who cares
it's shitty game
Who cares
The new outfit is really cute but stop defending censorship
How about giving me the option of what outfit to use.
Then only is it not censorship but extra content.
Is it really censorship when they make it more lewd?
Good. People that jerk off to cartoons deserve to suffer.
i'm legit worried about their mental health
How the fuck is anything on the left lewd?
>doesn't know what ZR is
How new are you?
Its censorship when they are forcing their own opinions over somebody else.
>More lewd than a swimsuit
You're retarded.
>hurr I need muh skin for it to be lewd
Sorry not all of us are 12 year old plebs
crude and offensive in a sexual way.
That outfit looks like shit.
But really, why would they age her up to 18 if they're going to completely remove anything even slightly inappropriate? Instead of changing the bikini Into this shit stain it could have just been a regular one piece bathing suit and maybe board shorts If they still think It's too much.
Do nintendofags defend every bad decision their overlords make?
What the hell is even the point?
It's gravure. Not some modeling shoot.
Hell, they defended that it wasn't a crossover that we were promised
You can't get more lewd than censorship you dumb ass.
>Wii U hacking has had moves forward
>Areasy have the Genei Ibun Roku #FE ISO
>Now just have to be wait for TMS to come out so modders can put the English text into the Japanese version
You can still see some skin, how DISGUSTING HIDE THIS SHIT
They're making it a modeling shoot instead of gravure. The outfit's different, the dialogue's different, the background images are different. They're gonna change everything. By the time they're done with it there'll be no hints that it was originally about gravure.
If you get offended by censorship then you're not their target audience. NoA release games for children. Their reputation as a company that releases games for children is more important to them than your business.
will people just shut the fuck up about this game already?
Oh the humanity.
They censored a shit game the majority lost interest in once it got revealed.
Where will I find pixelated panties now?
>What's the problem?
Context, the dungeon's theme was gravure modeling, and they completely discarded it in the localization. A game that serves as a critique towards the idol industry in japan loses all meaning if they replace the references to real life with arbitrary nonsense decided by out of touch localizers.
Its actually one of Atlus's best games
But people will discredit it just because its on a Nintendo platform. The hate force is too strong
>Its actually one of Atlus's best games
I wish this game sold well so people like you wouldn't perpetuate total falsehoods in order to seem like elite JRPG pros who don't follow the popular opinions
No, I discarded it because NoA destroyed it. Only way I'm ever playing it now is on a Wii U emulator with an uncensored patch.
>Its actually one of Atlus's best games
I wish you understood how the majority of game sells work particularly in an isolated market like japan
Sup Forums is a 18+ board
fuck off, now
They could have had both.
There's no reason to remove things, let the player decide what they want.
So is this the power of the nintendrone delusion? wow
Great shitpost. You sure showed me.
Jesus christ this is some nice bait
Poor Tsubasa, trapped in a censored Nintendo game
I'll buy it used because fuck nintendo.
It's true though.
Face it.
How many more Treehouse employees left? Have we found the source of cancer yet?
kill yourself cancer
>They could have had both.
They do you idiot, the swimsuit is confirmed still in for one of her special moves at least.
I wanted to but now wwith how censored it is I'm going to pirate the uncensored version.
The cancer is too widespread, better to burn down the NoA offices with everyone inside.
So what point was there in changing this dungeon?
For what reason are they censoring this at all if they're leaving the content in other places?
Why don't they just translate it and leave it alone?
God shitposters are obnoxious, stop false flagging you cancerous fuck.
>murder fantasy driven by localization problems
Holy shit are you 13
gotta get paid so they just find random shit in the game to fuck up
Censorship is intentional alteration or removal of content or messages. Even if it's better, it's still censorship.
And that's what we don't like.
Make an actual argument then.
>localize niche game
>without translating it due to niche appeal
>censor it and piss off the very niche you had hoped would buy the game
This is Fatal Frame all over again. Piss off the very few that are interested and have it sell even less. Nintendo is so out of touch. Reggie should be crucified to set an example.
Hey man don't ask me, all I know is the swimsuit was still there in recent footage.
How much do they pay you per post?
Since NoA was made to change games can you really call it cancer if it does what it was design to do?
but user, they have to feed their families somehow
>"We did it to comply with the ESRB ratings"
>Game is rated M
>Features horror and all kinds of spooky shit unsuitable for children
>A bikini is censored
>GG managed to get fired the only person that was lobbying for more underage fanservice at NoA
And you you guys are seriously surprised you get more censorship now?
