ITT: The most broken character in their respective games

ITT: The most broken character in their respective games

>Shit damage
>Lowest health
>Only good for harassing and distracting. Occasionally blinking in and sticking someone then rewinding out.



Literally true.

t. Tracer main


>shit damage

Learn to aim scrub

Good lord, you Overwatch people are worse than smashfags with character complaints
Just right now on Sup Forums we have two threads:
>wuh wuh tracer is op
>wuh wuh roadhog is op
And this morning I saw:
>wuh wuh mei is op
I don't even play this game but you guys need to git fucking gud

>I don't even play this game
Thank you for invalidating your own post so I didn't have to do it

>about to win
>enemy team pushes cart with Mercy healing Bastion turret on top of the cart

>I am terrible at aiming

just have someone switch to Genji


> shit damage


And now popping up in threads is
>wuh wuh they made every character OP so casuals don't actually have to learn to play!


>"i can't move a fast target or predict blinks because im shit" - the post

why can't you aim down the iron sights in this game

it's so dumb


>wuh wuh mei is op
A good mei player is annoying to play against.

Tracer is complete ass no pun intended

I love to seeing how this same thread has been started like 30 times with different characters in the OP.

YOu know each of them were started by a retarded who got dominated by a character they're bad at and calls "broken."

I think this is why the game is great.

At least 1 thread today for every hero saying they're OP and then countless people never having issues with them.

Only one I agree with, and it's the most common. Is bastion.

"Hi, I'm just going to shoot my arrow about 3ft off your shoulder and, oh look, I killed you. Arrows take skill."

"Better follow up with my ulti that goes through walls and pretty much guarantees a kill if you don't see it coming."

Forgot my pic.

Why is it so rare to get off a good Reaper ult?

I don't play your game but all I see is shitters complaining about how one character or another is op. Reminds me a lot of smash cancer.

I like to play D Va and fap in a corner while she's not in her mech

Best way to do his Ult against people that actually try to kill you while you're using it is to drop down on them from above. The delayed reaction as they figure out where you are is usually enough to kill a few squishies and give you enough soul healing to finish off the rest of the ult.

Otherwise people just headshot you while you slowly spin.

If you think these are funny, check out the official beta forums. Holy shit it actually literally is just that.

>achievement for wrecking with Soldier76 aimbot



Check out the official forums. It's hilarious.

These 3 sluts