This game needs poise, I say, poise!
Pic mostly kind of unrelated.
>inb4 'op stop clamourin 2 walk thru every atack 4eva'
This game needs poise, I say, poise!
Pic mostly kind of unrelated.
>inb4 'op stop clamourin 2 walk thru every atack 4eva'
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off, this game is not for you
reminder that str is literally easy mode, i am tired of all these scrubby shitters complaining they cant wear a full set of heavy armor and steamroll through the game
literally get good, faggots
What's hard mode? Because STR, DEX, Quality, Pyromancy and magic are all easy mode. Only hard mode is purposefully gimping yourself where you don't level or use fists.
That's not what I'm saying at all man.
I see no problem with being able to stack enough poise to tank at least one hit. On top of that I continue to fail to see how you fags who complain that "dark souls is meant to be a dex only game with rolling and that's it faggot" can still complain when that's literally all it's become. And that's boring.
Why can't you see that it'd be better to have poise than to not have it? I'm not even a user of heavy armor myself, I just want to see people using it and poise so that we have more variety in builds.
What's the point of doing PvP if everyone is doing the same build?
Reminder that this is not Bloodborne, this is Dark Souls 3.
Shut up faggot
God I can't imagine how easy the game would be if I gave in and stunlocked everything to death with straight swords or the estoc.
Personally, poise not being enabled doesn't change much for me because I generally resort to a build that use a huge weapon but not enough carry weight to lug armor with a lot of poise. Having to play tag while fighting with ultra greats is fairly normal for me.
I actually carry around an upgraded dank sword too for emergencies. Cause haha pvp meta is not kind. I refuse to use an estoc, though.
They're too stupid to realize that working poise actually created build variety. It was one of the biggest issues of DeS in that no matter what you played if you didn't fast roll you were 100% gimping yourself. Oddly since DeS build variety has been steadily decreasing to favour faggot pvpers and their precious 'balance'. Fuckers ruin every game they latch on to.
>tfw it's literally turned off and they can turn it back on at any time
>tfw they still haven't done so
What the fuck
>try to do a miracle build
>get lightning stake from the Alaskan Bull Worm
>try to test it out on the rats in the demon ruins
>get hit out of the cast animation after a rat slightly nudges against me
What is the point?
the whole idea of poise is simply that if you are a big armor guy, you should be able to tank hits and trade attacks. you'd be slower as a result, and in das1 this was a problem because you could have flipping havels and greatdads but god damn it's a n e w game they could have tied rolling to armor types
the only fucking big heavy weapon that has hyperarmor on it is astoras greatsword and if you're foolish enough to get trapped you'll get hit twice no matter what, but it's so easily avoidable that it's balanced
now if only i could use my greataxe and not be stunned by one simple poke from a rapier
You've already debunked your own argument in the first word.
I'm not even a caster and holy shit the hyper aggressive rats are fucking annoying. Certain weapons are unusable against them because of nopoise.
Worse, certain rat spawns in the game have glitched hitboxes where the damage and recoil from the attack happens before the animation, and the animation itself has no damage.
>in das1 this was a problem because you could have flipping havels and greatdads
The tools to do that shit don't even exist anymore. I'm not sure what From is thinking.
>str is literally easy mode
>play dex
>R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 stunlock stunlock stunlock stunlock stunlock stunlock stunlock stunlock stunlock
woah.............. such skill.......................... damn.......................
it must be that miyazaki wanted the game to be bloodborne. maybe he thought it couldnt be balanced if poise was added. who fucking knows
all i know is that dark souls 3 makes bloodborne look like the greatest game ever made. i used every single weapon in bloodborne but i can only find 4-5 weapons i actually enjoy using in dark souls 3. weapon arts are a fucking joke.
my biggest problem with bloodborne is that it simply doesn't fucking work
risk+reward is the main focus of the game, it doesn't work, you could literally just back away and heal in the half a second it takes to vial, instead of risking it for some hp which you could recover by using that goddamn vial, one of your twenty vials
bloodborne had a thing where there were like, 5 weapons total, but they were all completely unique, this is why it's easier to look at them all and go, hey, these are all pretty awesome, whereas in dark souls 3...
well, let's just say I am holding out for the DLC to save DS3 from becoming outright boring
>whereas in dark souls 3...
