I don't get it. I thought that you guys loved TF2...

I don't get it. I thought that you guys loved TF2. Why would you hate Overwatch which is practically the same thing but improves on a game that came out years ago.

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overwatch doesn't have hats and memes
for now

vanilla tf2 had some semblance of balance and no bullshit one hit kill powers.

...youre right I'll buy Overwatch when it gets more memes

>Why would you hate Overwatch which is practically the same thing but improves on a game that came out years ago.
In what way? It casualizes dozens of mechanics, no modding or dedicated server support, worse characters and designs, unsatisfying weapons, less maps, and fucking press X to win ults.

>adding ults and metas

Overwatch is several steps backwards on what i like about tf2

in an effort to both balance the game but make it fun for casuals they made every class OP with one shot weapons and killstreaks which turns it into CoD because of how fast it is and how many random unavoidable deaths you get, and the very situational abilities of the heroes means winning is entirely about team composition and not skill.

Not that I'm saying TF2 is tactical shooter masterpiece before someone greentexts me

People just have a nostalgia hard on for team fortress two. Same goes for ocarina of time

Cry more pls

I can't get over how much of a rip off of TF2 Overwatch is.

Right down to the fucking comics.

t. blizzcuck

>What's the problem with this perfect game?
>Actually here's several problems
>Wow who asked you stop crying you baby

>Overwatch which is practically the same thing

you clearly haven't played either games, stop stirring some bullshit.

I always disliked tf2

I enjoy Overwatch much more

>random unavoidable deaths

>Went 18/0 with Tracer and 21/0 with Genji tonight
Someone didn't play for more than 30 minutes. You learn there are good counters to everything and lone wolfing it is only going to get you focus-fired.

Since when did ults become so fucking hated. There is no reason to hate them.

I'm angry at this game because I'm bad at it.

I've played it for hours already and I've done the same, the only times this happens is when you are against a team who picked the wrong heroes.

>taking control out of the players hand
>no risk or stragey needed since you don't lose it on death
>makes teamfights about "who has more ults" and not "who has better aim"

>someone is saying something that I don't like. Better hit him with the old "u nvr playd it though"

Do you know how you get your ults into the game?

>in a tight corridor or room
>ricenigger activates his dragon killstreak
>everyone in there is dead and can't do shit about it

It's fun, but shallow and honestly doesn't have much content. It's the sort of game I'd play for a few hours then never touch again.

>the same
>extremely low skill ceiling even when compared to TF2
>slow as molasses
>ults are press button get epic play! so shitters always feel rewarded
Overwatch clearly has the super casual in mind, and that's OK I guess.

Who's ult takes control away from the player?
If you're talking about the players on the receiving end, there's a reason all the ults have extremely loud activation sounds.

Wait... doesn't better aim give you more ults?

I hate to admit it but this game is going to be hugely successful. and not because it's a blizzard game and millions will buy it, because it really captures the team shooter in a way that allows even the baddest of baddies to be decent at it.

plus, it's fun with friends. I'll probably spend a few months playing it after release.

because I have spent over 500 dollars on TF2 hats, why the fuck would I give a shit about the newest shiny toy when TF2 is still better

>it's fun with friends
Anything is fun with friends, that is never a plus.

Yes and?
Even in TF2 items like buff banner which function similarly never aim for you or give you information you didn't know about your enemy, and you have to play a trumpet effectively warning the entire enemy team you have it on top of the glowing ring and weapon and if you die you don't get it back. Mini crits don't mean shit if you can't aim.

Ok, I played for about 4 hours. This game is pretty good. now granted, I never played TF2, but what I played here was great.

Every character seems like shit and you get your ass wrecked if you don't know how to use the advantages that each character has.

Also if you suck as a team you will get wrecked.
Some characters are more OP than others but I feel that the weaker characters are more suited for support than front line guys.

I see some potential in this game if they don't drastically change it within a few years.

>You have to play a trumpet effectively warning the entire enemy team


You get the idea.

I like TF2 better than OW, which surprised me alot. OW feels pretty dumb with low skill ceiling.

It can be a fun party game for a couple friends on console i guess.

not division or last of us. that shit had me bored to tears.


