does Sup Forums feel about destiny? Have you played the expansion? Is it worth buying?
the taken king is decent. I like it and im glad i bought it but it feels like it was overpriced for what it is. Extra subclasses, a few new story missions. That fucking cash shop is brutally homosexual though.
Its not overwatch, nobody cares, off to page 15!
cash shop addition is rumored to ease Bungie's costs for Destiny expansions - supposedly the next DLC will be free.
This game is extremely fun with friends. Therefore Sup Forums spent a year and a half shitting on it because it wasn't fun to them.
>Not Dark Souls 3
Off to page 15
>worth buying
If you have friends that play and enjoy FPSs I'd say The Taken King is worth about 15 bucks.
Probably the best FPS to release in the past 3 years. Not even trolling.
>on console
its shit
Really shit. With so many design choices that make absolutely no sense, like the totally arbitrary restrictions on ammunition.
Pains me to say so but even BL is better.
It was fun and different at first. Then you realize how shit the story is. Then you run out of things to do once you've beaten the raid. Multiplayer is pretty toxic and broken.
The Taken King wasn't worth the release price even with the "extra hard" raid mode challenges and stronger versions of the raid weapons. Just added to the grind without really adding anything else like MULTIPLE strikes. I haven't gone back to it. I quit before the sparrow racing bullshit.
It's pretty dead. Not The Division dead but not far off. Activision and Bungie are both to blame.
>on PC
>point and click on the enemies to win
Console objectively requires more skill when it comes to fps. Also, i find the genre more fun on consoles but thats my opinion.
It's a dumb piece of shit, literally.
Typical Sup Forums. If its so dead why does it have over double the playerbase WoW did at its peak? 30 million people cant be wrong. Thats Sup Forums though, the game is popular so its automatically shit.
Literally the most cancerous game in the industry with a toxic fanbase. Selling game parts as expansions and redacting game parts for paid substitutions. The Bungie zealotry will defend ever microtransactions and bad design to the death.
>selling game parts as expansions
How is the new expansion any different than any expansion that has ever realeased in the history of video games? Or are you just saying expansions in general are cancerous shit?
30 million console normies myself included with a fucking huge marketing budget pushing it as the next big thing.
It's dead. Even my irl buddies who had a close knit raid group that did everything to raids to Multiplayer and out hours and hours into the game doing everything and getting every raid weapon and armor piece on 3 characters don't even touch it anymore and have moved on.
it's not Sup Forums mindset that makes it shit it's the fact that it's grindy in a non-functional way with little content for too much money.
Sorry guy but the game isn't what everyone hoped it would be myself included.
As someone who still plays this game I think the community is actually pretty friendly outside of the dumb kids on bnet. I don't have trouble finding groups for anything with +200 friends online playing every day.
>Literally the most cancerous game in the industry
It's been over a year, I guess you missed every subsequent AAA release and the waves of shitposting they bring. It's not that bad tbqh
>my friends and i beat the game therefore its shit
If it was shit why fid you throw so much time into it? Also...
>3 people i know stopped playing so therefore its dead
They are still selling copies like mad, google it. That 30 million is up from 25 million a few months earlier. Get on and search for a match right now. Go ahead i will wait. Its the fastest matchmaking its ever been. You are entitled to your opinion on whether or not the game is shit but just saying the game is dead doesnt make it fact. Neither does your sample size of *gasp* 3 entire people. Game is far from dead champ.
I think Destiny is the best playing console FPS on the market, and possibly the best ever. Nothing feels as good as nailing headshots with a hand cannon or chaining supers in a strike. The gameplay is basically perfect. The problems I have with Destiny are the shitty microtransactions that are slowly creeping into actually affecting gameplay with them about an inch away from selling armor that matters, and the continued lack of post-major release support. The first 2 DLC packs in Year 1 were incredibly poor in terms of content, Taken King was a huge step in the right direction but there's been basically nothing new to do in Destiny since then (though the new April update is nice, its still quite slim). Timed holiday themed events are boring and so shallow they might as well not even exist, and SRL was a neat idea but not enough to make me want to keep playing. They need to figure out how to do regular, healthy content updates or this will be a game you play once every 4-6 months to see whats new.
Post your Guardians
Because they're not expansions. They're content swaps. When you buy a Fallout expansion you get extra guns, enemies and story elements added onto the game. When you buy a Desting "expansion" they take out old parts and put in repainted models of the same things and the prior mission maps backwards
>blocking your name
Is it because you're using a Suros or is it because you're scared the /dg/ elites will make fun of you for being a shitter in a raid?