The game mechanics make most of them unusable even in PVE.
Have you not fucking SEEN the weapon art of most of the talismans? It literally gives you poise during animations. And its strong.
Fuck off people that literally don't play the game.
marrycalls are very bad (especially the close ranged ones), they need both hyper armor and increased speed if they will ever be used outside of fucking around. I though the spears were okay at 60 faith, until I tried great chaos FB, no reason to ever use lightning spears over GCFB.
I wouldn't mind if From buffed magic. However I detest poise because of backstab cheese. It's one of the things that made DaS PvP so intolerable. If they some how implemented poise for PvE I wouldn't mind. However that's why heavy weapons have hyper armor. So you can tank through hits. This system is better in my opinion because it prevents poise friends from circling enemys or players, tank hits, and back stab them. They face them head on with heavy armor and a heavy weapon.
P.S. Poise is technically in the game only in rolls, and hyper armor.
Its in a good place in DS3.
Poise shouldn't allow you to absorb a hit at any point with no consequences. They wanted to avoid that for obvious reasons.
Right now, if you can raise it enough you will not flinch if your attack animation has come out, but you will still flinch if you are just starting your attack animation. This is the way it should be.
i get that perspective that the vial system in bloodborne is broken in certain regards. i don't really put any value into complaints about "boohoo i died a lot and have to farm for it now", but yes, having twenty vials makes it a lot easier to play, but it also is the only souls game that has bosses i CANNOT beat on my own. a lot of bosses were also designed with the mind to attack you exactly when you think you are safe to use a blood vial. i really liked the take back health mechanic and i think that the gameplay worked very well overall.
bloodbornes TOH added a lot to the core of the game, so hopefully darksouls 3's dlc will do the same.
Yeah except Mornes greathammer, the twinblades, the twin katanas, the edged greatswords weapon art.
Let me just sit here and tell you why the only possibly needing buffed WA is shield shatter, and thats because greatshields are fairly strong.
You suck at this game dawg
Calm the fuck down, Captain Capslock. You'll hurt yourself.
I'm not the OP, and it's not an argument for poise. I'm just responding to another post commenting on the asshole rats being annoying.
we don't wanna use sunlight tailsman it sucks, we wanna use yorksha.
Not to mention the wolf swords got a pretty aesthetically cool WA. Not to mention that you can simple infuse a shield in your left hand, or even a bandit dagger/sunsword/mornes sword for extra damage with red tearstone/mornes greathammer's WA.
Your opinions are awful and you should feel awful
poise doesn't exist right now
I have no idea where this myth came from
armor =/= poise
Nah, it's shit and you're shit for thinking it isn't shit. Eat shit.
The problem with not having poise is that there's literally no reason to use heavier armors or to ever, ever, ever go above 70% equip burden. Literally no incentive at all. There' no trade-offs, no potentially positive gains, no fun builds to center around it, it's 100% a bad idea. And I think that's messy design.
But it doesn't do much more damage till 49 faith lul
Shouldn't matter especially against small, multiple hitting enemies especially with a fucking lightning clutch ring.
Poise with the poise currently in the game would let you take 2 hits from the rats, period. if turned on. I've turned it on and tried it, its literally pointless lol, it won't save you full havels/wolf from 1 swing from a ugs. YOu're shit
If they weren't going to make armor functional at all, they should've just provided us with only light armor sets, since there is literally no reason AT ALL to use heavier armor other than for fashion.
