This game is good and all, but why is the fan base so fucking cancerous Sup Forums?

This game is good and all, but why is the fan base so fucking cancerous Sup Forums?

What? Most of the players are chill adult people, how is that cancerous?

Excuse me? RO2's fanbase is probably the least cancerous one out of all MP shooters.

I can't stand the movement.

Everytime I drop my machine gun down to fire it either won't turn far enough, gets pointed directly upward, or starts shaking violently as I zero in on a target.

> PC
> Why is is cancerous?

Your question had an answer before it was asked.

when ever I put my mic on and talk people always seem cool and just tryin to have fun

Everytime ive gone into a gameit is always people screaming into a mic about how someone sucks and needs to stop using the weapon they are using so that they can use it. Even when I see new players they are getting yelled at about how much they suck, I only play realism. idk maybe I just get every server with the douche bags

Where are you from? EU servers are fine.


I'm not sure about the US but the Russian servers are comfy and fun to play on

Ya probably because I wouldn't know what the fuck they are saying due to the fact that I don't speak Russian

Then learn, you fucking Wallabee

commie tongue isn't for me

you don't play on the right server
the other day I played on a server filled with Sup Forumsacks and some rising storm
was pretty fun

Any actual Sup Forums or Sup Forums populated server?

>expecting anyone here dropping money on a server
Your opinion of this place is way too high.

Worth a try, but any server with most affluence with Sup Forumsirgins?

I've been considering it. Money isn't an issue, I'm just unsure if I really want to run a server frequented by the hacker known as Sup Forums. It would just be folks spouting memes on voice chat and complaining that the Axis team is full.

I got the impression that most players browse anyway. Memes give them away, that and the occasional Sup Forums shit.

Most Steam users seem to be aware of this place at the very least.

That's what chill admins are for, aka not having a shitfest of a server

A game focused on the eastern front of WW2 tends to attract Sup Forumsacks, wehraboos, stormfags, vatniks, and slavaboos alike

Anyway to rank up fast and easy? Lvl 65 now and it's getting tedious, I just want veteran weaponry goddamnit

Have been thinking about the same, actually. Not for Sup Forums specifically, however. It's more that I wanted a server that has a config closer to my own preferences. For instance, I hate when servers enable name tags on friendlies from long range.

Then I realized those servers already exist. It's just that nobody plays on them. Usually it's the same 3-5 servers that get maxed out.

Bot servers. Always be on the defending team. Also a got way to level up weapons, especially the C96.

I'd do the same. I'd also remove the kill feed entirely to force people to confirm kills the old fashioned way.

>I'd also remove the kill feed entirely to force people to confirm kills the old fashioned way.
You're a cool dude, user.

Seems like your average US community in any game then. Seriously, why are Americans so loud and obnoxious on the internet?

It is? I enjoyed my time playing it and Rising Storm. Great fun when both sides have people communicating and organising charges/pushes with smoke.

>there used to be a server I frequented that did this
>now it's gone

Sometimes getting a team to work together is like herding cat.

Could it be because they're loud and obnoxious in real life as well?

Someone conduct a study or something.

>I'd also remove the kill feed entirely to force people to confirm kills the old fashioned way.
With tab?

People who lock in important role's and then don't play them properly, like people picking SL just for the smg and then not throwing smokes, are pretty annoying desu.

>play late at night
>americans start arguing in chat about politics like 17 years old
If I wanted to deal with Trump memelords and Berniebros I'd go on Sup Forums

And the "What if Nazi Germany did X?" discussions.

It also kinda sucks SLs only get one smoke per spawn.

>throw smoke
>squad gets mowed down
>"Sorry guys, liberating the motherland from the invaders has been put on hold."

That's why you refill instantly for 2 smokes at once, filthy casual

Resupply whenever you can and be sure to remind your TL to throw his two smokes.

Only play Hardcore mode in Red Orchestra. Seriously it's a lot more fun. Your shots actually matter and you have to be really careful about where you go, how you move, and when you shoot because if you hit someone in the right spot a single rifle round will end them, but the same applies to you.
Non-bot or low-bot hardcore games are where you find people that actually work together and move out as a unit in the squad they're in respecting orders of the squad leaders. Ocassionally I'll get a really good game where the commander is actually acting as a general and commanding squads to specific places and when to move up and which points to hold.
A lot of kids get mad that hardcore is too unforgiving so they don't play it, leaving most of the more mature playerbase there. There's also specific clan servers that play seriously and tactically and allow non-clan members to play as long as they keep serious.

They may seem more on subject, but they're still annoying. First, because it's not the time or place to have a discussion, everybody's here to play. I'm sick of seeing retards sitting in spawn because they're too busy typing back.
Second, because most of the time people don't seem to have a clue of what they're talking about, and their opinions are triggering.

>wehraboos when the next map is bridges

I like how every fanbase is cancerous, not just that you have retards in everything no no. EVERYONE is the cancer. God forbid someone do something you don't like.

The best excuse is "I'm learning" when they run in full auto with the SMG. As if there's some heightened difficulty to marking something with your binocs and staying alive out of harm's way.

If you're lucky and there's an ammo point nearby, you can go ham with the smokes.

>If you're lucky
Or, you know, try to plan ahead

>that guy who picks SL1 and camps 100m behind the cap
>that guy who picks SL1 and dies like a retard constantly
>that guy who picks TL and never uses arty
>that guy who picks TL and drops arty on his own men when they are capping
>that guy who picks engineer and never destroys anything
>that guy who picks tanker and constantly runs into enemy lines without infantry support

>Those faggots micspamming their shitty fake-accents and regurgitating the same 'whittu piggu go home' or 'yellow monkeys' memes over and over
>They actually think they are funny
>When everyone has already heard this shit hundreds, if not thousands of times.

At this point I've just stopped playing, because there's no option to just mute everyone. And muting individuals is buried under a really shitty system of menus that is clunky and buggy as shit and eats up several minutes at the start of every match(Because, of course, it doesn't remember your mutes from the previous round.)

Honestly, historical games bring out all the autists in general. Make a down to earth game set in future or strange-real already so all the airsoft faggots and slav/wehrboos can fuck off.

>that guy who picks tanker only to sit back and take pot shots at at nothing from long range
>probably uses AT rounds too

"I'm learning" is the worst fucking excuse ever because every single class in the game can be learned to the point of not actively dragging your entire team down by just playing a fucking rifleman first and paying some attention to what's going on around you until you understand how the maps work.

Eh as far as first person shooters go it's above average. What I've noticed is
>American servers have memespouting autistic twats who hold down their mic keys
>Euro servers have easily triggered sensitive flowers who ban at the drop of a hat
It really depends from server to server though, RD, bloodbath, banzai, and the russian servers are all GOAT. RD easily has the best overall regulars and bloodbath has good admins.