I play this game everyday.
I'm not sure if it's shit or good, and that's my opinion since the game released.
>Revealing personal info on Sup Forums
Why don't I just go ahead and become a tripfaggot.?
I still have this game on ps3 before I got a ps4, so I switch back and forth occasionally to play with friends who still haven't upgraded.
Matchmaking is still fucking fast. I'm in the top 1-2% and still don't have trouble finding people. I'm actually surprised by how many new players I see.
>still no rangefinder rifled barrel party crasher
It's not fair
Only with friends unless you feel confident befriending the community.
Put about 300+ hours and its solid.
I got my moneys worth but since January all I do is check to see what Exotics Xur has for sale on the weekends and log out if there is nothing good. Unless you really like PVP the game just won't last.
Raids are fun but its a pain if you don't have friends that play too because the matchmaking is only for PVP and Strikes.
My entire friends list besides maybe 1 or 2 people have moved on. I had upwards to 80+ destiny friends from LFG to raid with and now it's down to maybe 2-3.
The cash shop and everything else cancerous that comes with Activision/MMOs will only get worse despite the communities opinion on it.
They nerfed weapons across the board for Pve and PvP like shotguns, auto rifles, handcannons for them being unbalanced in PvP. A PvP with already unbalanced classes with 1HKO supers.
a story where 90% of the lore is locked to Grimoire cards on the Bungie website.
"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain"
PvE consists of a pretty limited amount of strikes with little reward besides Engram which is just more RNG thrown into a game where RNG is everywhere.
Why in the blueberry fuck muffins would REMOVE content from the game? Why can't all strikes be in the heroic playlist? Taking on Sepiks Prime again would be a welcome release after doing nothing but fucking up the Restorative Mind and Omnigul countless times.
>How does Sup Forums feel about OVERWATCH? Have you played the expansion? Is it worth buying?
I'm just glad that 3oc can get you max level shit. I can just go into the legacy playlist, use a bunch of my year 1 guns I saved and still be rewarded for it.
Engrams decrypt based on your light level when decrypting them. Its probably smarter to run easier/faster strikes for more efficient grinding in that regard, especially since Strikes still don't drop legendaries nearly as often as they should.
Its shit.
The mp is broken, the networking is a joke, and after you've beat the game there's nothing to do but replay missions.
I have a LOT of problems with this game. I've played off and on since launch, taking breaks when the games broken me, or itself, to the point i want to throw the system away. No other game gets me this frustrated.
Currently putting the game on hold. This isn't a game you'll be playing for more than a month or two.
>tfw your Year 1 gunfu will never be brought into Year 2
>mfw my wonderful Secret Handshake will never get to dominate PvE again
>The Taken King is transgender
Wow. Sooo progressive Bungie
How do I get legendary marks? I didn't realise infusing items used them, and I accidentally bought some material from a vendor with the marks I had left.
Also, I appreciate the level boost item, but I feel completely lost on the story.
>this will never exist again
Do the daily missions and weekly activities. On the map screen, in the lower left is a bar of all the things that will give you marks. You can do the weekly PvP and Heroic Strikes 3 times per week to get the 10 marks each time, and the daily PvP and story mission will give you 15. Everytime you break down a legendary piece of gear, you also get 3 marks.
pretty good roll user
my SH had return to sender, spray and play with lightweight
made killing low tier trash mobs a breeze when that one bullet lasts for 5 kills, then you instantly reload and start the cycle all over again
>nerfed 1 month in
Never much cared for Return to Sender until I used it in PvP and found out how well it actually worked.
>/dg/ elites
overwatch has a better storyline desu
>kept my glitched double grenadier shotgun from the first month of the game
>still works
I sure love getting my grenades back every 3-4 kills
For better or for worse, Destiny was hands down one of the best games I ever played. There's only so far they can go with shitty overpriced dlc and terrible balancing changes before I stopped having a good time but I persevered. Then they released TTK and it was good, but it was clear year one was a year long beta test and this was the actual game, which one completely ignored all year one players and I stopped after I beat KF. I miss you Destiny.
>3-4 kills
>Not running Voidwalker
Literally infinite grenades
It's shit. Lottery: the """""""""game""""""""".
>10 primary weapon engrams
>6 hand cannons, 1 pulse rifle and 3 material rewards
I just want a new scout rifle
Why can't Patrol missions give decent amounts of faction rep? It would kill two birds with one stone.
