Poor fag stories thread?

Poor fag stories thread?

I saved up money to get a Wii u ever since it was announced in 2012 and I finally saved up enough to get it 2 months ago. I couldn't get any games for it though so I got this because it was free I have a Wario amiibo so atleast I can have fun with it

>tfw only got 3 new games for birthday/xmas

true suffering, I'd be lucky to get 10 games a year when I was a kid

I just got a ps4 from a family connect for pretty cheap ($160) and also cod ghosts and TW3 to go with it.

There goes half my funds

Pirate the games, user.

no because I don't want to get in to illegal matters I don't want to pay fines

Then keep being a poorfag I guess, pirating is piss easy.

Find cheap games off of craigslist

I be telling nintendo get ready for court fag

Get the Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle.
At least the $1 tier.

lock you lips to my bumhol and ingest my gas

somebody gave away beta keys to overwatch. made my day.

>Being poor
>Buy game system
>Can't buy games
Why would you do this to yourself OP, you could have used that money to better your situation

Nintendo consoles are the worst for poor fags because everything about them is so dam expensive.

If you had to save up for 4 years for a game system, you can't afford a game system.

>VHS tapes.

if it takes 4 years to save $200 I don't think his situation will ever get better

I can impulse by consoles without them making a dent on my budget. So cant really relate to you, sorry OP.

Although I have a feeling youre lying, because youre hiding the actual front page of wiiu.

Is this the power of the upper class? I used to only get one.

I stole them from goodwill

Get a job. If yours doesn't pay enough get a better one. If you can't get a better one get a second one.

If you don't want to do that then enjoy being a poor faggot that can't afford fun distractions.

>true suffering, I'd be lucky to get 10 games a year when I was a kid
What the fuck? I never got more than 6 games for a console at all until I started buying my own games.

stupid bait thread, I'm broke but a friend got me a Wii U

another friend is getting me an NX next year

make some 1st world friends on the internet and get them to buy you shit like I did nigga

I am on the front page because there's no arrow on the left

>Saving up to get a Wii U when you knew the NX was on it's way

Maybe the reason why you're poor is because you're stupid?

Get a fucking job too if this isn't bait. Even burger flipping would let you same for one in less that 4 fucking years

>Has device connected to wifi so he can do amiibo shit
>Somehow doesnt have any demos or other misc channels that come pre-installed

Sure champ

I moved them because they look ugly on the Wii u menu I have them in a folder all the way in the back

But you have removed all other shortcuts, which seems fishy to me.

What do you mean by shortcuts

Just like you did for all your game icons to create this bait thread.

If you post a picture of yourself by the wii u screen I'll send you one game of your choosing.

But remember, you need to have your dick out.

Where do you live? I don't believe that yours are worse than my situation. Anyway, find a job.
I live in a third world country and I worked my ass up for a job that pay $250 per month. Yes, you didn't read it wrong, $250.
Minutes living expense, I was able to saved up for a decent PC that costs $600 last year. I mostly buy game from bundles and steam sales.
But I still allow myself to buy day-one game (like Dark Souls/Guilty gear Xrd) 2-3 times per year.
tl;dr, get a fucking job.


That's not you. People actually like Winnie the Pooh.

they can't, 'cause they're literally a baby.

where the fuck did you get a winnie the pooh amiibo


check cheapassgamer

Sometimes they have advice on how to get FREE games legally. That and get GameFly. You need a credit or debit card but your first month is free.

Or don't.

I got one for birthday, one for Christmas

do you have a laptop?

Sell your ds and Gamecube games then just emulate them, then.


user...they're not your friends.

>This whole thread
I feel like we were all rused.
There will be something unexpected at the end.
I'm waiting.


Prototype for the canceled port of Pooh's Home Run Derby U

they are, i just send them pics with my pants down like all friends do

Why are there so many faggots with wii u/3dses that didn't do the wii mini exploits, or either of the humble bundles?

the wii u has icons preinstalled, like settings, and mii maker which CAN'T be deleted. You must have moved them to another page or something, and now people are getting all sensitive and pissy because apparently you are baiting, even though you are just shooting the shit

hack the shit so you can have free games.

What the fuck is happening here?