Game needs a 3rd person mode

>soldier 76 (autoaim)
>pharah (enormous aoe)
>mcree (autoaim)
>reaper (autoaim)
>hanzo (enormous aoe)
>reinhardt (enormous aoe)
>zarya (makes aiming unncessary)

hell even the healing classes are more casual than TF2
No more having to juggle multiple players with uber or decide who is the best target for the situation everyone around you gets heals/revives.

widowmaker also deserves a special mention because wallhacks is just a fucking retarded mechanic.

lacking compared to TF2.
less indicators overall, there's no delay, and there's no risk involved. Buffs in TF2 you have to put a lot of thought into your positioning and deciding if it's better to play it safe and just take a few kills or milk it and potentially wipe the enemy team. Overwatch you can walk straight into the enemy team, there's no risk since you don't lose it on death.

>improves on
>20 tick rate
>generally shit classes with no versatility
>chock full of ASSFAGGOTS elements

Sup Forums hates games. everyone knows that

You cant be so much retarded.

Widowmaker is such shit, basically the Sniper from TF2 but she can see through walls, her sniper rifle charges in less than a second (compared to a couple seconds for TF2 Sniper, and there doesn't seem to be any advantage to headshots over bodyshots from what I've seen) AND it doubles as an assault rifle. I mean, the fuck is that balance? Every time I get sniped by Widowmaker I get that same feeling when I get bodyshotted by a gibus in TF2.

>chock full of ASSFAGGOTS elements
>Like characters having usable skills and uh

Because it doesn't improve upon it, it utterly casualizes it and the entire FPS genre as a whole.
I don't even like tf2 but holy shit stop trying to say that every game is worse than it. First you fags had to say it was better than battleborn. Now the shitposting is that it is better than tf2.
How about just letting the game stand or fall on its own merits instead of how much worse every other game is comparatively? Because you know its casual and gets boring after maybe 20 hours.

I'll probrably end up buying it if everyone else does. its pretty fun once you get the hang of it.

No sure how long the community will last though. but people still play Cod on xbox 360 so I'm sure it will last.

>i'm a complete and total blind and deaf retard, so the game is shit

>overwatch has girl characters and grappling hooks

I'm sold

>having to make choices and play around a weapon's weaknesses to be effective makes me a retard
yeah ok
I bet you defend overwatch's health bars too

>>chock full of ASSFAGGOTS elements
You dont even understand what dota-elements are

>a 16v16 game is the same as a 6v6 game

spotted the dotafag

Actually the only moba game i play is battleborn

>playing 32 man servers
Kill yourself.


>having fun
kill yourself

Headshots do more damage.
I don't think widowmaker can kill anyone from full health without a headshot.

>having fun on 32 man servers
That spammy bullshit isn't fun.


32 player servers are what killed the game, you pleb. It's the same as 32v32 metro meatgrinder bullshit. People don't want to play a game, they want to see their points rack up without having to think.

can you not handle social activities with more than 2 people user?

Are you retarded?

but 32v32 metro is literally the best experience you can have in an online game

yes it does, Overwatch has cosmetics for characters AND some taunts are memes

>microsoft paint recolor skins


he's saying there's no punishment for dying
especially with ults they charge regardless, even when you die they continue to charge.

>pharrow skin for the robot monk
>succubus skin for the swedish doctor
>lesbian kike turns into lolita goth lesbian kike

>It's a "makes a comparison to the wrong game" episode

OverWatch is Shadowrun without the tree of life thing and teleporting through walls

>wow 3 skins

He's right though, 16vs16 TF2 is retardation, and shouldn't be used as a basis for comparison with other games. The game was balanced for less people than that.

>practically the same thing
>IMPROVES on a game that came out years ago

This had better be b8 nigger. Vanilla TF2s meticulous balancing may have been lost over these 9 years of cash cowing and copying, and although TF2 in its current state is admittedly cancer, Overwatch cannot hold a candle to vanilla TF2s balance and perfection. Overwatch is an SJWs TF2 with shitbag blizz devs, unbalanced classes and abilities, a far lower skill ceiling, and with zero effort into any of the map design.

