Persona 5 most likely won't come out same day as nipland.
If they were really planning for same day release they would have announced it as world wide release yesterday and not just wait until E3 too.
Expect a December release.
Persona 5 most likely won't come out same day as nipland.
If they were really planning for same day release they would have announced it as world wide release yesterday and not just wait until E3 too.
Expect a December release.
Other urls found in this thread:
Sony has literally nothing for E3 other than their PS4k which is getting extreme negative press.
Announcing a Persona 5 release date is at least something they know will make people happy before they show us all the money they are about to waste.
It will be the exact same show as last year but with new trailers;
>Persona 5 Release date
>Final Fantasy 7 Remake trailer
>Last Guardian 2016 release date
>Shenmue 3 update
>No Man's Sky launch trailer
>PSVR Shit
Probably a Crash remake as well, if rumors are to be believed.
Another delay won't kill anyone, and at most a spoiler of something really obvious will happen if it isn't worldwide.
Not much lost if it isn't, Im more annoyed at how Europe is shafted endlessly.
Yesterday was an event for japs only. There'd be no point of AtlusUSA to exist if they announced it then.
Maybe Sony wants to save the same day announcement for their E3 conference and drop the bomb then for maximum blowout.
>Expect a December release.
I hope.
Would give me plenty of time to play FFXV.
I really think we won't see P5 until 2017 Q2 though.
Persona 5 will probably be released in North America before in Japan, so expect release date this summer!
Of course it won't. It'll take at least 6 months for the English version
People at E3 don't give a fuck about niche weebshit.
Did you not see last years? It's not gonna be something that gets hella people applauding.
Whatever you say familio
>hella people
Then why are Sony always hyping the shit out of a NA Yakuza release?
Yakuza sells like shit here, but they keep announcing them at conferences like people give a shit.
The Persona 5 stream had 5+ million viewers, there is a market for it.
yea my nigga, finna for some call of dooty negro
Who the fuck uses words like this? What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Yakuza sells like shit here, but they keep announcing them at conferences like people give a shit.
It was announced during the Playstation Experience event and for 0 it was SEGA.
Sorry pham.
Didn't realize that the Playstation Experience Conference wasn't a conference.
My bad.
>what is announcing new games
>People at E3 don't give a fuck about niche weebshit.
>Last Gaurdian and Shenmue were the biggest announcements last year
hella kill yourself
I believe in you user, don't let me down.
But it's basically for fucking everything
Who /can't read moon but doesn't give a shit/ here ?
>No Man's Sky at E3 a week before it's release
I really hope not.
>The Persona 5 stream had 5+ million viewers, there is a market for it.
It didn't
>Last Gaurdian and Shenmue were the biggest announcements last year
You people need to realize its not "us" fans that are attending E3 and it's all these professionals reviewers and press people .
Square can get away with some titles because they have a huge market in the west.
All i'm saying P5 isn't gonna be something everyone at E3 is looking to see.
I can read a little, so I'm very on the fence about importing.
I'm sure I'll understand the important stuff and I get that god tier voice cast too.
As if you were losing anything
>muh generic friendship is magic cliche animu garbage dialogue that is going to end the same same way as the last two games
>december release
The best, getting to enjoy a long awaited video game during the holidays is perfect
What the fuck does square have to do with anything you idiot?
but when is the PC release
Mark my words you fucking console losers. You hear me right now? Loud
and clear? Well good, you better listen the fuck up.
I did NOT spend $600 on my GTX 980, another $300 on my overclocked
i7 @ 4.10ghz, 16 gigs of ram, and deluxe cooling systems to keep this
beast at proper temperatures to NOT fucking play Persona 5. You hear
me you little faggots? I have spent WELL over $1000 on my gaming rig,
and I WILL play Persona 5 on it one way or another. I abhor, I hate, I
LOATHE the idea of even thinking of some cheap shitty console from
Sony being allowed even 30 yards from my basement. If I need to make
a fortress with my pizza boxes, Big Mac boxes, and liters upon liters of
piss bottles to keep that shitty underpowered piece of plastic toy away
from my very being and my beautiful prized possession (that's my PC in
case you didn't know, fucking low IQ peasants), then so be it.