Meaning they should have done what they did for Bloodborne. Except that in BB, the Hunters are all cloth-wearing fast dudes, so it makes sense they can get stunned easily by anything. They trade poise or super armor for quick dashes and even quicker attacks.
In Souls games, you're supposed to be a slower knight dude/whatever class. Worse, the poise system IS there, it's just literally switched off at the moment. You're supposed to trade equip load for poise, and they even DRASTICALLY reduced the poise values for armor for DaS3, meaning that they DID intent for there to be poise, but you couldn't stack loads of it quite as easily like in DaS1. Then they just turned it off because fuck you.
The game right now is sort of okay without it, save for the few fucked up stunlock combos in PvP, but poise would allow you to trade with shitters trying to use said combos in the first place, potentially preventing you from taking 1K+ damage from some spinny hammer combo because you get stunned for ten years after the first hit.
FromSoft has had quite the hard on for stunlocks ever since Dark Souls 2, so turning off the poise may have actually been intentional.
Poise actually doesn't exist for the player character. Heavy armor is worthless now. What's the point of it existing?
Poise would be fine if they kept the backstab mechanic from BB where you had to land a fully charged strong attack on someone's back in order to initiate it. Only reason I disliked DaS' PvP was because of those instant backstabs, which were lame as fuck.
All of you need to play the game more friends. There is hyper armor on almost every great weapon. You just need to swing at the right time. Poise exists only in rolls. Which makes it to where you don't get hit stun if you get hit in mid roll.
Chuckled sensibly
>these are all pretty awesome, whereas in dark souls 3...
I was really hoping a lot more from weapon arts, especially since they traded them for DaS2's powerstance and BB's transformations.
Way WAY too many repeats on the weapon arts, heck not enough move set variety among the same weapon types.
I think the backstab generally works pretty well in DaS3. It's not perfect, I've been lagstabbed a couple of times, but at least it's still usable in PvP unlike in Bloodborne where backstabs were basically never used.
No matter what you do if you try to use wrath of the gods against a gank squad they will interrupt you (or kill you) before it goes off. This was the only use of WOG in DAs so it's useless if you can get it off when surrounded.
This is more a WOG complaint then a poise one. Just make it instant again.
You mean the enemies that basically die instantly if they hit your shield?
Well, the way they redid the armor system does mean armor provides an incredibly noticeable benefit from the moment you put it on. A heavier set also provides a noticable reduction over a lighter set. Getting all your protection UP FRONT rather than when you've upgraded every piece of armor to max before it's worth wearing is a massive improvement.
If you can keep your weight under 70%, having gigabig armor will provide a real benefit, and having even .01 over 30% means you might as well try to hit 70% flat. .
Still doesn't excuse disabling poise. That's stupid.
I was looking forward to having all the benefits of power stance as well as weapon arts.
But no. No power stance. Why. This is just stupid. Irregardless of the difficulty of implementation (which would be low to begin with) I can't even imagine why they wouldn't want to implement something that already works, and that works well - I think we can all at least agree that power stance was nothing but a good thing.
I watched one of the trailers back then and some 1 hour footage before the game release, the gameplay was fluid like bloodborne, my question is the following:
Does it play like bloodborne?
I legit need to know
That's just hyper armor. It doesn't matter how much poise you have for that to work. It's tied to the weapon.
Take off all your armor and try using those weapons again. You still won't stagger if your timing is right. Poise actually doesn't do anything in the game right now.
Depends on what weapon you're using. Without even basic amounts of poise, a slower weapon is recipe for stunlock. I tend to like spears myself, and at my max range they will lunge and chew on me mid windup.
It's incredibly annoying. When a weapon becomes blatantly unpleasant to use, I consider it unusable.
Calling it now, in the DLC we'll get a ring or something that turns poise on, but conflicts with rings that give you better rolling or better stamina recovery.
That's why I said shield. Enemy hits shield, enemy gets stunned for the next year so you can hit it with anything you want.