The game lacks all of the charm and soul of TF2, despite it trying(and failing) to copy it. All of the games mechanics are taken straight out of other games which do them objectively better. Dota and LoL do the Moba shit better, with more balanced and fair champs and ults, and TF2 does Arena and Class based first person shooting far better. If you want a fun skillful class based arena, play tf2. If you want just a straight up arena shooter, wait for UT4 release. If you want to play a moba, go play LoL or Dota. If you want a shitty half baked clusterfuck of all these genres shoehorned into eachother with objectively inferior and stolen mechanics, while having to deal with a shitty SJW community and cancerous devs, go play overwatch.

Or preferably just kill yourself for having shit taste.

those are just 3 off the top of my head, there's the mariachi guy for the edge lord, goth tracer and more
why are you retarded user? I'm genuinely curious as to why you're such a fucking retard, because no one can be this dumb

it has ASS though

>Vanilla TF2 Balance
>Demoman was even more ridiculous
>Engineer couldn't carry things
>Pyro and Spy still very useless

Eh it was okay.

>memorizing skins in video games
how's that basement user?

I personally feel that Overwatch is a step back from TF2.

>cartoony fps = tf2
World's best meme desu

That's because it is

world's retarded post desu

>and no bullshit one hit kill powers.

>being so careless as to let a Spy get through your defenses and backstab you
>sitting completely still, in the open to let a sniper kill you
>not having counter snipers
ur shit at tf2 bud

Spy takes skill to play and you need to be able to aim as Sniper, they don't press Q and get free kills

I don't like playing reaper but that mariachi skin is so good. Especially the white one I would use him all the time if I got it.

Honestly my biggest problem with it is just that like they felt the need to make so many characters when there is so little to differentiate half of them. It feels like they originally set out to make about half as many, each with more varied abilities and ended up dumbing them down to make more.

I dont like TF2

and I think its better than overwatch.

Overwatch sadly isn't as fun as TF2. It's like TF2 but somehow even more casual.

I hope something replaces TF2 before it gets too old. TF3

Facestabs are obnoxious as fuck, but snipers have to aim and spies have to spend a minute getting into position for a legit backstab and end up dying half the time anyway.

In the beginning there was TF, and it was good.
Then came TFC, and it was better.
Then came TF2, and it has ruined the archetype to this very day.
Overwatch is a symptom of our times. It's the unholy bastard child of TF2 and ASSFAGGOTS. It's actually somewhat better than TF2, with more dynamic action and more complex classes. But at the same time it has auto-play features built in that aim for you, see for you, kill for you. These don't really harm the game, and most add at least a smidge of strategy to the matchups. But it still feels limited and artificially gimped compared to TFC and OG TF.

Decent shooter 7/10 (for reference TF2 is a 6/10), not really enough to get me interested in shooters again.

It's the same thing as Loadout

Tf2s balance is just as good if not better then it was at launch

TF2's balance at release was trash. Take off those nostalgia goggles now.


If anyone has a leg on which to stand on it's people arguing that OW is worse than TFC. Not TF2.

There is no ASSFAGGOTS in OW, though.

>TF2 launch balance
Soldier had 40 rockets.

What would Team Fortress 3 be? What is there to possibly change? Team Fortress: Global Offensive? TF2 already has its microtransaction economy so there's no need to shove it in like valve did to CSS.

TF2 has quake like DM mechanics that define it at high skill levels. Overwatch has no DM mechanics. Your aim means almost nothing and to top it off there is no advanced movement.

Deathmatch mechanics?


Cause its worse than tf2 is NOW. For free.

Fuck off shills

>vanilla tf2 had some semblance of balance

what the fuck. did you even play it back then?

>pyro was fucking useless other than for spy checking
>demoman had shitloads of ammo for both his guns and his explosions had huge radius and huge damage that hurt even through walls. sticky launcher literally had 40 ammo so he could camp any chokepoint for days
>heavy was pretty much useless unless attached to a medic or dispenser at all times
>sentries were nigh-impenetrable defense without a major coordinated effort. all it took to deadlock a CTF game into stalemate was two engies on each team.
>spy had a long backstab animation and no way to recharge his watch except waiting
>map design had huge flaws like only one camp-able exit from attacker spawns and not nearly enough health kits, especially deep in enemy bases like 2fort

TF2 was terribly unbalanced at launch. it's a lot more complicated now since they've added a million new guns, but it's actually more balanced than it's ever been.
