Who else /leafy/ here?

who else /leafy/ here?

dont get why so many people hate him, his videos are actually funny as fuck

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Yeah if I was 13 I'm sure I would find it hilarious

*swearing about some random person over shitty gameplay footage*


I think he sounds like deadpool having a stroke, but I guess I'd still pick him over that other fuckwit. Lesser of two retards thing.

Fuck off with your eceleb bullshit

Did gook moot add a vegan board or some shit?

Over who? H3h3?

Ethan is actually funny, leafy just swears for the alt-pewdiepie audience

Saw like 3 of them, the actual cringe is how he speaks like somebody who just discovered internet memes.

leave forever

kys lol

Hi its leafy guys. Haha, look at this retarded cancerous tumor. Oh my god fuck ass shit.

you really must be underage to enjoy this.

im more a ltcorbis person


what is there to even like about him?

Literally 80% of each and every one of his videos is padding to extend the runtime to 10minutes for more profit

The other 20% is a lazily made "critique" of a video with "DUUUUDE" interjected every 5 words, it's nothing but pandering to his 10-14yo audience. You can tell he doesn't even care about what he's talking about, those days are long past.
If you want to watch that kind of shit go to H3H3 or filthyfrank or iDubbz, at least they put in a little bit more effort.

he's a kid who makes fun of other kids

he makes the same video over and over again


his videos are like the forum posts you make when you're young then remember years later and get embarrassed when looking at them again

except he's much too old to be at the first stage of that still

It's just satisfying that leafy ended up with more subs after being labeled a bully, when all he did is call out spergs on their shit. Now if they both got cancer that'd be the icing on the cake.

Probably pryrocynical. They are both terrible

My nigga.
Corbis is GOAT!

You must be 18 to post here faggot, kys

Go to bed underage


Why the fuck does he whisper? Is he scared his mom is going to hear him and beat his ass?

Leafy looks like a scene kid

I'll be totally honest I just subbed to that guy because that fat fuck Ethan made a video whining about him and also I like Tetra

Everybody knows it's all about The Dunkey.

I love how Dunkey and Jontron made a complete fool of him. Glad the big named YT'ers like Pewdiepie and Markiplier are calling faggots like him out too. I hate them for their shitty content but at least they make CONTENT. Not just commentate other videos while swearing like some autistic 13 year old.

Is there a place where I can keep up with all the Youtube and Twitch drama? It's funny as fuck.

How about post an actually funny youtubers?

He needs to quit bullying King Joey


drama alert


It amazes me how everyone of his subs seem to ignore this fact. His look used to be so punishable and treated as a total joke. which pretty much confirms that most of his viewership, and i really mean most, is underage.

Keemstar is a massive faggot. Anywhere else?

trump this trump that
bounced on my boy's dick

he got too popular, so of course all the hipsters now suddenly hate him and think his fans are all 13.

there are other pages like his just start with that tool, phillip de franco another good one for it

Cool, thanks user

All his fans are 13, same with most popular video game yt channels

You must be 18 or older to post here.

Where's the Leafy Star Wars pasta?
That shit was perfect

Why do we still don't have a eceleb board. Or a rule for /trash/ staying in trash

>watching some dumb youtube drama shit
>mentions Fred was once the most subscribed to Youtuber

Fuck does anybody remember Fred?
That guy got his own show or something didn't he?



Literally nothing to do with video games.

I hate Leafy but i enjoy Pyrocynical's videos. am i cancer too, Sup Forums?

He got the movie (also)
Though even a fucking cat meme got a movie

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.


what I did like about the drama is that leafy showed how hypocritical h3h3 truly is. With his 'saint of youtube'-bullshit he's trying to turn youtube into one huge reddit circlejerk

h3h3 obviously doesn't care about 'bullying' other people, after all, who in these cringe videos doesn't have a mental problem. His actual gripe is that leafy gets more subs than him in a lesser time with zero effort.
But it's not leafy's fault the youtube audience prefers quantity over quality.

That being said though, leafy is unfunny as fuck, has zero creativity and if you like him I hope to god you're underage

Oh fuck, yeah I forgot all about that.
Weird, the stuff you block out from your memory.

You have the mental age of a 13 year old. Just accept it.

I'm not saying h3h3 is the biggest channel out there but when you do get that big I think people feel the need to suddenly be a bit more polite. I've noticed this with a lot of people who start off being under the radar, then when they get big they tone it down a lot.
Maybe just to avoid backlash or whatever, when you're pretty up there you can only really go down. But I do agree, if you try to force your opinions on others then that's bullshit.
I've never watched h3h3 or whatever but when this drama catches my attention he usually comes across as really whiny and up his own arse


We really should just have /cel/ created already.

you got me

>mental age

Idk I at least laugh at his videos and he at least he tries to not be a dick and asks his watchers to not harass the people he's riffing.

It's the endless click bait titles.

Eh, i preffer Pyrocynical (because i subbed to him when he had around 2K subs) and now he has 800K) and NKFRZ.
h3h3 has the occasional funny video, but most of the times he comes off as a presentius git.
Leafy sounds bored half of the time.


Confirmed underage.
Leave this website.


Not at all. It's plain old, shameless clickbait under the thinly veiled guise of sarcasm.

That said, I'm still a huge fan. He is really funny. His titles and thumbnails are fucking annoying though.

My biggest youtube guilty pleasure. Great background noise when I'm working, but I do enjoy actually watching his videos. I've grown to like his voice, and the slight edginess to his humor takes me back to a time when people weren't just massive SJWs or ultra edgelords. Kinda like old machinima.

Her whole "jaded 10 year old" shtick kinda annoys me.