>story about strong empowered women who overcome her anxiety and be confident
>localized version removed the obstacle and gave her everything in silver platter
BRAVO 4kids
For starters you didn't play the fucking game or probably any megaten games besides sinking in some hours in Persona 4 just to get some waifu fap material.
>a bikini with a scarf
I mean fuck them for censoring it but jesus christ that outfit is atrocious
Actually I think their reasoning was because of Europe's rating regarding underage girls not ESRB.
Neither did you. And you are calling it shit.
The bikini was a post game reward
I didn't really care about the change in Fatal Frame. I knew what they'd changed and when I saw the scene I went "Oh, so this is where it would have been," and then I moved on. It didn't really hurt my opinion of the game because overall I thought it was fuckin' slow and back-tracky as all get out.
Fuck off you contrarian cuck, she was SJW shit and nobody ever liked her until AFTER she was fired.
>because Nintendo
>the hate force
Jesus christ, are these people Nintendo Justice Warrior or what
its just a fucking pixel though who THE FUCK cares WHO THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK CARES
yes I am mad and I pressed my keyboard buttons all the way to type fuck
No matter how you look at it this game isn't for children. And even if it was, it's not going to kill them seeing some skin.
As a European I can assure you that excuse is bullshit.
if you'd played it you'd know it has a lot in common with most megami tensei games released since the mid 2000s
>Its actually more lewd in a lot of senses.
I don't think you know what that word means
The term is NIDF
fuck off le cuck the hatse force SJW shit my oppinion fucking slow back bikini reward calling shit europes rating atrocious bikini with a scarf le you didnt play it so le no opinion le persona haha le sso japanesse with firendss haha :D GG!! GG!! how much do they pay you per post!! :D niche game!! holy sshit are you 13?
She was the only person at the company that was trying to get rid of censorship and you went after her. You guys are doing the SJW's work for them.
based Europe
kinda shame the muslims are taking over. It was fun while it lasted.
And yet you posted a picture all about ESRB.
Those games are all released in Europe too with the equivalent rating.
The common pattern across those games is that they are not published by Nintendo.
>you guys
I didn't do shit. It was some anti-CP organization that called Nintendo. The actual cancer goes deeper. Probably at Reggie levels.
Im drawing a parallel with the SJW cause I've seen these people victimize themselves so so much
Isnt the new game set in gravure model? Thats why she have tons of ridiculous outfit but make sense in context
>I never lived in Europe but I go to Sup Forums everyday so it must be true : the post
Post the boss battle video faggot.
You know the one where the game actually looks fun and interesting.
>It was some anti-CP organization that called Nintendo
That organization was called GamerGate. And I bet you got involved with those faggots at some point.
The game looks interesting? When?
>Implying it isn't true
>But people will discredit it just because its on a Nintendo platform
>3DS has 2 mainline SMT games and two remakes of SMT spin-offs plus a remake of Soul Hackers
>3DS has two Fire Emblem games
Nigga what?
It was the wayne foundation you fucking faggot go back to neogaf and kill yourself.
I lived in France for my whole life and it's complete bullshit. Muslims are irrelevant and I have to encounter them in 0% of my daily life.
It has much bigger chances to be shit then good compared to other megaten games. Yet you shill and lie about this piece of shit being the best Atlus game.
There are a lot of great Atlus games like Strange Journey, Soul Hackers, Radiant Historia, Megaten: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. x, Shin Megami Tensei(I, II, Nocturne etc.), hell even Personas and yet you chose the most idol and pop one. Kinda shows that you're a souless weeb.
Was soul hackers a remake? I thought it was just an enhanced port.
So my bet was correct, how does it feel to be associated with those idiots?
>Game supposedly about idols
>Barely touches on real-life idol issues
>Barely even does anything with the idol setting
>Is basically an excuse for fanservice outfits
>Fucking Dancing All Night had idol suicide, idol bullying and shallow idol otaku being shallow
When DAN is better written than your game, you know you fucked up somewhere.
user, I'm not even the person at the start of the thread. I'm just calling you out for your bullshit. This might be a good game, it might be fucking shit. Nobody knows yet. I know there are a lot of great Atlus games. Play something before you judge it. The theme doesn't determine gameplay.
I feel sorry for you guys. Our Southeast Asian Muslims are a pretty chill bunch, very little religious conflict. Our only issue with them is that they hate work and actively refuse to do work but expect to get paid.
I never played the original, so I'm not sure.
>Barely touches on real-life idol issues
I had no idea this was a prerequisite for a game featuring idols.