And if you are doing some slow weapons with no shield self gimp run, then you better just get good.
I wouldn't need a shield if those faggots enabled poise.
You wouldn't need any skill ether.
Seriously where is the challenge, or decision making in walking towards enemy and pressing R1, with no risk?
>why aren't you gimping yourself like meeeee
>everyone has to dodge roll everything because i said so
Get off it, dude.
It's not like I want to roll around in Havel's. I want enough armor to not be chain stunned by the weakest enemies in the game because there was more than one at a time. Something a nice medium weight.
I like the game when not using a shield is a viable option. It was a very good option in 1 and 2. Just light enough to roll. Just heavy enough to not be stunned out of everything by chip damage. Both flexible and demands being aware of what you can handle.
This time it's just carry around 100 block shield and hold it up to win.
Really great when the key to the game is holding L1 while circling right. Oh no wait! Sometimes you circle LEFT. Exciting.
It plays like Bloodborne in that enemies are fast, waver back and forth occasionally, have long ass arms for good reach, and most enemies don't have poise so many mob fights are composed of "hit them first and mash R1 until they die".
It does not play like Bloodborne in that there's no sidesteps when locked on and lacks any custom comboing.
But user poise is shit. If you want something like poise use a ultra weapon. Or learn to parry. Are you the kind of guy who circle strafes an enemy till you get a backstab?
So basically they took the worst aspects of Souls and Bloodborne and put them in to one game while ignoring the redeeming features of either.
People born after 1989 disgust me.
Who needs poise when greatshields exist?
So you disgust yourself?
>Trade faster rolling and movement for being able to tank a couple of hits in a Souls game where enemies are faster and more aggressive than ever and dodge rolls have more utility and invulnerability frames than ever
>Wow no risk no challenge get good scrub
It's just enabling alternative play styles you giant faggot.
And I say this as someone who's preferred lightrolling since DeS.
Hyper armor is a much preferable system, it just needs fine-tuning. Iframes should be on startup only.
Speaking of older souls game.
Holy shit the flip ring of DaS1 made the game trivial. You didn't even need to be a giant dad. Go naked and light roll was the easiest way to play DaS1 till you could upgrade armor to max. But by then you could have gotten the flip ring and made the game even easier.
>invade some guy
>he has an estoc
>has two phantoms both with estocs
>spawn right next to them
>before I can do anything they gangrape me to death with R1 spams
that's a very obtuse date
it's the year you were born wasn't it?
>early invasions in Undead Settlement
>Didn't know about how bullshit the estoc had become yet
>Host and three phantoms.
>Oh well time to get ganked. Maybe I'll take one down with me
>All four have estocs
>Stunlocked the instant I'm in range of the first phantom
>The others swarm like bees.
Dude, I was advokating using shield, the ultimate easy mode, one button to block all tool in all of Dark Souls.
Not using armor tanking in DS 3 is not gimping yourself, as there is no armor tanking, thus you need to pick an alternative.
Really the only reason not to use it was that it made you look like some retarded ninja.
Such a ridiculous item in retrospect.
cast it with L2 instead of L1 dipshit
This. I would happily go above 100% if I could have enough poise and a greatshield. A slow moving tank.
>a shield is a viable option
It's still viable. There are situations in which rolling is superior and almost mandatory when compared to shield, but then there are also situations where shield shines.
Fuck being chainstunned by more than one enemy, I want to avoid being chainstunned by one fucking hollow with a broken straight sword.
Memories of this are why I appreciate the change to armor in DS3 (disregarding poise for a moment). Not only does it encourage you heavily to wear at least something, the base stats on everything is noticeable. No need to wait to end game to bother wearing things either.
I never bothered wearing heavy armor or upgrading armor at all in DS1 because of it. I'd put on a cloth set I could find early and wear that the whole game as is.
So what am I doing wrong here? I have 23 dex and 16 luck, and I'm hitting for 140 at +3. Did I fall for a meme?