1. Give us a way of grinding faction levels
2. Give us a reason to go on Patrol
As it currently stands, Patrol and even the daily bounties are absolutely not worth wasting your time doing.
Also, the exotic class items that give "faction boosts" are dogshit. They take forever to get and only end up giving you a 5% boost.
Sequential hermaphroditism is a real thing in a lot of species. I honestly think they just did that to make an alien species weird.
Also, the fact that that's buried in the grimoire (and doesn't even have attention drawn directly to it) makes me really doubt they did it for progressive points.
>Also, the fact that that's buried in the grimoire (and doesn't even have attention drawn directly to it) makes me really doubt they did it for progressive points.
Because they fucking didn't you cockmongering conspiracy theorist. Not every inclusion of a character that isn't a straight white male isn't a fucking ploy to get good boy points from theoretical feminist overlords, jesus fucking christ.
>How does Sup Forums feel about destiny?
Environments are gorgeous, the soundtrack is solid and it feels good to shoot things. However the story is non-existent unless you dig through the grimoire cards and all the missions play out exactly the same. (Run here, shoot aliens, run here, scan panel, fend off waves of aliens, wait 30 seconds to return to HQ and repeat)
>Have you played the expansion?
Yes because the game is a complete fucking snoozefest without it.
>Is it worth buying?
If you don't mind grindy shooters like BL2 and Warframe then sure, but make sure to get the Legendary(?) Edition.
Shouldn't you be sperging at the guy I replied to, instead of me? I disagreed with him.
No because his post was obviously fucking bait and idiotic retards like you are the ones that always fucking respond to it.
You seem upset.
Are you some kind of newfriend?
Nobody, literally nobody, gives a shit about you.
Its shit. Literally the worst game to have ever been created in the past 20 years.
I didnt say it was dead I said it was shit, idiot.
>mfw playing xInterReborn, THE /dgelite/
Is this how all dgelites act? I have never been so umcomftorable in my life.
>shouting memes every 5 seconds
>fuck me boipussy crota
>lick my boipussy cramp
>lets go shitpost and blame corbinek
>Hey guys I'll be right back, boyfriend wants to peg me
It's a grindy mess. The entire game is focused around grinding. Grind for hours for a better gun or set of armor so you can grind for more hours for a better gun or set of armor. Literally the only good thing about this game is the multiplayer, but if you aren't using a super good weapon that you needed to grind for, fuck you, you aren't gonna stand a chance.
the /vg/ thread is the worst thing on Sup Forums
never venture there
If Destiny was on PC or, if I never had a PC and only consoles, I would play the everloving shit out of it. Put a little under 100 hours into it anyway, before the DLC. The game is an MMO but tries so hard not to be that it honestly hurts the overall experience. If the game had a matchmaker for raids or some sort of INTERNAL way of communicating that would improve its QoL substantially.
The gunplay just feels so good. Say what you want about Bungie, but they know how to make satisfying feeling mechanics. That's legitimately nearly the whole reason I played as long as I did.
This. I have a little under 1k hours and I stopped shortly after The Taken King released. I'm not sure what it did to spark my autism but I ended up with 23 characters or something.
i'm new and i just did the refer a friend thing and i hit level 40 and i'm picking my sword. Arc void or solar. no trolls pls guise.
Sup Forums is an +18 website.
Arc for PvP, Solar for PvE.
Stop shilling this westacuck dogshit
>tfw no Security helmet so I can pull off the Marathon look
>enjoyed Halo in my teens
>own a PS4
>get Destiny because it supposedly feels like Halo
>it does
>having fun
>reach a point where I'm getting raped in PVE if I don't sit in a corner and cheese
>bring in some other public players
>they rush through, not even taking in the content
>obviously just farming
This is when I stopped playing. If you have friends who are interested in playing it, get it. But I'm mostly a PC gamer and don't have any friends with PS4's, so I had to resort to public matchmaking for team mates and those team mates really suck the fun out of the game. Nothing matters to those people. I was enjoying the environments, the enemy designs, the gunplay and the music, but all these people care about is whizzing through so they can get a chance to roll some dice and watch some numbers go up.
I wish I could get the time I spent on it back, I don't even care about the money I just want back the year it wasted.