Atlus, I will ask nicely once more. You WILL port Persona 5 to the PC
platform via Steam, it WILL obliterate the console version, and I WILL
pirate it just to spite you dumb fucking slant eyed gooks for daring to
even spite us; the proud and powerful PC master race.
>tfw Persona will never have an actual plot again
>dating sim waifu garbage will never go away
P3 was a mistake.
nice pasta mi amore
look at dis nigga
>depressed japanese teenagers fighting fucking Hitler
>actual plot
>not wanting to have friends (even if they are not real) or relive high school in a more positive way
Is it summer already? I want edgy kids and normies to leave Sup Forums.
Because they are usually at E3 and show off weebshit?
>I can read a little
You're probably better off waiting for the English version then. Not that I'm going to say don't try to play it, it's just that it probably won't be very enjoyable. Believe me, playing JRPGs while using a dictionary every other sentence is extremely annoying. Then again, that probably helped out my reading ability a fair amount, it's not something I really have to do anymore. Though I still need to look up things, some kanji and some words, now. I seem to have to do it more often in Persona games than in even other JRPGs I play; I even played a couple hours of Trails in the Sky today and didn't need to look up much. Though that's only the beginning of the game, so who knows? Persona is probably more difficult because of its conversational nature. Mostly 3 (and I'm guessing 4, I haven't played it yet) anyway, Persona 1 and Innocent Sin weren't that bad. Eternal Punishment kind of was, it may have been worse than 3 and 4 in that aspect.
so do a lot of other companies you clueless faggot
>The Persona 5 stream had 5+ million viewers, there is a market for it.
It had like 4k idiot.
Even if i never watched the stream I'd still know you are full of shit since it was an jap only event so no fucking way it would have managed to still pull 5 million viewers.
Innocent Sin certainly was zany, but I thought it was still interesting. Though truth be told, I prefer Persona 1's plot. Actually I prefer Persona 1's everything.
Not that guy, just so you know.
maybe on Twitch only
>being such a titanic faggot that you need imaginary high school friends years after leaving high school
/r9k/ please.
Yeah I know the feeling, I've imported RPGs before and it's a pain. Unless it's Pokemon which is easy as shit to read.
It was about 200k people between Nico and western restreams.
>not watching the youtube stream and making assumptions
I'm disapointed in you, you clueless faggots
State some other than Sega and Square or even Sony who may have worked on one.
>record-breaking E3 numbers were 21 million viewers in total
>my weebshit stream had 5 million, guise!
Jesus Christ, you're retarded.
didn't say it had 5mil, just that it had way more than 4k.
If you have friends or have had at least one hour-long conversation with another human being who is not a member of your family in the last year, you are a normie piece of shit, who belongs to leddit or any other fucking forum, where you can discuss shit with your normie friends.
oh give it a fucking rest you tryhard
Sup Forums has been as popular as facebook for half a decade now
Always Unique, Totally Interesting, Sometimes Mysterious.
>3rd most popular website in the world
>Sup Forums
>like barely outside the top 800 in popularity
Seriously, get the fuck out!
Are they really dead? Like i hear other than pro soccer they ain't making no more vidya.
Don't care familia, I know Japanese and live in Japan and own a PS4.
Nigga they didn't even present anything last year.
Lucky bastard.
My weeb studies still do not allow me to read it.
Fuck If I want to move there
Because of faggots like you Sup Forums became normie shithole. I still remember CP Thursdays and joking about everything without white knights and moralfaggots shitposting in a thread. I seriously hope you will die in the most painful way possible.
It's a very nice country if you know the language and aren't some kind of leftist faggot, it's highly traditional but Japanese are probably the kindest people I've ever met.
>TFW when someone is going to call you edgy.
I think it's going to be before the end of the year. Though it would be cool as fuck if they announced the September date as worldwide at E3 (which wouldn't be out of nowhere since it was supposed to come out in Japan during the summer)
ごめんなさい 私の仲間名無しさん
>personafags are this retarded and delusional
I'm getting some serious deja vu here
Who cares theres no dual audio anyway
>because I didn't witness it, it never happened
Who is retarded & delusional again?