Because I have to 3 hit trash mobs two handing and I can 2hit the same guys with an unupgraded uchi. When do these things start getting good??
I hate being that faggot who just posts a youtube video... but here I go anyways
This guy explains exactly what's wrong with Poise
yea pvp is degrading into just weapon types, anyone who argues armor has any effect has no idea what the hell they are talking about, the only reason i pump vit at all is for cosmetics, which is a shame, completely wasted stat as is
ive been enjoying the pvp as well, a little more diversity would really make it goat for souls pvp imo
>using a specialised weapon before you hit optimal stats
almost as bad as using sorceries before you respec to 60 int
> people defending no poise
> people think it's ok to get stunlocked by a pack of rats by trying to swing a slow weapon even if you're wearing havel's armor and the poise ring (which is literally a useless item)
The fact this is necessary to play a fucking sorcerer is fucking stupid
I'm trying to play a sorcerer from start to finish and holy shit they need to tweak magic
I don't care for pvp at all and no poise just sucks in pve for str builds. There is something wrong when rats and dogs are the most dangerous enemies by far in the game
Gigabig armor only provides ~10% extra reduction over light armor. Most of the reduction comes from equipping your armor slots with anything at all.
Anyone notice if npcs have more poise than players? Like some have little armor but seem to get a good amount of hyper armor when attacking
Darkwraiths have poise
no, its braindead and goes against the entire point of souls games. fair but unforgiving. you shouldn't be rewarded for tanking hits. besides, alot of the replay ability of these games comes from the online, and poise would ruin the entire online aspect
I know but they're more like enemies, I mean the actual npcs you find and the npc invaders as well
Heavier armor doesn't even provide that much of a difference in damage absorption.
You get your damage reduction for armor in each slot and a few percentage more in absorption for heavy armor.
So, what the fuck is the point of heavy armor even existing?
It wouldn't ruin anything, it would be a hard counter to r1 spam and give people a reason to wear heavy armor.
make it hollow and pump up to 40 luck, then use bleed resin
>getting easily stunlocked to death is fair
All they have to do is give weapon attacks a poise multiplier which activates instantly on an attack but is weak on rapiers and swords, getting major buffs on UGSs and similar weapon classes
It'd counter any possible Estoc/Havel meta, why does From have to be so incompetent
And enemies like the Dark Wraiths even have working poise while the player doesn't.
For all you nopoise fags, how do you propose we make heavy armour viable? Because right now it's literally worse than useless.
I'd understand if it's their design decision, but then why leave it in?
Found the dexfag
You are literally retarded. Pretty much anything bigger than a straight sword has a shit ton of hyper armor on its attacks. If you find yourself getting stunned by a rapier while using a greataxe, it's because you're playing like a dumbass and not timing your hyperarmor to trade properly.
Poise is a fucking buff in the game now, how hard is it for you guys to understand?
Any weapon that had the preservence skill activates poise for about 2 seconds. The fastest animation is the one on the mace but mace sucks as a weapon for the most part.
And yes it it fucking poise. Try it out on enemies and they'll actually stagger when hitting you
Iron flesh works well against faggots like that.
>Poise is a fucking buff in the game now, how hard is it for you guys to understand?
It's also a pointless misleading number on armor that should have just been removed entirely if they weren't going to implement it at all
ou know if everyone didnt wear light armor 24/7 and expect not get stunned well it'd be fun for yo. Stinking fashion souls weebs you wanted caps and frilly shit you got it. Besides there's a video that perfectly explains why poise shouldn't be in the game.As well as the fact every second swing or hit you can parry a fucker to death
"muh PvP" is the only argument against it, really? PvP. In a fucking souls game. A goddam secondary mechanic From pays absolutely no fucking mind to or else we wouldn't have broken covenants and the worst netcode in any game ever.
Why don't you go play something actually designed for competitive player versus player play like a fighting game?