Post em poorfags
Post em poorfags
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Shit's like $10
Rekt. Good thread OP.
Video games.
My shit is 3mb p/s
You try living in hillbilly country while being an internet user.
It's nearly worse than that game you hate.
I want your internet, I'm paying fucking £30 a month for this.
Wait, there are people on Sup Forums who don't have 300 mbs up/down for $10?
I'm calling my ISP today.
Sick of this shit.
I have 50 ping, 8mb down, 0,7up; disconnects about 30 times a day
39€ month
89 Koalarular for one month
it's like 100 in my local currency. someday i fucking hope some local neckbeard would go berserk on my ISP
Hold me anons
>Tfw paying $90 a month for 5Mbps
Someone please send aid.
Where the fuck do you guys live.
2 times better than my telstra 2bh pham
>tfw 2 weeks time FTTP install happening
>tfw 100/40 for same price
I work for Optus. While I acknowledge they're a shitty company they're still better than Tesltra. If I were you I'd recommend getting the fuck out while you can and going to TPG, not that your speeds will change since they're fucked until we get Liberals shithouse copper NBN. At least TPG has decent prices tho
I wish I had NBN, this upload is suffering.
$100 NZ per month for this shit. That is $68.38 USD. Fibre? What the fuck is that?
Come on senpais.
Step it up.
Also, costs me ~$98/month I think.
Post another where it shows todays date faggot
Awwwh yeeeeaaaa
This is a gaming board, not a tech board
You jave some ping issues there, bud.
Fuck me.
And I pay 19,99/m for that.
>tfw can't even get 350kbps on the best of days
I'm and I pay like 80 a month
>live in italy
just fuck my connection up senpai
>these shitty ass upload speeds
>south island
We're paying for 100/10 but about 3 weeks ago I noticed I was downloading at about 30MB/s.
Our ISPs website does not even list 100/10 anymore, the slowest is 100/100 but I'm not complaining seeing as they've increased the download speed by quite a lot for no apparent reason.
France, Orange fiber.
Why the fuck are you complaining. There are Australians in this thread paying the exact same as you for 1/4 of the internet speed.
Ahh. Freedom - States, Cox.
Straya. Brisbane inner suburbs.
$4 a month even though it should be like $2
fucking jews
Used to be 60 down 30 up, but it's not too bad for a village in England.
>all these australians shitters
Not only you shitpost all day, and like moot once said you're destroying the fucking website, but you also have shitty bandwidth, which means you cancerous faggots lag in any game you play.
Just fuck off internet as a whole so we get rid of you niggers.
The only thing I miss from Bulgaria is cheap internet I used to get 100/100 for 10 Euro now I'm paying 40 and I'm getting 100/10
Bandwidth has very little to do with lag. What makes the users lag is the high latency.
>tfw this speed is cheap as fuck in scotland
feels good not to live in a shitehole
From when I was home over Easter
Jesus Christ that can't be real
Yousee it's Danish, back home it was a local neighborhood ISP
having cables made of pasta doesn't help
Christ on a bike, where?
They still do 28.8kbps if I remember rightly. He might be out bush where there's no DSL.
Literally this. The whole continent needs to be nuked from orbit.
I'm data capped, living in a third world country is suffering.
here, and I thought I had it bad.
How were you even able to load a page?
move to the north island you cuck
fiber is pretty much every where in the northisland
And you probably get more than 4 times the money than in Bulgaria
>nuke the entire continent
For the amount of nukes you'd need, you'd fuck the rest of the planet up big time.
>Faster than 97% of AU
Yorkshire, it took a good 5 minutes to load a page. The isp pretty much let the connection slip and didn't bother to fix it. We get 1mb/s with our new isp.
>A desert wasteland with the highest concentration of mutant animals and people anywhere in the world
What point is there in nuking it?
27eurobucks a month
Unlimited, of course
True, but I have to deal with proxies to access torrent trackers which is a bit of a pain.