The problem is that there is no immigration policy for staying there long term.
Am I wrong?
And I am more of a leftist anyway.
the 5 million is false.
200k is pretty accurate especially since Nico alone had almost that much.
and the youtube upload almost has 600k
I'm not trying to be a moralfaggot, but this might have been a little too harsh
I'm going to buy it and then i will also contact Atlus USA and praise their dubs and say it's so good they don't even need to include the jap audio because their dubs are far superior.
>not counting the viewers from dailymotion, vevo, putlocker, pornhub and vumoo streams
wew lad
You can stay if you marry a Japanese or have a proper job, in other words you can stay if you have a valid reason for staying which is how it should be in my opinion, you can also apply for citizenship after 5 years or so iirc.
>im more of a leftist
>You can stay if you marry a Japanese
Not gonna happen, probably gonna die alone
>have a proper job
I am going there to study for 2 years at least. Goal is to find a job there.
>you can also apply for citizenship after 5 years
Shouldn't I give up my other citizenship though?
>He will surely care about my opinion
Give me one reason why being a leftie is bad.
You get a better orgasm when you jerk off with rightie.
Pretty reasonable
I expect P5 to sell atleast as much as Golden as a total on all platforms.
Till this day i will never understand how a rerelease managed to sell more than the original on a dead handheld.
>The Persona 5 stream had 5+ million viewers,
No it fucking didn't, I was watching it live and it had under 5 thousand
I was watching the youtube stream and it had 4800 viewers during the trailer itself and that only went down after the trailer ended
>muh sekrit club
go back to Sup Forums faggot
Will there be a Persona 6 made on the same engine and released two years after P5, just like Persona 4 came two years after P3. What do you think?
i think P5 will atleast have double the sales of P4G considering it's actually on a relevant system this time.
i think that's kinda been a problem with every persona game when it was popular.
they were mostly on irrelevant systems
>how to spot summerfags
It's all the normalfags that got tricked into buying a vita had
Word of mouth, mainly. It was the combined effect of emulation, let's plays and fans shilling it between 2008 and 2012. Turns out anime teenager simulators really do have a wider appeal than one would think.
What said helps too, you can find P4G in every single "recommended Vita games" list, even the most casual ones, just from lack of competition.
P3 and P4 were on the best-selling system ever and nobody gave a shit about them except for a tiny otaku circlejerk.
As long as they still intend for it to release internationally by the end of the year, I'll be satisfied.
Though I'll have to take a brief hiatus from this whole damn website come September 15th.
Next one is on ps5
probably because they're were released after the X360 and PS3 were out.
most people didn't really go back to PS2 after that
Why would you want to stay in Japan for life? It sounds fun visit or live there for a year or something, but to stay?
Maybe if you fell head over heels with a girl over there and wanted to stay with her. That's the only somewhat reasonable situation I could think of.
Because i live for my hobbies.
Videogames and anime.
I don't hate this place where i live now, but it's incredibly boring, not even depressing.
I feel you, I went there not so long and I am considering moving now
I did rather live not as comfortably as here and actually get to do things related to my hobbies and interact with people with similar interest there. It's so fucking boring where I live.
Not to mention most things are cheaper in Japan anyway in comparison.
>mfw lyric version
I'm gonna need this soundtrack ASAP
Most people do not understand this.
I don't give a fuck about a job, a family or friends.
I just want to spend my limited time on my fucking hobbies in order to not get bored.
How is it anyway?
Are you studying or working there?
No, I went there on vacations for two months and now I am considering getting a job there and outright moving to Japan in one year or two,. As I said I did rather live in a less fancy department and/or have less free time if I got to actually do things related to my interests IRL, going to events and concerts, etc
Only thing I can do where I live is surfing the net.
I try to keep my interactions with family and friends at minimal, so I don't much on the way of social obligations or being indebted to other people. That probably helps take such decisions.
I see.
That is my view on life too.
Hope it works out for you.