Same shit
I feel that way too, sometimes, about just appreciating the worlds they've made, instead of just blazing through and getting everything done
look mother fucker I"ve been lurking since 2006 since the glory days. I thought I'd ask. Just for shits and gigs. u made me respond. bravo. now gfy
>play Destiny
>super rare Revolver with 40 damage, 6 rounds and an attack speed of 1 shot per second
>compare it to my white SMG
>8 damage, 30 shot magazine, shoots 5x times per second
And that's the point where I've stopped playing and I'm pretty sure everyone else who can tell what is wrong with this data would also quit. What's the point even if nothing what you find even matters?
It's a loot game senpai. Get like minded friends or quit playing. I'm not here to soak in the scenery and haven't been since the first month of the game.
There are no SMGs in Destiny
Killzone yourself my man
why? he's right /dg/ is the epitome of cancer
Would you want to live on Mars, Sup Forums?
Destiny 2 needs:
>More planets and environments
>This planets/environments to feel more dynamic and not so damn static (get a fucking weather system, wildlife, and friendly NPC's in there for fucks sake)
>Get rid of the stupid ass Tower thing. It's just another loading screen between me and the next mission giver/shop/my vault, etc. If you want a social hub let players have their own. Make it so ships are private social hubs, sort of like Warframe. If you're not going to make space battles than it will give ships a function.
>loot system needs more randomized elements. it doesn't need to go full retard like Borderlands but I don't want to get the exact same rocket launcher 100 times.
>triple the amount of exotic loot.
>make it so you can run into friends in the open world and invite randoms to fireteams without seeing a loading screen (division solved this issue why can't bungie?)
>up player count in PvP and make big maps
>some sort of forge thing
>not us truly play fashion-destiny and let us mix and match armor rarities without it effecting our effectiveness in certain game types and so that every one doesnt look the same at higher levels
Just my wishlist
would you prefer the term "thing that shoots really fast gun" instead? The point is still there and I don't see the point of it when it's a loot based game where you essentially get variants of guns that all have the same DPS.
>this mad you got booted from a Zippy approved Alpha Team (C) bvdrama188 raid ERP session
Shard yourself
here's your (you)
It's fun for a console shooter.
Wish they would stop balancing guns for PvP though, fucking faggots.
He's not wrong. /dg/ is nowhere near as bad as some of the other generals on /vg/. You're just a /dg/ only faggot.
The weapons only have similar DPS in normal PvP where weapon damage is normalized
nah man it's shit
oh i see it's just kazuto crying for attention dw daddy awesomeness will be there in the morning c:
Yea it's shit, but there's 10 more pages of shit under it
>mfw I picked void because the name sounded cooler
as a heavy player of Destiny, both PvP and PvE, I can tell you that the community and matchmaking suck donkey dick. So many turboscrubs out there it's phenomenal. Luckily I had a large group of about me and 9 friends playing on PS4 so we had more than enough to get all the content done and then some.
Blacklisted and reported to alpha team
>More planets and environments
>This planets/environments to feel more dynamic and not so damn static (get a fucking weather system, wildlife, and friendly NPC's in there for fucks sake)
>Get rid of the stupid ass Tower thing. It's just another loading screen between me and the next mission giver/shop/my vault, etc. If you want a social hub let players have their own. Make it so ships are private social hubs, sort of like Warframe. If you're not going to make space battles than it will give ships a function.
The Tower isn't that bad, but it needs to be expanded and each guardian should get their own living quarters they can customize. Kinda like GTA V, I suppose.
>loot system needs more randomized elements. it doesn't need to go full retard like Borderlands but I don't want to get the exact same rocket launcher 100 times.
I think that only happens during special events, but RNG needs to be retooled either way.
>triple the amount of exotic loot.
Triple? Really dude? That's way too fucking much. They'd have to retire old Exotics like they did before.
>make it so you can run into friends in the open world and invite randoms to fireteams without seeing a loading screen (division solved this issue why can't bungie?)
Yeah, I don't get why that's a thing. From the same people that let you instantly move shit from character to character on a mobile app, no less.
>up player count in PvP and make big maps
Why? Go play Battlefield 4.
>some sort of forge thing
Why? This isn't Halo? Crucible actually has an element of lore to it. Don't fuck with it.
>not us truly play fashion-destiny and let us mix and match armor rarities without it effecting our effectiveness in certain game types and so that every one doesnt look the same at higher levels
That's why you have the infusion system if you really fucking care what you look like.
Nigga, add space battles and call it good.
theres actually incentive to run patrols now, have oyu played since the april update?
>not realising they have rep boosters now